Build something up that you absolutely hate, delude yourself that it cannot possibly continue without you, and then live/seethe in denial at everything.
Often you can substitute "build something up" with "infiltrate and overtake".
Most of these cases are likely murder too, especially the highly publicized political ones. There are a lot of doctors on twitter that brag about intubating the unvaxxed, which has been known to kill people instead of saving them since a couple months after lockdowns started.
its a pretty fucked world where sick people are being killed by doctors for poltical reasons.
things are going to get worse. This is just the tip of what they have planned for political enemies. Join a community of people that share your values NOW.
Nurses are almost always women who barely passed schooling, who think the world revolves around them, and have the ego to think they deserve to decide who lives/dies.
For every mouthy doctor you see on the internet, there are 60 nurses working under them doing far worse shit.
Addendum to fun fact: Only if you define serial killer in a way as to it being two+ kills across a long period of time. If it is at any time, even immediately consecutive, then mothers killing 2+ children is the most common serial killer category for women.
Yep. I largely believe this to be true. My wife is a researcher for a big university (she's on an H1B and we're working on her green card) and she is really struggling with what I'm saying vs. what her MD boss and colleagues are saying.
Watching Peter McCullough talk has really been a missing puzzle piece for me in trying to figure this out. I'll link a video where he argues before the Texas Senate HHS Committee that there's no direction at all from the CDC on outpatient treatment options.
He testifies that the current medical practice for a positive COVID test is "go home, rest, and if it gets bad, call us" -- there's no advice on what can be taken, what can be tried, or when to worry. He's pushed for outpatient treatment centers in Texas and has worked to direct patients to them. He claims to have reduced mortality by 85% and, in his words, "I work with very sick people."
You can only find his google scholar page via archive as he's been professionally unpersoned for this.
He's only the most cited cardiologist in the world.
EDIT because I veered away from the anecdote about my wife and I: She looks at what I look at, and especially what I shared above, and she concludes that a lot of doctors are used to listening to guidance from above because they don't have time to read primary literature on every single new cutting edge thing. If CDC says HCQ and Ivermectin don't work, they're not going to question it. Why question it when questioning it can cause you to lose your job?
EDIT because I veered away from the anecdote about my wife and I: She looks at what I look at, and especially what I shared above, and she concludes that a lot of doctors are used to listening to guidance from above because they don't have time to read primary literature on every single new cutting edge thing. If CDC says HCQ and Ivermectin don't work, they're not going to question it. Why question it when questioning it can cause you to lose your job?
Seen this *hit first hand. Lot of third world idiot nurses. I was with a patient in a teaching hospital listening in and the level of idiocy is astounding. Now with all the frontline workers being heroes stuff added in, they would love to abuse their power and think they're above it all.
the hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion became a global phenomenon, inspiring tens of thousands of women to share their abortion stories with pride
well that's settled because no one lies on twitter
this is exactly how libshits smear conservatives, they repeat something twitter nobodies said and claim its what all of us believe. fuck off with your gay dipshit lib smears
even if i play a devil fuckass like you, thats 5 tweeters quoted. thats not even a small majority, dumbass.
and in the former article, you are quoting 4 "ACTRESSES" and a journalist as its very common. dont be such a fucking retard, dumbass
nah, jailbait was. i know, i know, but it was just 'one more' little whittling of the freedom from each little community, piece by piece taken away by the overall mods.
WatchPeopleDie was one of the most fascinating subs in reddit's history. It opened my eyes to the brutality of the world -- things that I knew but didn't know because I was so insulated in my first world bubble.
They're not so much "anti trans"... They simply believe that "trans" translates as men disguise themselves as women in order to harm as many women as possible even more efficiently and uncontested than they could undisguised and that such a motive is literally the only possible explanation for the trans movement, and that the trans movement has gained in popularity because women were finally getting some minor inconsequential amount of rights and so men needed to start that movement to harm them even more and stop their progress.
Let it be known, as if it weren't plainly obvious by now already, that these ghouls are ready to capital-K Kill you if the TV box or the demon rectangle with the bird site give the order.
Even if you are family. Many of these images come from a relative's facebook.
