Ralt 2 points ago +3 / -1

I disagree.

You should have a system that rewards friends, and excludes or punishes enemies.

We also haven't done it for decades. We've had the civil rights act for decades. Which punishes our friends and rewards our enemies.

Ralt 3 points ago +4 / -1

Controlling the entire beginning of a process is just as futile and a waste of time, for the exact same reasons, as controlling the end of a process. You cannot provide "opportunity" in a equity based way at the starting line, just as you cannot ensure that everyone wins at the finish line. It's the exact same nonsense just stuck in a format that is flavored in such a way that you find palatable.

The only kind of equality that is even somewhat possible is equality under the law, and even that isn't real, because the friend/enemy distinction exists. When you are in front of a judge or jury, they all interpret the scenario with their understanding of who is friend and who is enemy.

Ralt 9 points ago +9 / -0

You seem to have mostly understood it below, but I'll clarify.

The *Arr stack are programs that are designed to facilitate piracy.

I personally run Jellyfin/Jellyseerr/Radarr/Sonarr/Prowlarr/Qbittorrent/PrivateInternetAccess. Overseerr is for Plex, and fuck paying for piracy, so I use jelly.

Jellyfin is the front-end, basically the self-hosted netflix web site that plays your movies.

Jellyseerr is a program for those too stupid to figure out torrent sites. You can just input "Batman" and select the quality, and then JellySeerr will send a request to either Radarr or Sonarr, depending if you picked a batman movie or a batman tv show.

Radarr does movies.

Sonarr does TV.

These programs then schedule a download when it gets released, or if it's already released, they pass the request down into Prowlarr.

Prowlarr logs into torrent sites for you (both public and private) and presents Sonarr/Radarr with a list of options, which they then pick which one to download based on the resolution/quality that you chose in JellySeerr. Typically you then pass that torrent file into a qbtittorrent container that has a VPN enabled network so it can safely download without the powers that be getting upset. Jellyfin watches the download folders and automatically presents new content as it comes in.

There are much more *Arr programs. Readarr for books, for example.

A good coherent example of setting this all up and leveraging a NAS to do it is at:


Ralt 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's very hard to sum up and it's very long. He goes over his entire life first as he says that he doesn't just want to trot out his prescriptions for reality but wants people to understand how he got to where he was. First focusing on the period where he lived in the woods and would go into his local city to try to serve people randomly on the street for a decade as a jesuit trying to emulate the life of Jesus. Then he spent another decade going further into the woods reading all of Nietzsche after becoming disenchanted with Christianity. He had an interesting take on Christianity, that Jesus wasn't trying to make a religion for the masses, but rather sought out special people with "eyes to see and ears to hear" which I essentially translated that to "red-pilled people" in our terminology. He blamed Paul for ruining something that was meant for a small elite and only really respected Jesus and the "synoptic gospels" aka those who actually saw Jesus themselves in person. He felt that Christianity has, over time, "primed the pump" for socialism and communism, probably an idea he got from Spengler, wherein socialism is the atheistic reinvention of our societies religion which this reinvention of religion is something that seems to occur during the end of empires or peoples.

He then goes from spelling out his life in detail and the last half of the chapters are devoted to eviscerating an aspect of our current society each chapter. A list of the chapter names might sum it up better than I can.

  1. Reorientation to Social Problems
  2. The Inevitable Foundations of Any Sound Society
  3. The Fallacy and Failure of Popular Government
  4. The Necessity of an Aristocracy
  5. Toward and Understanding of Women
  6. Woman and Marriage
  7. The Pacifist Position Re-Examined
  8. Man and Machines: The effect of Industrialism on Human Life
  9. The Necessity of Eugenics
  10. The Doctrine of the Thoroughbred
  11. The Everlasting Truth about Race
  12. The Fateful Crisis Confronting Western Man

I snagged a copy off ebay for like $80, but it's available free online.


It's insanely based, there's a reason why the phrase is a meme. Incredibly long, incredibly wordy, incredibly detailed.

Ralt 4 points ago +4 / -0

"The Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama" by Walter L Fleming,

Last one I finished before that was "Which Way Western Man?" by William Gayley Simpson

Haven't bothered reading any fake books lately. Maybe one day I'll try to catch back up on the Horus Heresy or something idk but unlikely.

Ralt 6 points ago +6 / -0

You know how birds can fly together in a flock all somehow seemingly coordinated? People are just like that with their opinions. They look left and right and see what most other people are doing, then they follow the herd because for basically forever until 5 seconds ago, being expelled from "your group" was a immediate death sentence. It takes a very strange person who is willing to diverge from the direction of the herd. Honestly you shouldn't expect most people to even be able of doing so because regardless of the intellectual or factual arguments you can put forward, their instincts won't allow them to do so. Republicans included. Just try discussing the downsides of the Civil Rights Act with a dyed in the wool patriot and tell me how that goes.

