You_Are_Based 26 points ago +33 / -7

Consider me a single issue voter in regard to the totally illegal counter-A1 bill he signed in israel. I will never intentionally act to help such a person be President, if it were locked in as him vs Biden I would just turn away. I almost feel the same way about Trump for that matter, but not quite, because there is plausible deniability in his actions, plausible fumbling and bumbling, his eagerness to pander in petty but bold-faced ways to demonstrate how he "loves, just loves" x or y group.

This does not exist with desantis and the definitive, conclusive stance he took on the most basic human right his voters have. How can I ever assume his willingness or ability to defend my interest against leftist censors when he himself has practically out-done all of them up to this point?

If he had a red button he could press to end all child drag queen shows forever, and he pressed it, I would still never vote for him, because eliminating one mcguffin doesn't justify his continued presence when, for all I know, he could and would at any time and on any issue sign off my right to fucking talk.

Since his console apparently has a "ban pleb freedom" button right next to the "pwn da libs on Fox News distraction issue" button, I would rather him fuck right off even if it meant the desired button doesn't get pressed right that moment.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

But everyone is already somewhere else? Lol

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't even care much for the movie. It's decent but if it didn't spawn the show itd be forgettable to me. Enjoy.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

So have you been enjoying sg1 so far? Im considering looking up a plot/episode list so I can relive it over a week or so without committing to a whole series rewatch

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Given that he had already published his own face on twitter, thereby proving beyond all doubt that his is a man, he has rendered anything twitter might publish on the matter as redundant

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

these "alt-right" grifters are degenerate coomers

Thanks for the heads-up, u/FutaCumDiet

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh I thought 13/50 was violent crime. Carry on then lol.

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +8 / -1

It's okay to lose the battle, Imp. You are obviously not cracking this consensus... don't you feel even a little embarrassed in the attempt with what is clearly a personal narrative? Not echoed, reflected, reciprocated by any other users, and yet there you are bold-facedly pretending it's a group consensus.

You're obviously focused on manipulating men. It seems to be to the exclusion of targeting any woman in practice.

You sit and bullshit men all day. Have you ever considered this? That in practice, men are your target? That there's something you hate and want to change about men? That if you hated women more and wanted to change women more, you wouldn't be crying about how a bunch of MEN feel about FBI statistics?

It's observable that you care more about convincing men to "switch" the object of their hate to women than you care about anything any single woman ever did. You aren't even complaining about women, you are applying top tier racist coalburner logic to all children with no dads, without expressing any information other than hate, and with no visible aim other than aforementioned narrative game bullshit.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I trust these statistics as much as I can physically grasp and toss them into a trash bin.

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

What I find surprising is that in 1958 it was 10/60 which is a lot worse. People including myself often glorify an idea of older, pre-gangsta rap black culture. I still feel there's no way it could have been worse in the 50's.

I think police were just so much more effective back then, that even with 3% less black people (we know the pop numbers are lies but w/e) and likely less crime happening in total, they completed a higher rate of arrests. At the time police were socio-culturally healthy, in-tact, willing and empowered white men, with roots and personal investments in the places they policed, subordinate to other white men who felt the same way in a big white caring chain that only soured past redemption when it got into big money.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is this worth watching? I have seen the webm of this a million times but never looked up the source.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

One time this DM made a boss to parallel the early game chocobo eater boss fight from Final Fantasy X. Our archer, who has an ability that allows him to shoot additional arrows on to-hit criticals, won the initiative and promptly rolled four 20/20 criticals in a row. We concluded that he had shot the chocobo eater twice in each eyeball and that it died instantly.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +2 / -1

I do not appreciate the themes in 2 of the songs, but The Stage album by Avenged Sevenfold is musically high quality IMO and represents a change in direction for the band after riding City of Evil radio gaga to the top of the rock band world. It is a concept album about a spacefaring society that has pursued the question of God by scientific horror beyond my (and the songwriter's) comprehension. I would describe the album as paranoid about each aspect of its theme and not committed to the usual propaganda-style of us/them good/bad dichotomy

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's summer time and they seem intent on doing riots. I'll refrain from fitting that into a unifying narrative. But it is what it is. This style of propaganda is color revolution stuff that the same exact set of people have been doing to other countries for decades now. For whatever reason, they have their finger pressed down on the "get them to riot again" button as the weather warms.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

When you first experience the thought "oh come on, another temperate Canadian forest episode??" just remember it gets better and is worth it

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

If that's the case then it is probably the special sauce in the dish that is O'neill. If he were Kirk-ing it up the whole time it just wouldn't be the same

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

So what this democrat politician is saying, explicitly in the capacity of elected representative, is that George Soros' activities relate directly to his being a jew?

You_Are_Based 15 points ago +15 / -0

groom your child to be gay or we will groom xir for you

You_Are_Based 0 points ago +2 / -2

You're right man if it weren't for one little thing they'd all be darlings. In fact liberalism would work just perfectly. Therefore, you have NO valid reason to want to live in an ethnically homogeneous place. Instead, YOU as a non-black need to work on properly calibrating your local black people.

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