There aren't even that many trannies in the world. They are overrepresented but not the whole site. But do keep in mind that many posts and comments are almost certainly made by paid corporate or government shills and the votes are heavily manipulated by bot farms
They almost codified in official policy that it only applied to "protected" groups or whatever but they walked back on it after a massive backlash. But they still do it unofficially
This is cult 101, take something unverified and use anyone who dies after not taking unverified as an example. Meanwhile any death of unverified is registered differently.
They're welcome to come to the door and start something. People don't take kindly to that shit. The problem with the retards ruining the country would solve itself.
Send daily screenshots to your local Senators and Congress critters. Help them understand the game Tencent(CCP) is playing.
Remember, reddit is a business. Their business model explicitly shows that asking questions can get you permanently removed from the platform, while the platform had at one point banned fatpeoplehate and anti-authoritarian subs, is now allowing large groups of people act as a deathcult, while allowing the deathcult memes to propagate to front page, where many children are.
I can't take screen captures presented in this manner as valid evidence. You need to show some HTML links and/or use a website archiver and provide that information with the screen captures.
Lately i looked at the Popular page, and it's so obvious that it's full of propaganda. Since 2015 they banned everything they disliked and pushed everything they liked. Now you have everytime: white bad, right bad, trans/gay good, black good, poor immigrants... Every single time
A gentle reminder to journalists will/want to write about these camps. NONE OF US WANT THESE CAMPS TO EXIST.
These jews are schlomoing themselves(and aryan ones)into the void for lack of any reason or common sense, and at some point, this has to become the german equivalent of dealing with a very preventable train wreck.
Why should anyone care about a disease with a 99.9% survival rate that kills people passed the age of life expectancy? Keep in mind that MIT has declared that we are more scientifically literate than you, which means we outrank you in the science heirarchy according to your own high priests in white robes speaking dog latin.
Comparing data from early on doesn't make sense, because the spread of COVID increases over time exponentially, just like any other disease.
All the data shows that those 300,000 new cases are being spread largely in conservative states among unvaccinated conservatives, and the subreddit is correctly pointing it out.
Unlike that subreddit I'm not pointing it out with glee, because it actually makes me sad that people are dying for what is now a preventable disease.
So why did you make a sub called HermanCainAward?
That's an extremely leftist concept.
Build something up that you absolutely hate, delude yourself that it cannot possibly continue without you, and then live/seethe in denial at everything.
Often you can substitute "build something up" with "infiltrate and overtake".
Precisely, and perfectly demonstrated by hoax hate crimes, and video games respectively.
I think that’s because fundamentally, leftists hate themselves and wish they had never been born.
So basically, child abuse creates leftists, who create more child abuse, and thus the cycle continues.
Did you watch Tech-Tuesday today with Immortal Technique?
These people are fucked up retards with zero consistency
Most of these cases are likely murder too, especially the highly publicized political ones. There are a lot of doctors on twitter that brag about intubating the unvaxxed, which has been known to kill people instead of saving them since a couple months after lockdowns started.
its a pretty fucked world where sick people are being killed by doctors for poltical reasons.
things are going to get worse. This is just the tip of what they have planned for political enemies. Join a community of people that share your values NOW.
Its probably not doctors doing it. Its nurses.
Nurses are almost always women who barely passed schooling, who think the world revolves around them, and have the ego to think they deserve to decide who lives/dies.
For every mouthy doctor you see on the internet, there are 60 nurses working under them doing far worse shit.
Fun fact: most female serial killers tend to be nurses or caretakers.
Addendum to fun fact: Only if you define serial killer in a way as to it being two+ kills across a long period of time. If it is at any time, even immediately consecutive, then mothers killing 2+ children is the most common serial killer category for women.
What about child molesters? School teachers?
Well that's genuinely horrifying.
Yep. I largely believe this to be true. My wife is a researcher for a big university (she's on an H1B and we're working on her green card) and she is really struggling with what I'm saying vs. what her MD boss and colleagues are saying.
Watching Peter McCullough talk has really been a missing puzzle piece for me in trying to figure this out. I'll link a video where he argues before the Texas Senate HHS Committee that there's no direction at all from the CDC on outpatient treatment options.
