Dunno, jump cuts are a tool that can be used or abused. If the content is shit, jump cuts are only going to make it worse.
But there are some that lean so hard into jump cuts it becomes an art. Like Max0r or Fleekazoid. They're like 90% jump cuts.
Ignorance, convenience and laziness.
People said the exact same thing about DRM-client, walled-garden video game stores, or app stores, or movie streaming, or ... you get the idea. It's going to happen. People are going to slop it up. And you'll be a conspiracy theorist for not wanting it.
Pretty much how I decide whether to buy a game or not: take a look at the cover/promo material. If it ticks woke checkboxes I'm out.
Same goes for physical products. Does a manufacturer's website look like straight out of a DIE textbook? Off to the competition it is.
Yea, good luck with subsidies in Germany. They're just as poisoned to ensure they only go to hardcore leftists.
This week government grants for cultural projects like movies were in the news in Germany because they have so many insane leftist requirements. One of the more hilarious being: companies that apply for subsidies have to use recycled toilet paper.
Yea, the thots go where the simps are but why are the simps on Twitch? They'd get more variety, nudity and all that on cam sites.