You_Are_Based 4 points ago +5 / -1

If they would take their online store strategy and pricing and bring it somewhere into same quadrant of galaxies as our real lives take place in, I'd have more sympathy.

As it is, I would rather donate to some uncouth website than pay $20 for what id basically a temporary usage rights license for some NES game that was created (and made easily accessible) before many of the current crop of developers were even old enough to ride a bike.

Want me to buy hardware and then buy all the heavy hitter games for it? One, act like I own the device. It is not a nintendo wizoopi; it is MY silly gadget that I bought with MY money and bc of that I can do what I want with it, even if you have decided to reinvest profits into FIGHTING ME.

"Even if" Meaning nintendo can become my enemy in this and fight """piracy""" with every iota of strength in their precious little occidental hearts and the result is that I will either wait 6 months and cuck your ass for free, instantly with zero effort... or I will totally ignore your brand forever.

I don't need rando businesses on the OTHER SIDE OF EARTH standing on the backs of Amerucan childrens toy sales and using that money to GANG UP with giant American companies against us

Since the wii practically Nintendo have been participating in western power play tactics and drm arms race behaviors against everyday people, and fuck them for it. That might have been my opinion in ANY case, but as luck has it, it's an opinion I hold while my entire culture is already embroiled in the process of having gay frog 5g blockchain terrorist bullshit shoved directly into its each and every collective orifice.

Do you think Im gonna shovel my disposable income your way if you participate in this shit from some cowed puppet state island pulpit? I am so sick of this type of shit, Nintendo, skip "think again" go entirely fuck yourselves.

And if they think woke/based marketing splashes affect this, skip "think again" once again and fuck off to the fullest possible extent. The next Zelda game could be exclusively about Link expelling gays, foreigners, and financial criminals from Hyrule and I would still skip your shit if the console it is on is a bunch of underpowered technoauthoritarian black box inflation-adjusted NES emulating app-store-portal HORSE SHIT.

This is seriously not the kind of behavior any japanese needs to copy the west on. Their entire country is DOOMED because of their greed and doglike emulation of the most evil and unfit western entities. They need to fuck right off.

I'm not gonna tolerate American companies like gillette telling me I'm rapey, nor apple fighting Right to Repair. it runs the whoooole fuckin gambit, the whole range, from airing a gay tv ad to "answering requests" from american political commissars. Maybe as a foreign company, try take care not to butt your flat heads into our literal struggle against technological enslavement?

Seriously it's a vibeo gaem device. They need to get over themselves. Fire the entire human resourse infrastructure associated with this line of "fight the consumer, dominate the consumer, herd the consumer" action. These people are an infection that has festered like a tumor under the armpit of our economic system, parasitically feeding off of actual work product and from their many dens making whole companies, nations, cultures sick in return.

Seriously let me "consume" a device by purchasing it, and then when you have my money, use it.... T O M A K E G A M E S. Stop "playing" games. We are working on attempts to DESTROY domestic companies for playing games. This is the disposition held as nintendo approaches with its greedy practices and whiney "wah people are able to enjoy things" hand rubbing money grubbing slot-machine-spawn entitlement.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lol well said. I'm just not in the business of turning down sweets.

You_Are_Based 13 points ago +13 / -0

Aw come on, smile a little. Look into this McGay guy and tell me the world didnt get even just a little tiny bit brighter this day. He was taken on for his mad coffee-fetching skillz during A Bug's Life. Just imagine how much those coffees ended up costing. Let yourself have a little cheer!

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +5 / -1

Hey isn't it interesting that Imp could come here and blame all women along the lines of a unifying conspiracy theory which holds that women control everything and are working a long game to societally destroy men? That Imp could do that at least 10x a day every day for like a year with no trouble?

I think that's interesting because if you change the word women to the word jew, you have broken the rules and a moderator will snap into action.

It's just interesting isn't it? It's almost like women have fuckall power over you and there are literal jewish people in charge of things including even small forums in which gentiles might dare to speak.

Is that interesting, or am I being unreasonable? You can say x about literally anyone on all the Earth except them. Here. On KIA where the moderators ignore N bombs and ignore 99% other forms of thoughtcrime.

Even more interesting is that just observing that borders on breaking the rules, since it is an observation about the real life behavior of jewish persons, and not female, black, gay etc persons, acting together toward a common goal. A special protection from the mods, that's nice. I bet all those "women" "in charge" of things, hellbent on destroying your life, are pretty jealous of what jews can hobble together despite- per our rules- being apparently so powerless to affect us.

"Blacks are working together toward a common goal(it's hostile to you)"


"Gays are working together toward a common goal(it's hostile to you)"


"Women are working together toward a common goal(it's hostile to you)"


Jews are wor-


So just pretend this is an Imp post and that I accidentally typed jew instead of woman once or twice. That way, my comment remains compliant with the moderators' sensibilities and I functionally maintain the right to say a perfectly legal thing on a "free speech oriented" forum. It's the perfect hack so just work with me and pretend!