He testifies that the current medical practice for a positive COVID test is "go home, rest, and if it gets bad, call us" -- there's no advice on what can be taken, what can be tried, or when to worry. He's pushed for outpatient treatment centers in Texas and has worked to direct patients to them. He claims to have reduced mortality by 85% and, in his words, "I work with very sick people."
You can only find his google scholar page via archive as he's been professionally unpersoned for this.
He's only the most cited cardiologist in the world.
EDIT because I veered away from the anecdote about my wife and I: She looks at what I look at, and especially what I shared above, and she concludes that a lot of doctors are used to listening to guidance from above because they don't have time to read primary literature on every single new cutting edge thing. If CDC says HCQ and Ivermectin don't work, they're not going to question it. Why question it when questioning it can cause you to lose your job?
Explained in more detail in this American Thinker article
Cheers - perfect, I think she'll enjoy reading this too
Seen this *hit first hand. Lot of third world idiot nurses. I was with a patient in a teaching hospital listening in and the level of idiocy is astounding. Now with all the frontline workers being heroes stuff added in, they would love to abuse their power and think they're above it all.
Nurses can't order intubation
More likely that they're not really doing that. They're just saying they are to scare people into getting the experimental shot.
I dont think they celebrate it. dont be a shitlib and making shit up lmao
well that's settled because no one lies on twitter
this is exactly how libshits smear conservatives, they repeat something twitter nobodies said and claim its what all of us believe. fuck off with your gay dipshit lib smears
even if i play a devil fuckass like you, thats 5 tweeters quoted. thats not even a small majority, dumbass.
and in the former article, you are quoting 4 "ACTRESSES" and a journalist as its very common. dont be such a fucking retard, dumbass
post it
Comment Reported for: Rule 12 - Falsehoods
Comment Approved: That's not how this rule works.
Yet, "watch people die" was banned.
That was really the beginning of the end. That reddit had more news than 75% of the subs there.
nah, jailbait was. i know, i know, but it was just 'one more' little whittling of the freedom from each little community, piece by piece taken away by the overall mods.
Jailbait had news?
Breaking: biochemistry and the unconscious mind are unaware of laws.
You a fuckin pedophile?
WatchPeopleDie was one of the most fascinating subs in reddit's history. It opened my eyes to the brutality of the world -- things that I knew but didn't know because I was so insulated in my first world bubble.
Made me appreciate life more, tbh.
People seem oblivious to the fact he had one of the 3 major comorbidities that have caused Covid death.
Obesity, Diabetes and Cancer(current or recovered)
nnn? banned.
this? totally fine, despite reddit's policy on celebrating deaths.
What, they couldn't find an example of a white guy to name the sub after? Instead they chose to mock a black guy? What a bunch of fucking racists.
A black guy who had stage 4 cancer, no less. But that detail always gets glossed over.
Yeah but he forgot where a country was in an interview once, so he is clearly an absolute retard who deserves mockery.
As we know, forgetting things disqualifies you from being respected as a human. This does not apply to any other politician of course.
You know he didn’t count. When he ran in the primaries he had the audacity to say if your aren’t rich then it’s your fault.
Wow, a sub worse than GC exists. I say that, they're about equal.
fucking lol. The lore is deep
is gc the anti trans femimnists?
They're not so much "anti trans"... They simply believe that "trans" translates as men disguise themselves as women in order to harm as many women as possible even more efficiently and uncontested than they could undisguised and that such a motive is literally the only possible explanation for the trans movement, and that the trans movement has gained in popularity because women were finally getting some minor inconsequential amount of rights and so men needed to start that movement to harm them even more and stop their progress.
Let it be known, as if it weren't plainly obvious by now already, that these ghouls are ready to capital-K Kill you if the TV box or the demon rectangle with the bird site give the order.
Even if you are family. Many of these images come from a relative's facebook.
also know that virtually 93% of reddit is now trannies, and most people irl are not redditors
There aren't even that many trannies in the world. They are overrepresented but not the whole site. But do keep in mind that many posts and comments are almost certainly made by paid corporate or government shills and the votes are heavily manipulated by bot farms
Once again, Herman Cain, the stage 4 cancer survivor that died very close to the median black American death age, IS NOT A POSTER BOY.
I'm glad they're so out in the open about how much they hate me and want me dead. That Pandora's Box can never be closed.
