ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our new data-driven best estimate is a death toll of 56m by the beginning of the 1600s – 90% of the pre-Columbian indigenous population and around 10% of the global population at the time.


short version is that bacteria and viruses don't wait around when they're inadvertently introduced into an area that has no defense against them.

ailurus 15 points ago +15 / -0

will happily watch this even though it is a prequel to a show

Even ignoring how GoT went downhill fast once it started deviating from the existing books, how many cases have their been where people have made prequels to existing products and had them turn out better than the original?

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, no surprises here. Can't risk putting them on the stand since then they might get scared and rat out who told them to ignore Epstein.

ailurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

Nearly had a personal experience with this. A very dear friend of mine was scheduled to get a thyroid biopsy in late March 2020. When the coof arrived, it got cancelled and she didn't actually get the biopsy done until it was, I think, October 2020. Now, in her case, it came back negative but if it had been positive then I shudder to think how much more dangerous an extra 6 months of thyroid cancer growing and spreading would have been, just because of unnecessary panic.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

They're going for N95s. NY State sent thousands of the things out to individual county governments to distribute last week, so it's only a matter of time until it becomes mandatory N95s.

ailurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

What old shitboxes? You wouldn't want to encourage something like owning an illegal car, would you citizen? How dare you!

Cause, 12 governors sent letters to Biden asking him to put a nationwide ban on gas cars into place by 2035. AFAIK Biden hasn't done that yet (just increased the emissions standards on cars), but the Gretas of the world are undoubtedly going to keep trying.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

How dare you, sir! We all know the government would never dare overstep any outlines - no matter how vague - encoded in a bill! It says right here "please, Daddy Govt, don't use this database to track us down and forcibly inject us!" so of course the govt won't do that. (Sarcasm hopefully obvious)

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

I mean, I hate to say it, but I think the Muzzies are becoming an ever-more powerful and present group in your country (and mine, clearly), and they fucking HATE shit like Christmas,

Sure. But, afaik, there are no Muslim holidays in December. So, "Happy Holidays" has even less justification for them. The whole thing is anti-Christian to be sure but I don't see how it could be pro-Muslim.

ailurus 22 points ago +22 / -0

This is what you get when you let morons decide that something is sacred.

Exactly. From the article

The villagers decided to take action themselves and tried to wrangle up the beasts, but the simians then turned their sights on the local men, some of whom have been injured after falling from buildings while trying to save the dogs, the outlet said. Nearly all of the pups in the Beed district have been killed, but the monkeys still haven’t stopped and are now targeting small children en route to school, the outlet said.

Come on guys, it isn't hard. Humans have been killing monkeys for thousands of years. It's not hard, even without any fancy tools.

Step 1: Get rock. Step 2: Huck rock at monkey. Step 3: If monkey is not dead or running, go to 1

Or, if you want to use tools, just shoot them. As much as I find the idea (and their failure) hilarious, at least the Aussies tried that in the Emu War. Even just emptying a couple revolvers into a group of them will probably ensure the monkeys run off and think long and hard about coming back.

ailurus 20 points ago +20 / -0

And that change is a perfect illustration of a common trend among a lot of articles these days - virtually all of the "citations" come from 2 obscure books, one from 2009 and one from 2015. A handful of "academics" write a book or paper or something about their pet insanity, and suddenly it becomes "noteworthy" and the articles get updated.

ailurus 45 points ago +45 / -0

Isn't this a violation of Twitter's new policy on not posting photos of people without their permission?

ailurus 37 points ago +37 / -0

Publisher Granta said that Julia understands the world of Oceania “far better than Winston and is essentially happy with her life”.

“She has known no other world and, until she meets Winston, never imagined one. She’s opportunistic, believing in nothing and caring not at all about politics. She routinely breaks the rules but also collaborates with the regime whenever necessary. She’s an ideal citizen of Oceania,” said Granta.

So, in other words, "Sure, you may think 1984 is a dystopian nightmare, but look at this woman here, she's perfectly content to just be a cog in the machine and do what she's told. Be like her!"

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're already doing it in prisons. Locker rooms - if it's not happening already - are coming any day now.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

"You'd have to intentionally damage a building or vehicle by starting a fire or explosion as a hate crime, which is an extraordinarily high bar for bail eligibility," Bederow said. "Having a personal bias or animus toward Christmas doesn't legally cut it."

So, having a ham sandwich near a mosque is a hate crime, not "a personal bias or animus towards Islam", but torching a Christmas tree doesn't count as a hate crime against Christians? Must be a day that ends in a y.

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well, there was that. But then there was also when they decided "Hmmm, we have a very active, very energetic fan community, but let's make them all stop! I'm sure that won't have any negative impact on our brand!"

ailurus 19 points ago +20 / -1

You are correct, he wasn't the director. But, given that (in addition to being the lead actor) he was also involved with the story of the film, was one of the producers and described the film as a passion project of his Baldwin was incredibly heavily involved in it.

Was he really supposed to check it over to make sure the diversity hire could do her job properly?

Given that there had been several gun safety issues previously on the set, yes. Given that some reports (don't know if they are confirmed or not) say that crew were using that gun - and others - for shooting cans during lunch right before the shooting, yes. Given that they were using a gun capable of actually firing, yes.

Oh, and he could also have just followed gun safety 101, which includes things such as "never point the gun at someone unless you're willing to shoot him", "always check your backstop" and "don't pull the damn trigger unless you're comfortable destroying whatever the gun is pointing at"

I'll agree that, by all accounts, the armorer was sloppy if not incompetent. Does she deserve some of the blame? Quite possibly. But, even if the live round was entirely her screw-up, what Baldwin did should never have been done. There is ZERO reason to ever point a gun at someone's chest and pull the trigger unless you want that person dead.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's fake news! According to the trial, he apparently was motivated to get Eggs, but the place he was going to get eggs at was closed so he had to settle for Subway.

ailurus 30 points ago +30 / -0

Until the decision is made, I'm not going to care one way or another about what is signaled or implied or anything else.

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