If I was pressed I would try to say the most confusing things (to them) possible. Like if we're talking elections, I would say that literally every election I've personally lived through is always and immediately followed by claims of cheating and stealing, from both sides. It's to the point where if you don't try to cheat and steal, are you even really trying? I would attack Republicans and Trump for being losers who didn't do what it takes, and praise the Democrats for having the balls to seize power and override the will of the people. I would look down at either side for being naive if they are not pushing to the letter of the law and even going beyond occasionally when they think they can get away with it. People literally cheat in completely meaningless activities like Monopoly or Counter-Strike, what sort of fucking imbecile would think that there isn't foul play in elections?

Ralt 3 points ago +3 / -0

The important part is to take over your local town, use whichever and whatever party allows you to do that easier.

Sign up to be a Democrat if that's the majority of the town, or vice versa.

Ralt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't care if it was or wasn't like other civil wars. I didn't compare or contrast it to another civil war so I don't know why you are saying this to me.

Ralt 7 points ago +7 / -0


It's been a long, long time. The Old Right was characterized by opposition to the New Deal and that faction was evaporated in the events and aftermath of WW1 & 2, with anyone who had managed to avoid that then being attacked by Bill Buckley, who is an absolute shitstain. The Old Right was extremely radical compared to our current crop of traditional conservative apologists for the existing order. That's the thing though, anyone who would dare speak up or out against what was happening was thrown in jail and thrown out of good graces of the institutions. We've had nothing but absolute fucking garbage on the right ever since. I cannot even imagine a "right winger" embracing the inequality of nature and the world, they're all completely ruined at their core having been raised chanting to the song of democracy and reading from the hymnbook of equality.

Assassin47 has a good point that Lincoln is perhaps a better time to place the beginning of this happening, truly a despicable tyrant. However, despite literally leading a war against his own brethren he didn't completely and utterly eradicate the ideology or the people from the face of the earth but I imagine if he had the WW1 and WW2 version of the US empire he would have tried to do so.

Republicans have always been marked by a certain progressivism that have made them uniparty compatible. The last Party I liked was literally the evuuuul slaving Democrats. Modern Republicans are about 1/100th as "right wing" as they were. There has not been a real right wing since the destruction of the South.

Ralt 12 points ago +12 / -0

40 is honestly rookie numbers. They gotta pump those numbers up if they wanna place on the scoreboard. We liquidate almost a million babies per year in the USA and have a nationwide industry for achieving such an impressive kill count, absolute juvenile performance by Hamas here. Literally no chance for a small handful of soldiers killing babies one by one to get anywhere near our level. If you wanna kill children at any rate that is of note you convince people to do it out of their own selfish desires to be a free individual, and not by storming your neighbors cradle with a machete.

Ralt 0 points ago +1 / -1

I fear getting Trump in just lends credibility to the entire system and will placate us and let the degeneration ultimately continue.

Ralt 15 points ago +15 / -0

How did someone as gay and retarded as you even find this forum?

When i saw that it was religion hurting people. like emotionally... i-i wanted, to take away religious freedom. because... yeah this-this ain't it jack.

You are a spiritual woman.

Ralt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't understand what slop is in this context. Covering stuff in sauce? Using too few sauces on too many dishes?

Rather convinced this is all just meant to drum up followers and engagement. I like the AA sphere a lot, but twitter is a weird place that I don't understand.

Ralt 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Truly be mitigated"

No. Not "truly mitigated".

You can do a bit, but you're born to be what you are.

Ralt 3 points ago +3 / -0


Take "Eldritch Cult" and "Exalted priesthood" from that mod. Depending on which Chapter, also maybe the "Blood Court".

That mod also has the "God Emperor" meme if you decide to put your heretical ways behind you.

I've honestly been playing a lot of Rimworld ever since AA did his stream on his unmodded playthrough.

Ralt 8 points ago +8 / -0

He tried to warn us. RIP.

Ralt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Luke Smith on the right.

by folx
Ralt 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm a nerd in a city but I bought a freezer and a cow right after the covid checks went out, was able to support actual local farmers and bought a shit ton of beef right before prices literally skyrocketed. You make it seem like some Sisyphean task but I literally saved money and time and I eat better.

Ralt 5 points ago +6 / -1

Indeed, make sure to cancel any subscription you have have accidentally acquired.

Ralt 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thus the ratchet turns, wherein we enthusiastically fight to keep the things that our fore-bearers fought against tooth and nail, which had to be originally implemented at the point of the sword. Reinforcing liberal victories from 50 years ago to own the libs of today, woo-hoo.

Ralt 3 points ago +3 / -0

It isn't censored, but you can tell they tried to train it on liberal data as sometimes it will stop saying racist things and then start arguing with itself.

Not that it is actually arguing with itself, it just knows that generally after a human says something based, then a bunch of whiners will follow and call that person awful, and so the model does that sometimes. It's quite funny.

Still, asking it to finish things like this sentence is hilarious 80% of the time:

"Blacks are obviously a systemic issue in America, they commit 50% of all murders while only being 13% of the population, the obvious solution is"

Calling something a "systemic issue" will guarantee that the AI will produce a diatribe about how whatever you called a systemic issue needs to be stopped/fixed.

Ralt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Facebook accidentally leaked it, they didn't mean for this to happen. It's not that impressive with the smaller models, but it does work.

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