ailurus 22 points ago +22 / -0

Learn to drive a big rig!

ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0

Who made this shit, middle school students? Certainly not professionals. Where did the budget go? Increasingly I'm thinking it went to drugs for the directors and producers of this shitfest.

Don't forget hiring a sex coach (I'm sorry, "intimacy coordinator") and

One guy’s job consists just of seeing how dust reacts to footsteps and breath!

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

I remember a guy who came into one of the censorship subs with a review about falaffels he had been trying to post to several subreddits, but none of them would accept it because each time it wasn't formatted correctly for their submission rules. A falaffel.

Darn those White Supremacist mods! They expanded "Remove Kebab!" to "Remove Falaffel!"

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

My idea behind it is that people will look up the quote because it'll get reported as an unhinged lie, realize it exists and end up realizing what feminists are.

LOL. Even you can't be that crazy. If the media will post the e-mail as "look at this unhinged nut", you expect people to think "huh, maybe this is a real quote in there, let me look it up"? Seriously?

ailurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

but everyone can see that's a lie.

You'd think that. You'd hope that. But plenty of people think they really are terrorists.

I'll go back to Covington. When that went down, I guy I knew (haven't spoken with him in several years) was convinced they were evil racist kids who attacked a noble Native American. I said "no they're not", he said "yes they are", I liked him a video of the event and he said "I don't have time to watch that!" even when I gave him some timestamps, and continued insisting the kids were at fault.

Guy in my (online) D&D group is from Canada, this briefly came up a couple weeks ago when this whole thing started, and he immediately went to "well, we've all seen the Nazi flags" and then went AFK for a bit.

Don't know if it is laziness, fear of being proven wrong, or something else but there's a lot of people who refuse the view the truth even if you literally shove it in their faces.

ailurus 28 points ago +28 / -0

Wish some of them started actively speaking in favor of the convoy, but for now Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Manitoba have told little Castro that they don't want his emergency declaration enforced in their provinces

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

THIS! This is correct. Covid-19 did nothing, media panic and politician powergrabs over Covid-19 leading to 2 years of ridiculous infringement on rights created this problem.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, no.

First, US shouldn't be involved with any of these groups.

Second, I've no desire to have Pakistan start playing "Hippity Hoppity get off my property, I have nuclear weapons"

ailurus 38 points ago +38 / -0

If there's one thing the last two years have taught us, it is that governments should not have any emergency powers clauses available to them. None at all. Letting the government just decide "Oh, this is bad enough to let us stomp over your rights" is worse than risking the one in a billion chance that a) something very bad does happen and b) government intervention actually fixes it rather than just making it worse.

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

What is it with our side and flimsy security? Gab got breached as well.

You have to assume any website out there is inevitably going to be breached - see Google leaking 50+ million G+ accounts, 500 million FB accounts getting leaked, and the Twitter admin account breach all within the last couple years. Your security WILL be breached, it's just a matter of time, and that is adjusted by the motivation levels of the attackers. And, even if we make the assumption that no alphabet agencies are involved, the media frenzy means there's a lot of (figuratively, if not literally) bloodthirsty nutters out there determined to act the brownshirts and stomp out the "white supremacists".

The question becomes (beyond putting measures in place to stop most attackers), how do you organize your systems to ensure that when the breach happens it does minimal damage to your users. All the names getting leaked is bad, yes, but I would hope (and have heard nothing to the contrary) that in this case the financial data for all of these people is safe

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

she keeps taking them

she's so brave

So proud to be her mama

Yeah, because I'm sure the kid had a huge choice in whether or not to get them.

by xleb2
ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why are these nutters so determined to make old Pebbleyeet correct? We're pretty much at the panel 3-4 transition now.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Why not both? From the video name, it's a version of the Haka, which started as a Maori war-dance. Nowadays it's probably most famous for being what the NZ rugby team does before a match, but nice to see it getting turned on one of the biggest covid dictators. Hopefully it gets results.

ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0

Biden? Meddling in Ukraine for political gain? That would never happen, would it

ailurus 9 points ago +10 / -1

I agree it is ambiguous, but I lean towards it being a US requirement (or a fake). According to the Polish government website it looks like it's just negative test or forced quarantine. Nothing on that page about the clot shot.

ailurus 19 points ago +19 / -0

Don't even need to go to Cuba. Look up the letter signed by tons of "medical professionals" who claimed that Burn, Loot and Murder riots were good while "I want my job back" protests were evil.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

So what do we call this? The Maple Curtain? The Great Beaverwall of Canada?

Also, fun fact - this guy isn't even Canadian. He's American, and advocating to keep American news sources out of Canada. And, on top of that, he got an award recently, and said about it

“It has been an honor for me to work with the AMA throughout this pandemic. Together with Todd Unger, the chief experience officer at the AMA, we’ve worked to educate physicians and physician-scientists on how to combat vaccine disinformation”

Plus, he was on MSNBC a couple days ago talking about how all the states rolling mandates back should have waited another 2 weeks because of an Omicron sub-variant.

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

Processors, GPUs, RAM and now SSDs all having shortages? Yeah, we're not there yet but it's another step closer to "only the special people can have the good computers, there's not enough parts to go around". Probably just paranoia on my part but after the last few years of the tinfoil brigade consistently being proven right I'm not convinced.

ailurus 20 points ago +20 / -0

I find it quite odd. They acknowledge that the elf is completely made up just for the series but they do not add a note that the strong black womxn is also completely made up just for the series. I wonder why that is.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem, according to Mazda, was that the radio station sent out image files in its HD radio stream that did not have extensions

Why on earth is your radio station sending out image files, with or without extensions, in the first place? Isn't radio supposed to just be audio? Or is this some new thing where it sends out images to be displayed on the console that are relevant to the story on hand? And even if that's the case, what's the point in sending someone's car those pictures when the car driver is supposed to be driving, not looking at whatever picture is coming up on the console?

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