Constipatriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

They spell just like how they fit in with tv casting: a bunch of nonsense, incorrect, functionless characters thrown in for no fucking reason.

Constipatriot 19 points ago +19 / -0

Early in the 90s, CES was the big thing for gaming. This went on for years but a tumor had formed - the Porn industry. First a few booths, then a whole floor, eventually gaming left CES and became its own show.

E3 was that show. For a time, things worked out. Then the gaming giants started overdoing it. EA, Ubisoft, Sony, all the giants had outgrown the booth idea and became bloated areas which were little more than commercials for tepid product that had already been announced. Smaller studios were getting less attention than they deserved. Innovation began to die out. People started asking inconvenient questions. Companies like Blizzard backed out and started their own conventions.

Now we enter the next iteration. Paid streams. Stacked audiences. Staged demos. Woke pandering.

Buckle up, I guess. We're riding this whirlpool all the way to the bottom of the toilet.

Constipatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interaction with the left has taught me that both sides define kindness differently.

The right sees it in the traditional, conventional way. Being polite, offering to help, respecting life and boundaries, etc.

The left sees kindness on their own terms in order of their priorities, a kind of collective usefulness as they envision it. Making each other comfortable, donating to causes, standing in solidarity, even correcting each other. The flaw is that their position on being kind requires an antagonist to contrast. They tend to feed off of the position of whatever group they're seeing as virtuous rather than the context of a simple person to person encounter. They defer to the group for judgment on what virtue is, and they'll carry that with them.

This is why kind seeming little old ladies will still spit in your sandwich if they overhear you mention words they don't like, and they'll feel justified doing it.

Constipatriot 13 points ago +13 / -0

He looks like someone who should definitely not be making rules for anybody. It's like hiring a clown to do safety inspections. His appearance undermines the whole concept.

Constipatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Any game that gets the masses praising it for every little thing it doesn't fuck up repulses me immediately as it's guaranteed to be overhyped. There is no bigger red flag than reddit drooling over some title like it's game of the century. If they hate it, it's likely to be pretty solid.

Constipatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

As we go on, I keep thinking that these liberal idiots aren't necessarily getting worse; that the reality is they've always been more awful than we ever realized and they're just lately becoming more honest with themselves and aren't bothering to hide it anymore.

Constipatriot 9 points ago +9 / -0

If you look at user reviews, a LOT of the complaints about it are from recent marvel fanboys complaining that it's a strategy game and not another tepid brawler. Go figure Disney's approach to the franchise has driven off anyone who can reason and analyze.

Constipatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Strength is highly prized and respected amongst the Uruk-hai.

"Looks like meat's not on the menu, ladies!"

Constipatriot 17 points ago +17 / -0

Liberals love these people because it's easy to push a narrative about evil Republicans and prison reform and broken, oppressive, heartless systems if you don't give it any consideration.

David Cross, asshole at large, has this stand up bit where he's walking the audience through the execution of a mentally retarded guy who was sentenced to death under Bush after killing people in Texas. He acts like the guy was some happy downs child giggling "haha seat belt for my arm" as he was being strapped into the execution chair by heartless guards, unaware and optimistic that he was going to be fine, that the guy was some victim of happenstance and persecuted by evil conservatives.

The reality was that the guy was not far off from Jason Voorhees and barely spoke, but sure as shit did not have a problem stomping the life out of people and animals on a whim.

So when you consider it, many slasher flick killers like Jason, Leatherface, Myers, etc are all at about that same mental level. The real myth is that rehabilitation is going to work.

Constipatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Louis Tully is the most inspiring character in Ghostbusters.

When we first meet him, he's an accountant with an apartment off Central Park west, which is no joke. He's got a client's list a mile long. He's got a great attitude, and everything we see about him tells us he's great at what he does.

Contrast this with Peter, who we see using a rigged test to seduce a student.

Then Louis' life is ruined. His apartment is trashed along with everything in it. His name has been dragged through the mud, he made an ass out of himself when he was possessed, and it's safe to assume he's lost his clients and is back at square one.

When we see him again in Ghostbusters 2, we learn that despite the failure and embarrassment, he's pulled himself together. He went to school (night school, assumedly while working during the day) and got a law license in New York, which is not easy.

