This is an amazing article. It has all the dodges and weasel words, as well as further proves how fucking useless modern Science™ is. Peer review and consensus my ass.
An uproar broke out on social media this week...
Strong start,, you fucking weirdos.
...Critics said a key figure, which depicts patterns of relatedness among nearly 250,000 study volunteers whose genomes were sequenced, could mislead some readers into thinking the data support the idea that humans fall into distinct races.
Paraphrasing: "Whiners said this" and "This study may convince people race is real."
...The leader of the challenged All of Us study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, acknowledged in a statement that “many excellent points have been raised” about how researchers communicated their results. But they have no plans to revise the figure. “The feedback highlights how quickly this field of research is evolving, as well as its complexity,” geneticist and All of Us CEO Josh Denny said in the statement.
Has anyone brought up any, uh, scientific concerns? And people being concerned about bullshit doesn't prove the field is evolving quickly, it proves everyone is retarded.
The study...was designed to address concerns that existing genomic data sets are primarily composed of data from people of European descent. All of Us, however, has prioritized recruiting Black people, Latinos, and others with normally underrepresented backgrounds.
Uhm. They specifically went out of their way to target people based on specific racial characteristics, because they allegedly weren't being represented by this other group with different racial characteristics, then got mad when it showed there were differences. I guess.
...Ewan Birney, director of the European Bioinformatics Institute...expressed concern that “it can easily be read as ‘race is pretty real, and associated with genetics’ which is … not a good interpretation.” Stanford University geneticist Jonathan Pritchard expressed a similar concern. “I’m not a UMAP hater in all settings, but I think it’s misleading and potentially harmful for this specific problem,” he wrote on X, adding that it could be “misinterpreted by the public.”
Uhm. They specifically went out of their way to target people based on specific racial characteristics, because they allegedly weren't being represented by this other group with different racial characteristics, then got mad when it showed there were differences. I guess.
This is one of the weird things in genetics right now. Non-Whites (with some exception of Asians) do not want to participate in genetic studies. This has lead to a large movement to increase their representation in these studies. However, if you get more representation of these groups then you notice differences, which is double plus ungood in current year. So researchers have to get data from these groups, then have to figure out what to do about the politically incorrect data they receive.
I agree with AgilePickle1123 about the most likely cause. Other reasons that have been put forward include language barriers, distrust of science/medicine, and some claim that they actually do want to participate but it is "white supremacy" keeping them out of these studies
I saw this linked on the side bar of this "Scientists are worthless" thread, and had to post.
This is an amazing article. It has all the dodges and weasel words, as well as further proves how fucking useless modern Science™ is. Peer review and consensus my ass.
Strong start,, you fucking weirdos.
Paraphrasing: "Whiners said this" and "This study may convince people race is real."
The usual...
Has anyone brought up any, uh, scientific concerns? And people being concerned about bullshit doesn't prove the field is evolving quickly, it proves everyone is retarded.
Uhm. They specifically went out of their way to target people based on specific racial characteristics, because they allegedly weren't being represented by this other group with different racial characteristics, then got mad when it showed there were differences. I guess.
Yeah, sure, whatever.
This is one of the weird things in genetics right now. Non-Whites (with some exception of Asians) do not want to participate in genetic studies. This has lead to a large movement to increase their representation in these studies. However, if you get more representation of these groups then you notice differences, which is double plus ungood in current year. So researchers have to get data from these groups, then have to figure out what to do about the politically incorrect data they receive.
Why is that?
I agree with AgilePickle1123 about the most likely cause. Other reasons that have been put forward include language barriers, distrust of science/medicine, and some claim that they actually do want to participate but it is "white supremacy" keeping them out of these studies