ailurus 17 points ago +17 / -0

Walt died before realizing Epcot, and Roy had the whole thing redone as a park.

And that's the saddest bit. No way to know, obviously, how Epcot would have turned out but it would have been great as an experiment. And instead of what might have been we got an amusement park run kiddy diddlers

ailurus 25 points ago +25 / -0

Free Tay!

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Gha! Pass the eye-beach please.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Remember to use the correct pronouns. Miller is they/them" "This behaviour is uniquely male rage"

But, that doesn't make any sense. Ezra is clearly non-binary due to the they/them pronouns, so how can Ezra be feeling something uniquely male?

ailurus 32 points ago +32 / -0

Also, it gives them another tool to use society to take down people who they don't like. It's much easier for them to declare someone guilty of hate speech or misogyny and get the mob to silence him then to actually deal with disagreement or potentially (gasp) have to change their own opinions.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

I know it is a minor point in the big picture, but wtf is an omnibar?

The pictures make it look like the address bar in the browser, but searching (on Brave Search, DDG and Google) all give a World of Warcraft addon as the first search result for "omnibar".

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Absolutely correct.

Then, in the second stage, the immune system would suddenly go into overdrive, and it was that immune overreaction that was putting people in the ICU.

AKA, a Cytokine Storm. And yes, it is one of the major risk factors in WuFlu infections. And we've known for literal decades that coronavirus vaccines don't work because they can trigger cytokine storms when you get actually infected.

from 2007 - Vaccinated ferrets get liver damage exposed to the disease.

from 2011 - Vaccinated mice get their lungs wrecked after virus exposure

from 2016 - Vaccinated rhesus monkeys also have their lungs wrecked after virus exposure

There has never been a successful vaccine against a coronavirus - those we have come up with have always had a risk of severe side effects when you actually encounter the virus. That has been known since SARS first popped up in 2003, if not earlier. And now we get to see the same reactions over the next few years people as we saw for decades in animals.

by borga
ailurus 60 points ago +60 / -0

7zip. Free, open source, support for linux, mac and windows, and is capable of handling a wide variety of formats.

ailurus 18 points ago +18 / -0

He then stabs himself while urinating.

Just, why? Public urination, not something I'd do but understandable. Setting car on fire? normal for lefties. But stabbing yourself while urinating? That makes no sense.

ailurus 21 points ago +21 / -0

Nothing new. Computers had this with Master/Slave controllers half a decade ago (and pretty much lost to the Woke).

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

.... he legitimately believed that integer overflow happened in the real world? honk honk.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Who could have predicted this would happen? I'm shocked, SHOCKED I say!

ailurus 19 points ago +19 / -0

“Patrick never had a problem with anybody,” his dad said.

“It should be noted that Patrick never used violence against this officer even though the officer used violence against him in several instances for what was a misdemeanor traffic stop,” <lawyer> said in a news release.

And yet...

Video shows a brief foot chase and struggle over the officer’s Taser before the white officer shoots Patrick Lyoya as the Black man is face down on the ground.

Yeah, trying to take an officer's taser away (clearly seen 56 sec in the video in the article) is "never using violence". Getting out of the car and up in the cop's face, and then struggling with him is "never had a problem with anybody."

Dindus gonna Dindu.

ailurus 37 points ago +37 / -0

A bold move. I think Twatter is probably not salvageable at this point, but this warrants breaking out the popcorn at least!

ailurus 15 points ago +15 / -0

She's a white NY progressive and career politician. Her gated community is undoubtedly full of tranquility and normalness. It's not her fault that all the filthy unwashed masses outside don't have the same lifestyle as her.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hahaha, a new Babylon Bee article, and a good one at that......

Oh, wait, it's real. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

ailurus 17 points ago +17 / -0

That's right, boys and girls. Everyone in France needs to vote for Macron, because if they don't then they're just playing into Putin's hands, apparently!

ailurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

And yet, liberation theology - which takes a lot of ideas Marxism - is alive and well in parts of both Catholic and Protestant churches, especially South American Catholic Churches. Which is were Francis comes from.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lot of the 2017 strategic plan listed on their website reads like the DNC's greatest hits. Some quotes their 3-year goals listed in there:

  • Diversify composition of congregation

FUC has systematically impacted/changed at least 1 societal structural barriers (listed twice actually)

Create/join a meaningful advocacy or service partnership with multiple interfaith organizations for at least one of our four mission pillar areas

Complete co-sponsorship one additional refugee family

FUC has been successful in adding affordable housing in all new developments

Fully implement gun violence prevention project with organizational/community/congregational partner, with measurable impact goals

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm going to say this type of teacher, who showed up here a couple days ago

ailurus 17 points ago +17 / -0

Yep. She stepped down in April 2021 from her position in Oberlin, the initial plan had apparently been to return to Oberlin in the upcoming school year as a faculty member, but instead took a job as VP of Student Affairs at Oglethorpe.

It's a prestige downgrade for her, and maybe a small salary downgrade, but if the net result of all this for one of the main perpetrators is "you keep being a VP, just at a smaller school", then this stuff is just going to keep happening.

ailurus 32 points ago +32 / -0

Not. Good. Enough. Not even close.

It is great that the Gibsons won, but the people responsible received no punishment for this. And they are not going to stop or change their mind because of this.

Honestly, probably nothing will change their minds. But:

  1. that judgement shouldn't come from the college, but rather should be paid collectively by every single Oberlin employee which supported this madness.

  2. Ideally, each of those employees should be fired and permanently barred from working in any educational setting again. But, failing that, each of them should be forced to record a video in which she (or he, but I'm willing to bet a lot if not most of them were Karens) acknowledges the guilt of the students, acknowledges the innocence of the Gibsons, and admits that she was motivated by an insane destructive ideology rather than facts, and that she was perfectly happy to destroy the lives of multiple people just to "start a conversation". These videos should be put on a loop and played 24/7 in Oberlin's Diversity and Inclusion office (or w/e the heck they call it). And every professor who participated should be legally obligated to play her video at the start of every single session of every single one of her classes.

ailurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

Hah hah, trying to trick us all into thinking IH updated again. Good April Fools Day prank.

Wait, it's real? Be back in 38 minutes and 27 seconds!

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