I hope people see how much power these jews have and yes, they are jews. Sorry admins but I'm naming them this time. The ADL is a jewish organization that employs jews for jewish interests, despite the fact the name might not be the same as the JDL, it's the same thing.
in this case you are factually correct. The ADL was founded because a jewish rapist failed to frame a black man and was lynched when the law was about to let him go.
I hope people see how much power these jews have and yes, they are jews. Sorry admins but I'm naming them this time. The ADL is a jewish organization that employs jews for jewish interests, despite the fact the name might not be the same as the JDL, it's the same thing.
in this case you are factually correct. The ADL was founded because a jewish rapist failed to frame a black man and was lynched when the law was about to let him go.
Wasn’t that Leon guy a pedophile AS well as being a rapist? His victim was a little girl.
Bidens grandfather