I'm not from ConsumeProduct and I still downvote you because you are retarded, an asshole and you lower the quality of this place with your crazy ramblings when you try to pretend you are the prophet of all men.
Cassandra gulled Agamemnon into a false sense of security in order to get him killed by her FELLOW WOMAN Klytemnestra so that WOMEN could over the rulership of Argos. #MoreFeminineGenocide
Well considering lots of people here downvote you on their own, its literally impossible for it to be the case.
You underestimate how unlikeable you are and how you can make those who agree with you still turn on you. Even if some of them were doing that, you'd still be downvoted to hell through sheer obnoxiousness on top of it.
I mean, I would have. But you've gone a bit too far off the deep end to believe any of us
That's because you're not from ConsumeProduct like my downvoters.
I'm not from ConsumeProduct and I still downvote you because you are retarded, an asshole and you lower the quality of this place with your crazy ramblings when you try to pretend you are the prophet of all men.
Cassandra gulled Agamemnon into a false sense of security in order to get him killed by her FELLOW WOMAN Klytemnestra so that WOMEN could over the rulership of Argos. #MoreFeminineGenocide
I don't downvote him because he's a great comedian.
You sound more like a feminist everyday. At least they are women, so its expected for them to be paranoid retards scared of every man they see.
I mean, they literally admit it on their shithole site. I archived it.
Well considering lots of people here downvote you on their own, its literally impossible for it to be the case.
You underestimate how unlikeable you are and how you can make those who agree with you still turn on you. Even if some of them were doing that, you'd still be downvoted to hell through sheer obnoxiousness on top of it.
I'm not from the corrupted ConsumeProduct, and I downvote any especially myopic identity politics takes of yours.
I'm a KIA regular from the beginning of Gamergate. Quit making up imaginary enemies when you've got plenty right here.
For someone who repeatedly says he doesn't care about downvotes you sure don't shut the fuck up about them.