cryogen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not quite true. While Disney does "own" the IP, the public is perfectly capable of shrugging and saying "nah, not canon." In the long run, this is what must happen.

cryogen -1 points ago +1 / -2

Sorry Christcucks but when your ideal of manhood literally sacrificed himself for the sins of the world, it's basically impossible to not be a cuck ... (hence... Christcuck...) "Turn the other cheek" and "the meek shall inherit the Earth" is like the mission statement of the Republican Generals.....

Nietzsche was right about Christians.

cryogen 11 points ago +12 / -1

The most dangerous sort. Can mimic authenticity too well.

cryogen 5 points ago +5 / -0

Peterson is very different

Peterson has a conservative worldview

Brett and his whole family were dyed in the wool commies. He and his brother have gone as far away from that as any born-red person probably could, but it's not all that far at all in some respects.

cryogen 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're usually not "debating" in the sense of critically thinking together with the shared goal of arriving at the truth or a workable hypothesis, they're just "sharing." It's only about emotions and social signals, not the actual conceptual content or the pragmatic questions of what and how to do things.

cryogen 12 points ago +12 / -0

lmao yes "it was Trump," not the obvious Trump-is-Goldstein connection.... This article and every other of millions since 2015 that have showcased the leftist lemmings in their two minute hate...

cryogen 9 points ago +9 / -0

Civil Rights Act II -- referring to the second as merely THE Civil Rights Act plays directly into the left's game of pretending : (1) there's only one, and (2) they are responsible for it

cryogen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Guess the 50.1% of girl fetuses don't count as "women"

cryogen 8 points ago +8 / -0

Asians are probably the most racist ethnic group on the planet

cryogen 8 points ago +8 / -0

His statements recently have included talk about massive deportations

Will he live up to that? Based on what he did the first time, id say he'll try and probably be prevented, but there's a chance he'll succeed. It's a larger chance than him reneging imo

cryogen 4 points ago +4 / -0

Spent a lot of time doing humanities research (lit and philosophy) at university. Most important thing you learn from this process is exactly how disconnected from reality "popular" sources are. And of course in the scholarly sources there is a spectrum of respectability and reliability across fields as well as publishers (journals, books, etc). The best you can hope for, in the best fields, by the best authors, via the best publishers, etc. is 90%-85% trust for a period of time.... It has to be continually re-earned. The public in general, and young students particularly, simply have no clue.

cryogen 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is the real culprit here. I think OP isn't entirely wrong, but I as a superfan of BG1 and 2 and a big fan of 3 as well, I can see that most of the "woke" (but not all) here comes from Larian needing/buying the WotC DnD license, which entails agreeing to all kinds of "representation" stuff. I played DoSII and the distinction is pretty clear.

cryogen -1 points ago +1 / -2

In all three cases it makes sense within the world.

cryogen 1 point ago +1 / -0

And it's particularly glaring when a lot of people (like me) are playing bg3, which not only has mocap for everyone, but isn't afraid to have hot characters or allow you to make them.

cryogen 6 points ago +7 / -1

Gotta agree. Open World was exciting for the first hour of BOTW, then you realize it's all just a scaffold for 100 ugly and repetitive "shrines"....

cryogen 5 points ago +5 / -0

Perfect example that illustrates the true purpose of police, "law enforcement," and the judiciary : protection and preservation of the State. Absolutely never more, and never less.

cryogen 2 points ago +2 / -0

It been dead a long, long time folks

Let it give up the Ghost

cryogen 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Mario Movie was hot garbage

5-10% of the film showed promise -- the first few scenes and setup, Jack Black's Bowser, the imprisoned Galaxy star, and the parts where they dramatically illustrate "gameplay" in real-time action scenes

Everything else was trash

Showed it to my 2 year old and he liked it enough but I couldn't watch it all the way through until he demanded to see the rest of it in the following days

Rogen and Armisen were absolutely dogshit. As soon as the movie went into Kong Kountry it fell apart completely

cryogen 1 point ago +1 / -0

People need to recognize the difference between Wizards and Larian. Wizards has been hyper-woke for at least 10 years; their newest versions of DnD conflate species and race by implication when they remove race-specific bonuses, as but one tiny example. Given that Larian is adapting the most recent version of DnD, I'd say so far that they've actually toned DOWN the wokeness quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, the basic outlines are almost always still there, but they're not trumpeted at you constantly. The result is that the game truly feels very open -- you can roleplay however you like, including Super Straight or what have you, and the game more than accomodates it. At least so far... (still early in the story)

cryogen 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is largely th culprit for wokeness at many of the giant cultural corporations. They simply vacuum up each crop of new college grads, trusting that their degrees and they're respective institutions mean something. Before you know it all of HR and half of management couldn't even cognize an alternative philosophy or interpretive framework. All rhetoric and art becomes trite messaging and politics.

cryogen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure... but that's about Cthulu as well so shrug

cryogen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uh what

Bioshock does not seriously address Rand. At all. It uses some of her fiction as world-building, that's it

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