DoritoBlizzardPence 2 points ago +2 / -0

Zelensky did say he wants to genocide the White mab in ukraine and then have 3rd world vermin rape the White woman there to genocide the Whites there

DoritoBlizzardPence 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because they control the democrats and rinos. They openly hate Whites. Thats why they push esg, crt, and open borders

DoritoBlizzardPence 4 points ago +4 / -0

The rinos and democrats are owned by the adl. Why do you think democrsts abolished our borders and are treating the illegal alien vermin as royalty?

DoritoBlizzardPence 2 points ago +3 / -1

Go eat a bag of dicks you communist blm vermin. 100s millions murdered by communists and your a dick eating tankie scum

DoritoBlizzardPence -1 points ago +1 / -2

Zelensky as he admitted he purposely genocided White males to replace them with "diversity"

DoritoBlizzardPence 4 points ago +4 / -0

Communists and democrats arent people, they are human sized vermin and roaches

DoritoBlizzardPence 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lifetime welfare for being black supremacist blm terrorist. Maybe the kkk was right considering blm

DoritoBlizzardPence 8 points ago +8 / -0

Meamwhile we had black supremacists commit actual insurrection and occupy and terrorize a part of the country they called chaz

DoritoBlizzardPence 7 points ago +7 / -0

Democrsts hate Whites, Trump is White, theyll follow south africas example

DoritoBlizzardPence 4 points ago +4 / -0

Remember when black supremacist try to genocide Whites and burn down cities, its "muh fiery but peaceful". There are no bigger traitros to america than blm and democrats. Sherman shouldve exterminated them

DoritoBlizzardPence 5 points ago +5 / -0

But black supremacist swine burning down entire cities is okay. Fuck the left

DoritoBlizzardPence 17 points ago +17 / -0

Because paradox are racist cucks who hate Whites. This happened back in 2016 or 2017 a European portraits and names mod was banend while paradox promoted a black only human portrait mod. Moddb was the only one who didnt remove that European humans mod

DoritoBlizzardPence 7 points ago +7 / -0

How do they hate blacks when they worship blacks and latinos? Diversity, equity, die, crt is used to demonize Whites while worshipping blacks and latinos. Whites are called racist for everything including not hating themsleves while democrats give blacks and lstinos special priveldges like affirmative action. Best buy and Nascar most recently demobized Whites and gave special privledges to blacka and latinos. Democrats celebrate black criminals and let them burn loot murder.

Yet after all that you think they dont worship blacks?

DoritoBlizzardPence 2 points ago +2 / -0

How are the democrats stupid? They control the elections with fraud. They cheated biden in with mail in, and theyll cheat him with 4am ballot dumps again

DoritoBlizzardPence 21 points ago +22 / -1

Most blacks openly support black supremacist blm and hate Whites. Over 30% of blacks dont think its Ok to be White. Scott Adams got attacked by liberal occupied msm for daring to point this out. Look at south africa and how blacks sing about genociding Whites, thats what blm wants here in the usa

DoritoBlizzardPence 47 points ago +47 / -0

Dont you dare say Its Okay to be White. Only black supremacist blm and latino supremacist laraza vermin are alllowed.

Replace White with jew and suddenly its 1939 germany.

The usa is already at south africa levels

DoritoBlizzardPence -1 points ago +1 / -2

Communist Control Act would stop woke

DoritoBlizzardPence 2 points ago +3 / -1

Impossible1 proved right again. Female privledge and entitlement is real, no different from black privledge and worship. Kevin mccarthy was rifht that woman need to be drafted

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