GuestAccount69 2 points ago +3 / -1

"LOL! Why are you taking this so seriously? It's just a joke!"

"Citation needed!"

... You are such a parody of a leftoid.

GuestAccount69 2 points ago +4 / -2

This is all you ever do on this forum: make little psych tests or ask innocent questions that are supposed to make people doubt their convictions. We are all just Pavlovian rats to you. Fucking fake geek, doesn't even know how to correctly spell Spider-Man. Why don't you go Human Torch yourself, faggot. (As in, become a super-hero, of course...)

GuestAccount69 -9 points ago +3 / -12

I don't know what he is. Apart from general Milley and admiral Doubtfire I have no frame of reference for what 'true believer leftism' looks like with military types. That's why I made the list of antifa/celeb/politician types, I see their kind all the time. This guy is certainly a regime bootlicker, but is he just an obedient pawn, brainwashed by the media, or is it more?

GuestAccount69 3 points ago +3 / -0

FUCK! I forgot about those five tweets! Those are more of a smoking gun than the other stuff.

GuestAccount69 -15 points ago +5 / -20

To be fair, you think anyone who disagrees with you is a leftist.

GuestAccount69 20 points ago +20 / -0

So, End Wokeness retweeted a photo of Kamala Harris and a bunch of young military types, fully diverse and equitable, with a caption "Is this actually what our military looks like?" This lead this guy, Ryan McBeth to take a deep dive into EW's entire Xitter history, where he first noticed his sometime use of the phrase 'Holy Shlit' and the use of special 'foreign' letters to get around Xitter's dirty word filter. And so, since Chaya Raichik doesn't tweet on saturdays, he decided that it must be Jack Posobiec. And, after comparing the two accounts' entire Xitter history through some kind of AI tool thingy, he concluded that they are run by the same account... with a 55-80% certainty.

But, why I think this video is an interesting watch is that we often see leftists coming from the deranged troon/antifa demons, disconnected actors/singers or corrupt politicians/businessmen, but rarely from actual military types. Here's some blurb about him.

"Ryan spent 20 years as an anti-armor and heavy weapons infantryman with two overseas deployments and developed C4ISR software for Accenture Federal Services."

"Intel analyst, software architect, cybersecurity guy, Content Creator, NEWSMAX commenter, AeroMedLab AI Director of Integration."

In the video he claims that End Wokeness, Libs of TikTok, Jack Posobiec as well as Tucker Carlson are alt-right disinformation trolls, and he concludes the video with the following finger-wagging statement:

"I want to make something perfectly clear, to every disinformation agent out there watching this, foreign or domestic. Whether you're in Iran, Russia, China, North Korea or operating under the banners of a domestic destabilization organization. America is not intimidated by your propaganda. We are at war on the information dominance battlefield and we will not retreat, because we understand the damage that you inflict on the innocents. You would do well to recognize the resolve with which we defend America. We aim for peace, but if you insist on waging a war of state sponsored propaganda, against the United States of America, know this: THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL AND YOUR LEGACY WILL BE ONE OF FAILURE AND SHAME!"

I'm so confused. How far into the sand must you stick your head in, so you are able to take a bunch of 100% pro-Israeli Xitter accounts, put them together and conclude that they are the alt-right? Are there any conservative domestic destabilization organizations in the US?

GuestAccount69 4 points ago +5 / -1

There's this guy on the RPGCodex, called Vic, who was honored with the custom title of Bethestard thanks to his behavior in the two big Starfield threads there. I've long suspected that he's actually a Vik(ram), chiefly because he constantly rants against women and faggotry, yet has zero problems with the way White men are treated in the game. I know TheImp1 claims he's British, but do we really know if he's a White Brit or a Paki? He seems crazy by normal people's standards, but among the street-shitters his behavior would be par for the course. Except, yeah, I don't know of any pajeets that fetishize the jews.

GuestAccount69 13 points ago +13 / -0

I love how in the tweets further down people are passing around a "current" photo of Trump with a healthy ear, that was taken on September 17, 2022.

