Had a nice fwb situation for a few years but that's over now, so against my better judgement I hopped back into the online dating scene; and holy shit there are so many women who straight up say they expect a man to go to therapy.
It's not like I haven't seen this before, but nothing to this degree. I see it all the damn time now.
Therapy might have some worth in cases for people with actual mental issues, but the idea that most people should not only see a therapist but regularly see a therapist is fucking absurd.
Not sure if anyone else has seen the same. It's pretty clear that continual therapy is fully entrenched as a key component of the religion of woke.
Oh shit I remember that one. I think it was either in r/confessions or r/deadbedrooms.
They say this shit and then attack any sign of male emotion more viciously than anything I've ever seen from even old hard asses in the south
I mean tbh rape victims are usually nut cases so I wouldn't wanna be with them either.
Ask me how I know.
Another case of "don't listen to what they say, watch what they do".
Yep, she picks ''Mister Gym-guy who can make good conversation'' ( physical fitness and social skills ).
Not ''Soy-Feels Pudgy Vulnerable Lefty''.
yup. it's a shit test. the betas will do what the woman says. chad will ignore them or laugh.
then the woman gets in line for chad's revolving door, and sucks him off when it's her turn to get cumblasted in the face.
All the more reason women should be property. They're disloyal whores and that's the only way they could be made to be tolerable.
I posted about this last year:
Going to therapy is a sacrament in the feminist religion, so it's a good way to weed out feminists. Also remember that women make rules for betas and break them for alphas. If they're genuinely attracted to you all that shit goes out the window.
I don't think therapy works with the possible exception of specialized issues (coping with childhood abuse, addiction, stuff like that). But even if you put the most generous spin on it, I like to compare "men should go to therapy" with "men should go to the dermatologist". If they have a skin condition that a dermatologist can help with then sure. But going to one just to appease someone else is retarded. And let's say you go along with the shit and book a therapy appointment. What's the therapist going to do? They're going to ask you why you're there, and when you tell them that women expect the men they're dating to go to therapy they'll either tell you to stop wasting your time and money (if they're ethical) or use it as an opportunity to rip you off (if they're unethical).
lol, lmao even
I thought I remembered this topic being posted here in the past.
The point of therapy is to achieve results where the patient no longer needs a therapist. It should be professional guidance with measured advice towards that goal, but it seems that therapy is now an end not a means, a badge of victimhood with affirmations and headpats from your paid friend.
I understand that the process can take a long time, but the modern therapist seems more than wiiling to be a mercenary shoulder to cry on rather than fulfilling their actual purpose.
So yes, I agree that therapy has shamefully become part of the woke religion.
Just like the Pharmaceutical industry has a vested interest in maximising your life expectancy but also keeping you ill for profit, therapists also have a vested interest in maximising your time in therapy but finding issues that only they can fix - for cash.
You're seeing this in real time with lonely, single men post Tate and that's the goal seam they're mining for profit.
Yeah I have a family member who's been seeing the same therapist for over twenty years. From what I gather, it's just hour long venting sessions.
I found hour-long venting sessions quite useful when I had a heavy bag. I need to get moved somewhere where I can hang one up again.
Yeah, if you don't have a goal that you work towards in therapy it's not proper therapy. And if you need multiple years of therapy to overcome your issues: you're not relationship material. Fix yourself before you burden other people with your shit.
Women treat therapists the same way men treat prostitutes. You pay for your time, get some satisfaction out of it, and go on your way. Men bang the girl, and that's that, nothing else necessary; they enjoy the physical release, they're not there to start a relationship. Women go to a therapist to talk and talk and talk and gossip and be emotionally validated by someone with credentials to make the validation seem even more important and real. Once again, women seek an authority to direct them, they just don't realize they're doing it.
You have my condolences, OP. I haven't done a single bit of dating since I left high school, and I think I'm just that kind of guy. I can barely stand holding on to friendships, let alone building any of them into something serious or long-term. I can't imagine what it's like to have to trawl through that mess out there.
