Slave labor for defying his masters.
I do not understand why melanin gets brought up as if it's some superchemical by every hoodrat on social media.
even though I’ve yet to ever meet a passable troon,
I've never met a passable MTF, and the one FTM I've met was easily recognizable through the beard and mustache by the feminine mannerisms it still displayed.
Things like holding their hand in front of their mouth when in shock or disbelief, still having a purse (or a bag similar to one), the abnormally short height for a man, and the voice, which never really sunk to a man's register.
Watch any street fight or car accident video. There is almost always some woman screaming "Oh my god!" x400. It's almost never the woman keeping their cool and handling a situation.
My Audi has been mostly reliable. I've only had 2 things actually fail on it where it stopped working in the 11 years I've owned it.
Then again I don't have the 2.0T engine that drinks oil.
You don't buy an Alfa, Ferrari, or Lancia because it's a a smart, rational, logical choice.
You buy it because it's fucking beautiful, even as it lights itself on fire by the roadside.
imports should be heavily taxed,
That's what the chicken tax is, and it's why Chrysler, Ford, and GM were even able to survive in the truck market after the 70s. The Japanese came into the market and completely dominated them in terms of reliability, and the market noticed this. So the big 3 went crying to daddy government and got them to fuck over the Japanese by taxing their trucks to the point that people were willing to put up with a piece of shit Ford just because it was cheaper. Now you have basically no small cheap trucks anymore.
Raikonnen, Hakkinen...
Is this 2000's F1?
To be fair, those craft brewers don't have to sell them to InBev. The responsibility is equally on them.
I'm pretty sure this was a cutscene in Scorn. If not, it should be.
Cyberpunk was meant to be a cautionary tale
At least the cautionary tales had cool tech, neon lights, and grizzled cyborg detectives.
Our dystopia is just the shitty part of cyberpunk.
You have based white friends, I assume?
I live in a blue state so trying to find based people is pretty hard. Even then, what is considered based here probably would be seen as timid or mild by someone in Kentucky.
My doctor is Jewish, some of my coworkers are Jewish, and some of my friends are Jewish. None of them have given me a reason to dislike them.
But then you have people like the Rothschilds, or Soros, or Fuckerberg, or any number of the ones in Hollywood who constantly whine about how oppressed they are as they tweet from the seventh bathroom of their mansion. The same people who then go to those Bilderberg meetings and bribe politicians.
It's funny how they manage to stay at the very top of the oppression stack no matter what happens or how privileged their lives are. It's almost like they run everything...
Did I just see the Imp say women aren't at fault? Is the world ending?
They have to see that data in the first place in order to be red pilled. Only when the things they see do not line up with what they have heard can it start.
My former roommate started binging anime when the pandemic started. He's made it all the way through Naruto, One Piece, and Attack on Titan in that time frame. He's also super liberal. To this day he is the only person I know who has watched One Piece who complained about how sexualized Nami and Robin are (which is ironic given how his wife has G cups, something which definitely influenced his decision on that front). Of course, the fact that just about every male in the show is ripped beyond belief completely missed him.
I'm not sure which one is the bigger faggot at this point.
That website of his is bizarre. All these weird photographs of him cosplaying shit while the description of him is this fluff piece comparing him to Oscar Wilde.
Oh good, another building block of my childhood being destroyed in real time.
Why is Colonel Piccolo holding the sword of Elendil?
Literally 90% of the crap you spam on the front page is "DRUMPF BAD DESANTIS GOOD"
He's not slandering you because it's not slander if it's true.
so many of even this boards people, shlurp up the Propaganda from the very entities they bemoan on here daily,
It's more like 4 or 5 specific people, and they spam the front page with "zomg le drumpf/putin/vonderleyen had two scoops of ice cream and this is proof of their heresy" every day. Why they get voted up as much as they do is beyond me.
Putinite way of thinking
We're reaching levels of retardation I didn't think were possible.
I didn't have cartoon network growing up because all we had was an antenna on top of our house that picked up a few channels. Kids WB was the only thing I had to watch for TV as a kid. Pokemon, YuGiOh, and Batman Beyond was what I saw on saturday mornings.
Since I didn't have anything else, I had to look through my parent's VHS collection. Star Wars and Indiana Jones were the things I watched religiously. They were a staple of my childhood. I had so many Star Wars Lego sets it was hard to find room for them.
Watching The Force Awakens, and seeing in real time, a huge part of my childhood dismantled and destroyed really set me off. I knew from that moment on that if they were willing to tank a franchise that big for their crusade, they would stop at nothing.
There can be no forgiveness for their heresy.
Not like they try to sell to civilians anyway.