Thanks for the coverage. I wasn't going to be playing this game anyways, but it shows the clear pattern of: Japanese developers want to make something good and interesting and are dragged down by the outsiders interfering.
Yeah it's been a cold civil war since at least the 70's and I would say it has been significantly warming up since 2008 or so. If it ever gets actually considered "hot" is up to circumstance.
The best way to wage war on people is if they don't even know a war is happening. The more people realize what's going on and fight back in meaningful ways it would force the conflict to be more visible.
In Japan the main way they are doing it is "sustainable development goals" I think.
There are already a bunch of companies infected like Kadokawa's president is a member of the WEF.
I was with him there for a long time. However in talking about systems and politics, the one thing underpinning it all is biology. Once you really internalize the biological issues of modern society, then there is no turning back into a moderate.
The pentagon part is the most suspicious out of everything. I haven't seen too much but this video goes over a lot of good areas.
Basically every major social media site uses bots. Reddit was infamous for using bots to first get the site some popularity and attention. We all know how much Youtube likes to mess around with numbers. On Twitch they don't ban accounts that have had bots because they can't verify who is doing it.
It's very easy to tell when something on the internet is organic or not and since 2014 onward it's been getting more and more fake by the day, unless you go to less popular places.
The definition of marriage has always been a man and a woman being bonded together. So there is no such thing as gay marriage by definition. We all know how much that people have shifted definitions though.