Tell them you will book an appointment with Jordan Peterson ASAP just to hear them "REEEE" as you walk out the door.
It's because "therapy" is just a giant gaslighting tool for women. It's not designed to help men, it's designed to try to get men to be better slaves for women.
Iron Law of Woke Projection never fails. They're mentally ill so everyone must be.
Haha. My raging liberal of a sister is constantly suggesting therapy to others and she's a depressed wreck of a person.
it's just programmed into them. they don't think like we do, they just follow impulse and programming. they don't have logic behind why they do it, they do it because that's what they're told to do
Yeah, when one said this to me, I think I said “Why don’t you?”
And then she ghosted and eventually blocked me, lol.
Not even one more word from her after I said that, lol…
Women respect a man who says “No.”
The 19th amendment was a mistake.
Every day I see women who seem hellbent on living up to their reputation in ancient society as incapable of loyalty, honor, or integrity. This is but another chapter in the long tale of "Imp was right again".
Imp was never wrong beyond his reaction and hatred.
You have to be a man about it. Women are like cats. Stupid, but crafty. Disloyal if you hang on them, needy/sociable if you ignore them and treat them like an object.
They should be kept like pets. You don't hate the animal for doing what the animal does. You just correct it, feed it, and don't let it vote.
why would you care about what a woman says? just be a manly man and ignore their shit and watch the pussy flowing
as a self-determined man, you just nod, and do whatever the fuck you want
peddling to women is for those weak, unresourceful, with no sexual options
I don't care tbh. I swipe left and move on. I just thought it was worth posting.
What was it? Men take the burden of initiating, women take the burden of selecting? Yeah, it sucks that the modern women is a permanent 24/7 shit-test, it's not changing anytime soon.
Just more anti-male bullshit, part 4.
Oh? They actually care about men?
Then "see a therapist to cope with a reality feminism has thrust upon you where men are shitty disposable wallets and bullet shields."
Of course that has nothing to do with being a mate, other than girls want a weak man to provide resources for them with minimal expectation out of her, so she can go cheat while he's slaving away to provide.
It's just the latest hollow plastic carrot dangling from a stick, but "this one is a real carrot we swear."
Bear in mind that there is currently a push by psychotherapists to profit from the gold seam of lonely, single men post Tate. Which might be behind this messaging in order to monetise and profit from such men. Problem. Reaction. Solution (and profit).
What does Tate have to do with anything? Besides that Therapists are mostly women and are hilariously incompetent at dealing with lonely men.
Tate is the boogeyman they want to exploit for clout and custom.
Just another sign that the general lefty/SJW social movement is drive by Femininity, more so even than the usually-accused foundations of Marxism and Postmodernism. And that’s specifically “femininity” rather than “feminism” because there’s no attempt to really advance or develop women, just make everyone act like and think like women, and interact with the world like women. I suppose there is an argument to be made that by turning men into women they advance their interests because on that level playing field they can beat us with experience, but I’m not sure that’s even a goal for most of them. I notice they still want the member of the weepy crying therapy attending couple who happens to have a penis to do all the work and recompense the members of weepy crying therapy attending couples who happen to have a vagina for historical “trauma,” personal “trauma,” etc.
This is better than sexual therapy which was pushed for a very long time. It even shows up in movies. The guy goes through hell, but is healed because he had sex. Do guys have sex drives that can cause anxiety and depression? Sure. Is that the cure to being beaten as a kid? No.
There are a lot of therapists who push therapy as a cure for themselves. They made themselves very obvious right after Trump got elected. In turn the lefty sphere got even more neurotic. I heard way too many people say they help their therapist as much as the therapist helps them. Had an aunt move in with her therapist, who she then dated. That's several breeches of protocol, and the therapist is still around.
So women are going after those therapists, and saying men need them. Really what men need are friends.
It's common enough someone should look into it. But, that would get in the way of 'therapy'
I knew a relative who was studying to convert to Judaism (her husbands religion) in a very liberal synagogue with a female rabbi. Same thing. Divorced husband and left kids. She was always a nut.
