I remember even a fair number of the vaccine-sceptic crowd claiming that COVID infection was causing this and that myopericarditis was even worse from infection. I got in trouble in the Dr. Been youtube streams for arguing with people about it.
It's a bittersweet thing being right. A lot of people are very fucked by this poison
I agree with AgilePickle1123 about the most likely cause. Other reasons that have been put forward include language barriers, distrust of science/medicine, and some claim that they actually do want to participate but it is "white supremacy" keeping them out of these studies
Uhm. They specifically went out of their way to target people based on specific racial characteristics, because they allegedly weren't being represented by this other group with different racial characteristics, then got mad when it showed there were differences. I guess.
This is one of the weird things in genetics right now. Non-Whites (with some exception of Asians) do not want to participate in genetic studies. This has lead to a large movement to increase their representation in these studies. However, if you get more representation of these groups then you notice differences, which is double plus ungood in current year. So researchers have to get data from these groups, then have to figure out what to do about the politically incorrect data they receive.
Names I heard floating around included Ben Carson and Kari Lake. Not sure how I feel about Scott or Noem
That was the guy, RealDrJester
There was, doesn't look like it anymore. There's also still a 5 here. A lot of it was from disagreements over mod policies. RealDrJester started 3 and 4 because he wanted KiA to have a hard pro-Israel/Judaism stance IIRC. 5 looks like it's still up and you can read the pinned post to get that guys arguments
Anyone remember that one guy who was sitting in KIA3 and 4 who was Israeli and his favorite go to was to call anyone disagrees with him a stormfag?
Just today I saw someone on another site (not reddit) arguing that capitalism is the only system that cannot exist without exploitation and that communism is the only system that can guarantee no exploitation. This faggot has a habit of blocking and deleting the comments of anyone who disagrees with him or proves him wrong, as I had already learned and I watched a bunch of different users find out.
These retards have a insane denial of reality.
What the fuck
Could explain why he went so hard against the non-neocons in 2022. He didn't want to have to deal with the dissenters getting in the way of him appointing his replacement
I'll believe that when I see it.
One thing that's still not clear to me, is there any connection between the studios and Russia? As far as I'm aware the only connection between atomic heart and Russia is that the game takes place in an alternate Soviet Union, which makes all of this drama even more pathetic
I'm pretty sure that's still the case, but they can't let that get in the way of the narrative
What makes you think they care or need to care what's popular with voters anymore?
I mean, I would have. But you've gone a bit too far off the deep end to believe any of us
It's a load bearing ribbon
Nexus has had issues for a long time. I remember people comparing about them over 10 years ago, but back then it was more about slap fights between users and admins banning any criticism, and not culture war topics specifically.
Of course they also lost their mind when Trump was elected and for several years now have had their "no politics" policy that unsurprisingly been a "no politics I disagree with" policy.
This has been a long time coming
Problem is if I complain to my rep in any way that will make him all the more giddy about passing this shit
We've known about the adenovirus blood clots for over a year though. They were not "instantly" addressed. I believe they were finally addressed because whatever deal Pfizer and Moderna have with regulators, J&J was not in on. The powers that be are making a shitload of money off the mRNA jabs.
It's weird talking to my colleagues about this. So many think that he must have clearly been in the wrong, they support this culture and assume that this sort of thing can't happen to them, all while engaging in very similar behavior.
Archive link https://archive.ph/Dqeit
This might be the most retarded thing I've heard all year, and that's with Biden and Harris in the whitehouse
Can someone send this to Rich Baris? I wouldn't be surprised if he's already seen it, but I'd like to see his thoughts on it
The fact that RealDrJester is so upset about this is strong evidence it's true imo
I'm a real feminist, I make sure my woman never cums.
We've got a contender for dumbest article of the year already.
Edit: checking the date of publication I guess not