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, but he has a working IQ and isn't a child or a coward.

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

First woman? Prove it, NPR. Define it. What is a woman? Let's talk about how your headline and the idea of gender as a social construct are mutually exclusive concepts. Lets have fun!!

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's also a catch 22 because I bet someone who feels like a jewish slave has a different relationship with the idea of going to the vacation pod. Er, uh, I mean to jail, of going to jail.

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +10 / -1

It's more of a "mastering the golem" thing

Also I cant believe you guys are talking about integration. It has been hundreds of years. A decision had to be made based on the failure of integration a long time ago, and it was. Above all that, it was never intended to happen any other way.

You_Are_Based 23 points ago +24 / -1

Is this about every event or are they specifically claiming to be behind certain things you're against, leaving you to employ a logical fallacy to brush it off for comfort?

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every board has a few political shills who do their best to frame narratives desirably, samefagging up transparent consensus cracking threads, policing user expression with attitudes that come from literally no where, no base, no place from which the attitude has migrated in via raid or crossposting screenshots and etc. It is a custom made dissenting-yet-stubbornly-devoted 4channer attitude. Exists only there, based only on genuine user attitudes there. Shilling 4chan is basically its own international industry and that means some of it is really low quality and noticable. Cheapest bidders and such. Lazy systems. ESL speakers, too.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your post title comes the closest out of anything I've read so far to actually explaining what the fuck got censored. But no cigar.

Elon should have just denied it so that the onus would be on posters like you and me to post some proof along with the claim, if we want to make a claim. Instead, Idk about you guys, but I have seen this screenshot of Elon's response a dozen or more times without any shred of... anything. I haven't even seen a direct link posted with the screenshot, so for all I know it could be nothing but a jpeg.

I realize it is in all likelihood real and that it's my job to verify things I read if I care to know, but a point approaches where any statement boils down to a claim, and you have either presented something on that claim or presented nothing.

When I become fuhrer of my own forum I will just prune posts that present nothing, and leave a message (to the effect of "post again with source or argumentation"). Not comments, mind you, but posts. In some cases all you'll need to present is an arguement, because the claim is of logic. In other cases you need to present a live hyperlink, because the claim is of report. In certain cases a photograph, because the claim is of action. In all cases I would gleefully smash delete on posts that just "present topic"

Like what did you present? The topic? A prompt? To start a conversation? About the topic? The topic on which nothing has been presented? Circle of noise and waste. My authoritarian attitude on this is the difference between investigating the truth versus gossiping about Becky, like women

Don't take this as a personal attack... it's so many people, it's genuine people more than bad people, people just wanna chat, I get it, but where can I find a place that's worth a damn to read, if our comments are "general internet chatter" that could be taking place at the same quality literally anywhere. The same FUCKING jpgs everywhere, same convos everywhere, kill me. I used to know places that were ran the way I describe, but they have melted away like so much delicious butter.

by folx
You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Um there's a "neo nazi homeschooling network" and i don't know the name of it? Surely there is some address people could donate school supplies to or something

I looked into it, all I found was usurous screeching about a telegram group called Dissident Homeschool that distributes lesson plans to a couple thousand members. Considering every member is likely at the head of their own family I'd say that's pretty neat. What a whitepill in an age where they goad you daily "you wont do anything" framing your only choices as submission or violence.

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

I know I'm uncreative because I entered this comment thread to say this exact thing almost the exact way.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you think "leftists" weren't involved with early DC and Marvel comics think again. It was an earlier and comparatively simple program, but it was a program. Ancestor to what we have now. You have to escape the false presentation of right and left. If you can identify the changing face of your enemy it places all of modern American history into a context in which all of these little things make sense.

I think this applies to lots of low-art media, but especially to comics; don't try and "team claim" shit. Yes the old stuff is better than the new, yes it seeded culture, but it was abused for the same purposes that programming ever has been (and by the same people). I spent years at a job where I was cataloguing perhaps tens of thousands of comics all-told, as well as vintage and antique magazines, and it eschewed the concept of old=based and of "team ownership" of old trash from my mind.

The same social class of people have been up to the same thing, evolving yet on-track, for a generations. The program changes shape one step at a time as the years progress, advancing, dropping the old and pushing the next new provacative, destructive, intellectually limiting cage narrative sold as freedom, the newest garbage consensus crack.

The reason things have gone nuts? The reason for the bump in volume, the increase in velocity, the swell of the cacophany? Internet plain and simple. I can simply share this info with you. In as much specific detail as you choose via the degree of censorship in the forum you've selected. A consolidation of information is occurring across countless millions of people. Soon we or our children will look collectively back at our precious treasure trove of "Good Ol Days" culture and call to BURN it with the rest with such a berth that would make even a hardcore present-day ConsumeProduct user's heart hurt.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

Close but no cigar due to false dichotomy trap. Want some fun? Look up the dates that the physical occupy wall street protests were happening and come back this chart

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

These guys think the USSR's only sin was being detectably violent

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