A therapist is only useful if it can give clear, applicable advice for how to change your mindset and behavior in a way that improves your life.
If you're not changing your life during the therapy, you're wasting your time and money.
The best mental health boost is meaningful action ( behavior ) every day.
Most ''therapy'' is just overpriced talking about your fee-feels, and nowadays, it's also Intersectional brainwashing.
Oh and no matter what Feminists say : showing physical and mental weakness to a woman is a turn-off. It's sexually-repulsive.
Saying they want men to be vulnerable, cry, say they go to therapy, is them consciously or unconcsiouly trying to get the defective males to expose their hidden defects so they can weed them out from potential partners.
Converse and act with competence in front of a woman you want to seduce. Don't expose all your flaws big or small like you're trying to bargain yourself cheaper as a used car.
Since the left are all anti-religion, therapists are their priests.
Probably ads from therapists trying to push customer inflow.
Capitalising on lonely, single men post Tate. Seen one well known UK therapist constantly bang on about Tate for this reason, to generate more business and profit for their practice.
Matt Walsh's takedown of "therapy" is pretty good
"therapists" will tell men that there is something wrong with them if they aren't an enthusiastic gay commie
My commute every morning convinces me that we need to take away their permission to drive in addition to their permission to vote.
I'm starting to think we shouldn't be teaching them how to read. The only upside of that is when they are reading they aren't talking.
Specifically just for men, because they are inherently wrong and obviously need external pressure to conform to the right shape.
Women who don't go to therapy are probably just girlbossing too hard to need it.
if you need therapy and did not suffer some catastrophic situation, you are a weak loser, you need to reassess your life and clean your shit up. when i say catastrophe, i don't mean your wife's boyfriend broke up with her... i mean you were fighting in some shithole 3rd world country and had to shoot children because the local insurgents brainwashed them to fight like the vietcong. most of those guys who didn't get help committed suicide.
if you need endless regular therapy, then you've dropped it down to a tier reserved for binge eating comfort food, and buying materialistic bullshit to feel better about yourself... not actually solving the problem.
The fetishisation of mental health and therapy is very dumb and cringey
I had one therapist who I thought was worth talking to (outside of a dedicated alcohol/drug treatment program) . He "didn't take insurance" and charged like 300 bucks an hour. that part didn't bother me. He was kind of a dick. That did a little bit. But probably he was just doing what was effective with me. I'm kind of a dick.
Anyways, I skipped town on that guy. I tried a few other times, but I didn't find anybody I like.
It's nice to have so many women coming right out and waving red flags, but it's also very depressing to find out so many women in our general dating pool are like this now and you're never going to be able to identify 100% of them on first contact.
They want to outsource their meddling. Holy shit how lazy can someone be. LMAO
The funny part is those women go to therapy and tell the doctor they just can't get wet for progressive men and they are sexually attracted to norm... they mean conservative men.
Its fucking hillarious, 60% of dem's are cunts and 40% of dem's are also cunts, the problem is the 40% of cunts with cocks are weak, stupid, lazy and evil males who won't be able to sire a kid let alone stay and protect the woman while she's pregnant or raise the kids. Normal men do, and they aren't Democrats at this time.
No man is going to knowingly inseminate a woman whose going to advocate to raise their kid in the gender neutral faith and will coax their son to say "am I girl" and then immediately run the child to Dr Groomerstein to start the transition.
Therapy is a way to bear control over you as a man.
It’s like asking you to cut your nuts off so she can wear them as a necklace.
Unless the idea is that you should be in therapy because you're not in a relationship, that sounds like a terrible idea. I could see the logic if a woman wanted to be needed, and a self-sufficient boyfriend who doesn't need someone in his life to talk to can't give her that. Otherwise you're just arbitrarily reducing your dating pool to men so dysfunctional that they think their problems are worth $300/hour, which will get you dysfunctional men.