To be honest, my feelings towards them is very mutual.
rule one no hate speech
rule two ignore rule one if you are a tranny
They still do.
They almost codified in official policy that it only applied to "protected" groups or whatever but they walked back on it after a massive backlash. But they still do it unofficially
It's a concept called "Repressive Tolerance".
"Remember the human."
This is cult 101, take something unverified and use anyone who dies after not taking unverified as an example. Meanwhile any death of unverified is registered differently.
Is it just me or is their hatred of the unvaxxed starting to get rather Final Solutiony?
They're welcome to come to the door and start something. People don't take kindly to that shit. The problem with the retards ruining the country would solve itself.
That new project veritas video has a FDA employee calling for a database of the unvaccinated and joked that it was like Germany.
No, it has been for a long time. The "unvaccinated" aren't the target, that's just an excuse. The real target is everyone on the right.
We're on step 6, coming into step 7 of the 10 stages of genocide.
Everyone with two shots is now considered unvaccinated.
They should change their motto to "The sphincter of the internet".
If redditors are demons what does that make reddit? Where do demons hang out?
a quick googley brings up articles that Herman Cain died from medical malpractice. EDIT: 1 article, looks like an opinion piece. Boycott reddit.
Send daily screenshots to your local Senators and Congress critters. Help them understand the game Tencent(CCP) is playing.
Remember, reddit is a business. Their business model explicitly shows that asking questions can get you permanently removed from the platform, while the platform had at one point banned fatpeoplehate and anti-authoritarian subs, is now allowing large groups of people act as a deathcult, while allowing the deathcult memes to propagate to front page, where many children are.
Where Ghislaine used to hang!
Gates was/is close to Ghislaine.
So I’m sure they take into account comorbidity or obesity
I can't take screen captures presented in this manner as valid evidence. You need to show some HTML links and/or use a website archiver and provide that information with the screen captures.
what a bunch of fucking retards
Lately i looked at the Popular page, and it's so obvious that it's full of propaganda. Since 2015 they banned everything they disliked and pushed everything they liked. Now you have everytime: white bad, right bad, trans/gay good, black good, poor immigrants... Every single time
I've just finished deleting all my Reddit comments and nuked my profile today. I won't be coming back to that site.
A gentle reminder to journalists will/want to write about these camps. NONE OF US WANT THESE CAMPS TO EXIST. These jews are schlomoing themselves(and aryan ones)into the void for lack of any reason or common sense, and at some point, this has to become the german equivalent of dealing with a very preventable train wreck.
Mental gymnastics is something libtards have to do constantly.
Herman Cain died because he was medically unstable when he got infected. He was old and had cancer.
extra: Here is an idiot defending getting a minor complication due to mRNA poisioning.
I am also going to be creating a vaccine sceptic community of the same nature:
So, the New York, NBC and SNL cast loved Herman Cain 10 years ago.
What happened?
I smell burnt wires as their mind control is melting from Truth. They will gwt crazier and crazier in the coming days. Brace yourself for CRAZY!!!
What would happen if someone created a GeorgeFloydAward for drugged up career criminals who resist arrest and then die by their own hand?
Anybody make /r/tiffanydoveraward yet?
Wow, what a bunch of sick people.
Instead of worrying about words people say on the internet, maybe you should ask why they have so much material to work with?
People in red states are getting sick with COVID and dying at a way higher rate than blue states after vaccines were introduced.
Why should anyone care about a disease with a 99.9% survival rate that kills people passed the age of life expectancy? Keep in mind that MIT has declared that we are more scientifically literate than you, which means we outrank you in the science heirarchy according to your own high priests in white robes speaking dog latin.
Comparing data from early on doesn't make sense, because the spread of COVID increases over time exponentially, just like any other disease.
All the data shows that those 300,000 new cases are being spread largely in conservative states among unvaccinated conservatives, and the subreddit is correctly pointing it out.
Unlike that subreddit I'm not pointing it out with glee, because it actually makes me sad that people are dying for what is now a preventable disease.
A vaccine so great you can still get covid and spread covid. How can you pass up such a great deal
Your beloved vaccine is not a vaccine and does not work as intended.
ngl, you had me up until you said Bill Clinton is a rapist XD
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Comment Removed
faggot lover
Don't be a meanie beanie