BiggusDiggus 6 points ago +6 / -0

In the lower belly of imageboard/fediverse culture, this "getting your bag" attitude is known as the B.A.N.T.S method.

Be A Neighbor To the System.

So yes, you SHOULD go to that food bank and you SHOULD apply for that rent assistance and so on. And feeling bad? Why? The browns don't feel bad when they do it.

BiggusDiggus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also the OP is forgetting "Reliance of the Traveller" which is the main jurisprudence book of the religion, that is, how to actually apply the "law" in real life from those two books.

If anything it may be more important since it's where proper sharia comes from. It's also a great conversation piece.

"Islam says to do this."

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does, see? Here."


BiggusDiggus 2 points ago +2 / -0

that great person change

Horrible. Half the fun is having Albert Einstein and John Honeyman born to the Persian civ I'm playing.

BiggusDiggus 11 points ago +11 / -0

Lawsuit means email discovery.

It's for the best to just close down everything, even if the org handled $1billion of ad money.

If you think this happened just to avoid discovery, you're a bigot. :^)

BiggusDiggus 39 points ago +39 / -0

"for you" as in, you are the reason we make them.

And that reason is to defeat you, demoralize you, humiliate you.

We make these movies "for you".

by Lethn
BiggusDiggus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Consider trying out Bottles as well.

You create a bottle (standalone environment) and install your games there.

They have the most common runtimes, dlls, etc. for easy download.

More general than just gaming than Lutris, but still good enough for gaming.


BiggusDiggus 3 points ago +3 / -0

They've said as much before that youtube is just the entry level for their content and they only post things that won't get them banned.

Either download the podcast in an app or go to their site or Rumble for the full content bits.

BiggusDiggus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Christians don't want their own leaders to tell them how to be Christian either (surprise: it means accepting degeneracy)


Also I like how the Episcopalian church sues individual churches after they vote to leave because they can't even vote that Jesus is Lord.


BiggusDiggus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not just french but all the mixed halfsies. Can't have those light brown jerks lord it over us, you could see it on their 2 year old eyes.

BiggusDiggus 10 points ago +10 / -0

They towered over us, gleaming dully, three stories tall, steel dinosaurs. Dust mantled them. Rust blossoms patterned their hides in complex overlays that made them look like they'd been draped in oriental rugs. Pentagonal bolts as big as my hands studded their armored plating and stitched together the vast sectioned pipes that spanned the darkness and shot down black tunnels in every compass direction, reaching for every neighborhood in the city. Moisture jewels gleamed and dripped from ancient joints. The pumps thrummed on. Perfectly designed. Forgotten by everyone in the city above. Beasts working without complaint, loyal despite abandonment.

Except that one of them had now gone silent.

I stifled an urge to get down on my knees and apologize for neglecting them, for betraying these loyal machines that had run for more than a century.

Pump Six and Other Stories - Paolo Bacigalupi

BiggusDiggus 11 points ago +11 / -0

That's always been the case.

What do you do if your wing of the party is the minority? You call your side "The Majority" (Bolsheviks). What do you call the majority portion of your party then? You call their side "The Minority" (Mensheviks).

BiggusDiggus 24 points ago +26 / -2

So Elihu Yale is white now, eh? Mercury must be in retrograde.

BiggusDiggus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ok, I laughed lol AI ain't the best but I bet you could do some curvacious assets with vaguely greek themes.

BiggusDiggus 8 points ago +8 / -0

All state owned media is propaganda. The mask slips this time because the left-leaning group has very little time to take full control of that particular asset, so their claims of "impartiality" look extra retarded (but those claims were always retarded).

BiggusDiggus 19 points ago +19 / -0

Kwanzaa was made by a sour grapes black ultranationalist university proffessor (i.e. full separate state anti-whit racist) who went to jail in the 70's for torturing two naked women. They were trying to kill him with crystals you see. Only got 4 years in the clink sadly. Now he goes by a literally made up "African" name because Ronald was oppressive or somesuch I bet.

BiggusDiggus 9 points ago +11 / -2

never existed

You will never get rid of second-tier TV footage from the 70s and VHS home videos from the 80's and 90's (because I downloaded them from youtube and have multiple copies). If wokery wins, my "AI made misinformation of the past" will send me to the clink for a decade.

Oh well.


Some brown with working eyeballs

BiggusDiggus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Remember that zoomers will be forcefed history through short memes (hopefully with primary sources at the end of cringey videos):


BiggusDiggus 54 points ago +54 / -0

Try asking them how they would have felt if they hadn't had breakfast that day.

BiggusDiggus 7 points ago +7 / -0

You are again falling for the "universalist" background of current lawmaking. If poor losers are the recipients of our proposed incentive, then we ban them.

"You can't do that!" Yes we can, worse laws have been passed for less.

"You'll be giving money to the middle class! They don't need it!" I don't care. If they are the ones best positioned to have children who'll succeed then they get the bag.

Consider some homeschooling laws in the States. You get a yearly stipend if you homeschool. Can the impoverished single mother take the cash and devote all the time to filling out forms for refunds for lessons, materials, etc.?

No, it's the married middle class woman, often religious, who has enough free time to plan the lessons, deal with the government program for refunds, etc.

"That's not fair for poor people!" I don't care. They get free surgery and I get boned for 200 dollars everytime I go for a yearly checkup despite losing 40% of my income to taxes. Sounds fair to me.

BiggusDiggus 15 points ago +15 / -0

It's less about the incels and the voters and more about the leaders. Everywhere you look in the West the "leaders" are nihilist non-child-rearing weirdoes.

They're the lefty aunt who doesn't wanna have kids because of global warming. They are the creepy commie uncle who never has long term relationships because women ask for children and he doesn't like that the reds lost.

If the leaders are morose sad-sacks who hit the thumbs-up emoji at the former Georgia guidestones, how can they defend anything?

Why think of children? They want depopulation.

Why protect tradition? They want a year zero.

Why defend a nation? They believe the very idea to be harmful.

So yeah, limiting voting is not how I'd do it. I'd ban misanthropic old people from running in the first place.

BiggusDiggus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Liberal priors are dead and dying. I don't care if it's discrimination, I don't care if it's not universal, I don't care if it prefers one group over another.

An italian policy doesn't have to account for all people, neither should an english policy, or a zimbabwean policy. No one embargoed Mugabe after he yeeted people just for deficient melanin, no one complained that it's not "fair" for everyone.

Take your universalist hot-takes back to the academy. Parochialism will return by vote or collapse.

BiggusDiggus 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's still a trojan horse.

The arabs can exploit the foreigners because they have strong in-group preference and strength is seen in a positive light. Yeeting work permit immigrants is just business as usual.

In the West however, implementing a program like that will open the gates because of empathy and pity and media focus. Journos will rearrange a child's corpse to get a better picture...you think they won't hunt for the most pathetic, pitiful "guest worker" to run several pieces on so that you can open the gates again?

The only sustainable solution is zero migration, repatriation, and incentives for young indigenous couples to have children (i.e. actual italians).

BiggusDiggus 1 point ago +3 / -2

The SNP are beyond redemption. But then again the SNP's woke retardation caused independence support to drop, so their bet on anti-English racism and trans self-id has a silver lining.

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