GuestAccount69 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would have complained about the absolute hopelessness and nihilism of their stories. I would have requested they do away with the trope of children repeatedly shooting themselves in the head to gain superpowers. I guess you guys are wired differently.

GuestAccount69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey, did you guys know that there is a version of the prophecy of the Antichrist which kinda fits in with what just happened to Trump? Unlike the Damian Thorne-style version, where it's some dude that has the devil in him from birth, this version starts off as a normal dude. Over the course of his life, this guy becomes a focal point for the people of the world, universally beloved, until a religious zealot shoots him in the head, he falls into a coma, dies and his body gets possessed by Satan. Coincidence?!?!?

This version was the basis for the 90s straight-to-dvd schlock The Omega Code with Michaels York and Ironside, Casper Von Dien and Catherine Oxenberg. Only here York's character is an irredeemable asshole and, after he gets shot and possessed, there's really no difference in his behavior.

I just thought it was something vaguely important to consider in case the left tries to use this angle to goad other nutjobs into going after Trump now.

AS WELL AS... Maybe this prophet guy already knows about this prophecy (or he saw the same movie) and is spinning a yarn, banking on it being Trump.

GuestAccount69 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been looking at this latest comment of yours and I admit it... I'm confused. Do you not understand the concept of a throwaway shitpost? Can you not grasp the simple joke in my comment? Why would you treat a shitpost as an invitation to a serious discussion? My comment was for Kienan, who is also an aspiring comedy shitposeter and I honestly thought you were replying to him, since you two were having a prolonged discussion. But, this... just wow.

GuestAccount69 1 point ago +2 / -1

Unbelievable. All you have to do is look, and see your own fuckup. Right up there, where everyone can see it. And yet, you're so far up your own ass, you can't fathom the notion that you can make a mistake.

Moron. One last time. When I click on the bell icon, I see this:

Graphenium 1 hour ago +2 / -4

What’s dumber, thinking he was missed on purpose, or thinking that mUh dEeP sTaTE was foiled by diversity hiring when they could have guaranteed a kill in a million other ways, as we’ve seen them do many times in the past?

Why do you suppose that is? (Plot twist: I'm not Kienan's alt.)

Look before you reply, moron.

GuestAccount69 3 points ago +6 / -3

You're missing a third digit in your IQ score, fuckwit. Clearly you are one of those mentally handicapped people who can't process inner monologue, so you need the medium of dialogue to reach the simplest of conclusions. Otherwise you would have realized on your own that you replied to my comment, not Kienan's.

GuestAccount69 13 points ago +13 / -0

It was a magic bullet. Set to go directly for Trump's ear. DUH!!

GuestAccount69 -1 points ago +2 / -3

I asked for specific examples. Three separate ones. You give me one, the jews, and some vague wishy-washy nonsense. Please provide me with two additional examples of contentious topics that are being discussed on a day-to-day basis on this forum, by multiple users in multiple threads, without an instantaneous ban (and I'm not talking about the pedopajeet, I have a feeling DoM has his own reasons for letting all of it go on.)

Yeah, I've clicked on your link and I get it. It's still a site for anime pedos. Well, I hope everyone who's into that makes the jump, but I suspect they already frequent both sites.

GuestAccount69 7 points ago +8 / -1

LMAO! This motherfucker! Bitching about spammers and trolls, and he's over there having pleasant chitchats with fucking Bluestorm! You faggots deserve each other.

GuestAccount69 6 points ago +10 / -4

I think this is a good idea, because what's gonna happen if you ever finish your game - your real world name is going to become public knowledge and everyone is going to know you as the dev that hangs out around a bunch of kike/cunt/nigger/faggot/troon/shitskin haters (if they don't, I'll be sure to let them know.)

Lord knows you've tried your damndest to get a modding position here, by making threads about things that don't inconvenience you personally in any way. Why? So you could get rid of these "spammers" you disingenuously bitch about. "Spammers" like Telia and Yoisi. Everything is fine, even unironically wishing death on all women, but make posts about jews doing jewy things and you're a copypasta spambot.


GuestAccount69 9 points ago +9 / -0


GuestAccount69 9 points ago +9 / -0

Bet they're gonna get a troon to play Elric.

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