He knows he's not ready, but agrees to help his friends by going to bat for them in a new york courtroom in a criminal case. He knows the odds are bad, but wants to do right by them. When shit hits the fan in the courtroom, it was him who reminded the judge about what the legal situation was and though he gets no credit, if not for doing that the ghostbusters wouldn't have been able to do anything about it.

And then he goes back to doing what he was great at, being the in-house accountant for his ghostbuster friends.

Then when they get into a bad spot, Louis straps up and heads out, alone and untrained, to help knowing lives were on the line including his own.

The series treats the man like a bottom bitch but he's stronger and braver than anyone gives Louis Tully credit for (except maybe Janine, who we know isn't good for much herself.)

by Lethn
Constipatriot 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, I also like my condemned female inmates from a 40k prison ship to be intensely fuckable.

by Lethn
Constipatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Darktide is the shit. No woke residue to be found, just violence and zeal for the Emperor.

Constipatriot 11 points ago +11 / -0

It should be 2nd degree murder. It was an opportunity strike meant to harm. No different than if he'd wildly knifed someone and got them in the heart, even if his intent was simply to get the blade into the other guy without caring where.

Constipatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Entering the military as a caucasian is the definition of a dead end job. Not even making a pun here. As you spend your entire tenure getting passed over for promotions and handed shit tasks nonstop, you'll wonder if you'd have gone further in a career in retail or food service.

Constipatriot 23 points ago +23 / -0

A teleporter accident featuring Beetlejuice and CeeLo Green

Constipatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

To be considered uncastable in an industry that is promoting ugliness should be considered a badge of honor.

If she has any issues, it might only be that she's not perfectly slotted into just any role.

Constipatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

At this point, South Park catching on is like a teenager's parents picking up the new street slang at the end of its cycle. It's just a flag that the thing is worn out its welcome and is starting to become cringey and tired.

At best this may put some woke companies on notice that this crap is wearing thin and people are no longer were never interested.

Constipatriot 24 points ago +24 / -0

Why are aspirin white?

... You want them to work, don't you?

One I saw recently:

What separates man from animals?

The Mediterranean

Constipatriot 23 points ago +23 / -0

His wife was also his official "broker" for advertising time that his campaign bought. For this tiny service, she received commissions from his campaign funds for every minute of commercial time his campaign bought on radio and television. She made hundreds of thousands doing this.

Bernie still holds himself above other liberal grifters because he's only laundering and stealing his own donated money.

Constipatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

"It was great, man. I played 'screech' and rolled a natural 20, it blew the fucking eardrums out of every enemy in the dungeon."

Constipatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Halloween isn't related to Christianity. It's just a tradition and it's meant to be fun instead of some solemn day of reflection. It's as far removed from paganism by now as Christmas is from the birth of christ. It's harmless.

Constipatriot 18 points ago +18 / -0

Everything about Miles' half of the game is cringe. His side missions are straight out of a sjw fan fiction bible. Helping a gay couple with decorations. Retrieving stolen instruments from a Harlem ethnic music museum. Searching BIPOC street art for hidden messages. Playing as his deaf girlfriend as she graffitis over graffiti, using trans flag colors (and yes the graffiti artist is 'misunderstood' and obviously trans, never once is it brought up that it's vandalism.)

The thing is, Miles himself is not the problem. He seems indifferent but keeps getting dragged into this horseshit by people who are like "you're a black latino so you're obviously interested, right?" He's actually out to kill the guy who killed his father but keeps getting hoodwinked by helpless crybabies who won't call police because racism.

But if you want the tokens to upgrade shit, you're forced to endure the stuff that's less realistic than the actual superhero content.

Constipatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

As Google goes, you have to piece it together because of course no outlet would allege this out loud, but it's easy enough to find the accident itself. Disney swooped in and finalized the deal in early January 2006, less than 5 months after this event.

Constipatriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

It started when one of Pixar's execs and head writers, back when they were their own studio, held out on a vote to sell to Disney and ended up flying off a cliff in the California hills when his car's brakes somehow failed. With the obstacle gone, Disney immediately bought them out and they've been sliding further into Hollywood's butthole ever since.

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