randomuser88385 3 points ago +3 / -0

That'd be great and all, but kind of out of it at this point in my life unfortunately.

I mainly did White Wolf (Warewolf & Vampire) and Shadowrun, and several others a little. Knew people who were into LARP but never crossed that line myself.

randomuser88385 3 points ago +3 / -0

I loved tabletop RPG, been 20 years though, never did D&D but several other systems...

randomuser88385 5 points ago +6 / -1

I'm a full trump supporter, but I'm under no illusion that he can win. Normies are still too influenced by MSM and there will be many never Trump (again) voters, especially if he has one or more convictions.

I'm barely hanging on with Republicans anyway (always have been, did not vote for Romney or McCain, didn't vote for Obama either of course). But if that new border proposal passes, and it isn't Trump or Ramaswamy (maybe) at the top of the ballot, that's a no from me.

The USA died in 2020, not sure what anyone expects to happen now?

randomuser88385 4 points ago +4 / -0

It would be, but it is clear from anyone paying attention that this has been spreading in the US for weeks already. Massively overblown though as govmedia is begging for another pandemic.

randomuser88385 7 points ago +7 / -0

Try to get him to watch some Louis Rossmann videos on his fun with the tax authorities. Then extrapolate to every level of government and every area. NY is a hell hole of epic proportions, no one would pay me the amount I would require to live there.

randomuser88385 57 points ago +57 / -0

Don't do it, she won't kick you out of the house. Stand your ground and be a man.

Told my boss in 21 that I'd never get it. Ended up my company never required it (I think a few spoke up and they didn't want to risk losing key people) just encouraged it with "discounts" on health coverage. I think those are gone for next FY too.

randomuser88385 38 points ago +38 / -0

I keep seeing this go back and forth. Confirmed, then walked back like 2 or 3 times now. My wife is convinced it is true, and got upset that I was skeptical.

randomuser88385 40 points ago +40 / -0

Heard she is being paid to be a big anti-Trump influencer. So expect to see a lot more of her over the next 13 months.

Oh, and stop watching sportsball. They hate you, return the sentiment

randomuser88385 4 points ago +4 / -0

Red light (and longer wavelengths, infrared, microwave) have the ability to vibrate chemical bonds. You can generally feel this as heat, and too much will burn you.

So no, red light won't cure anything at all. If there is enough energy (heat) to burn your skin, etc. that isn't going to be helpful either for obvious reasons.

It's bullshit stay away.

randomuser88385 28 points ago +28 / -0

The DOJ lawsuit seeks to win “fair consideration and back pay for asylees and refugees who were deterred or denied employment at SpaceX due to the alleged discrimination,” as well as civil penalties and policy changes from the company.

randomuser88385 17 points ago +18 / -1

Good, the more movies that fail the better.

Drinker's review felt schizophrenic He praises the story for being about family etc. that made me think I would rent stream it with my wife. Then he leveled a ton of criticism at it, that by the end I had absolutely no desire to see it.

randomuser88385 18 points ago +18 / -0

Wife and I haven't set foot in there since May(ish). I was really starting to hate the place since you would turn the corner and see some ugly, fat, POC in its underwear. I would nearly vomit on the display stand.

Their stock was way up this morning on the news, looks like finished the day up 3%. I guess profit was up?

Well anyway, fuck Target. They crossed the line. I use to buy a lot of stuff there, especially when my child was a baby.

randomuser88385 15 points ago +15 / -0

Apologies for posting to a paywall site, but Matt Taibbi is the only one I see covering this. The Biden admin seems to have really stepped in it and got hammered by the judges. Hopefully the ruling will reflect that. When this ultimately goes to the supreme court I expect a 5:4 supreme court ruling at best since the diversity judges will side with Biden + Roberts.

randomuser88385 10 points ago +10 / -0

Comic is retarded. However permitted concealed carry holders have extremely low criminality rates.

However severe mental illness precludes gun ownership.

randomuser88385 10 points ago +10 / -0

Welcome to Bob's tire shop! We install, repair, balance, and rotate tires for you! Also, Bob fucks dudes in the ass on the daily. Inquire within!

randomuser88385 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm surprised that people are not blaming this on Brexit. I would think Labour would be all over it, blaming conservatives and pushing for more social control.

randomuser88385 7 points ago +7 / -0

It is so bad. Turn the corner and get accosted by fat rolls on display. Thankfully I haven't gone in quite some months now.

randomuser88385 4 points ago +4 / -0

There are lots of laws already on the books that the executive could enforce to put a stop to illegal immigration. Trump was ignorant of many of them, and none of his GOP handlers were going to tell him, so he tried his best with the wall and ending DACA.

Sadly, you are right, any other GOP president will not have the spine Trump did to try, and those that do will never be elected. Most likely no GOP will be elected again until GOP looks like the Tories or worse.

randomuser88385 5 points ago +5 / -0

Do you ever wonder if the people protesting the funerals were right? I didn't then, but now...

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