Ok, I've defended Fuentes before, but that tweet is about as charitable to his "opponent" as any other leftist would be, so fuck him for this retard take. If I wanted fake biased takes, I can just listen to Daily Wire, CNN, Democrats, or RINO war whores.
You aren't required to support Israel, you're required to not break the laws. If there were any other college riots going on that weren't Israel-related, I'd still be happy with deporting the participants and defunding the universities that allow it.
Thomas Massie and Trump have an ideological disagreement based largely on priorities. Massie is (rightfully) concerned about the national debt. Trump is concerned about being artificially hamstrung by budgetary constraints (unlike any other president) preventing him from getting stuff like deportations done. The situation is only tangentially related to Massie's lack of AIPAC handler.
There are laws that make it illegal to boycott isreal.
There shouldn't be.
Those are exclusively limited to preventing state agencies from awarding contracts to companies boycotting Israel. There's no law against any individual boycotting Israel.
The problem is that they're ONLY deporting a select few around their pet causes. Not foreign nationals who break the law for other reasons. If Trump said, "we're revoking the visas of foreigners who disturb the peace on college campuses," that's great. Instead it's always muh antisemitism. He could have taken the EXACT same action and framed it as America-first. Or just generally as anti-terrorist. Instead, he chose to present it as Israel-first. Why did he think that was the most beneficial optics?
Those are exclusively limited to preventing state agencies from awarding contracts to companies boycotting Israel. There's no law against any individual boycotting Israel.
When the fed gov becomes big enough and is a significant enough part of an industry that then becomes a de facto law preventing the what-should-be private sector from boycotting isreal.
He's also completely ignoring that the faggot being deported is a green cardholder with a history of supporting hamas and Hezbollah. He'd rather an Islamic radical stay in america than give israel a perceived victory
He'd rather an Islamic radical stay in america than give israel a perceived victory
Fuentes literally told his entire base and everyone who'd listen to not vote for Trump, aka helping Kamala.
So its a lot bigger than just Islamic radicals. He'd rather see America fucking dead, your children raped into being his femboy slaves, than look at a picture that isn't "Israel is the only thing that matters."
Well based on just this little shithole forum and the comments on this Topic just today, everyone just lives in the Endless Now and cannot remember yesterday or anything beyond "he just said based thing, that means he is the good guy!"
Its extra funny because Nick is a Mexican homosexual who loves literal trannies (femboys), something these people hate in every form. But because he says "JEW BAD" loudly enough, he gets to be a hero and any criticism of him is somehow us trying to defend the Jews.
Between that and Stonetoss being outed as a chunky Puerto Rican (with Asian fever) I'm starting to think Adolf and the boys really did escape to South America. It would explain why 21st century NatSoc seems to be a bit swarthy.
man, all three of you (including Fuentes the Faggot) are dumb for different reasons. mohammedans and jews are both the enemy and trump happens to be on team jew. the hell good has he done? achieved fewer deportations than biden and had a tranny-ban order blocked by democrats?
Wow. With two short sentences you convinced me to never listen to another word you say.
You may have facts. I have been steadily convinced that Jews are a corrosive force. You, however, are a religious zealot who bases arguments on articles of faith.
When I have I said anything about faith or religion? Im not muslim. Israel is doing more damage to me than any muslim terrorist org, who are mainly attacking Israel, not me. That makes them my allies.
You're being sarcastic but have you "noticed" anything with the names of Fake News journos? Or the ones calling gamers toxic, misogynistic, racist, icky incels and calling for more censorship?
If they were all named al-Muhammad, Abdullah, Omar, or Ibn Talib then you'd notice pretty quick
I've also noticed that within two generations Indonesia has gone from a Hindu nation to a nation dominated by Islam; and it is never coming back.
The idea that Islam expands its territory only because of Jews is fucking insane. Hezbollah and Hamas would gladly kill every Christian in their territories. They would kill me in my sleep if they could.
So take your false dichotomy and stuff it up your ass.
It's why I wish when people saw Gizortnik's name on a comment they wouldn't just insta downvote, because these are the exact people he's talking about; people who are so single-issue about Judaism that they're openly willing to ignore Islam
The bigger issue is what's the bigger issue. Islam is shit and can suck it, but they don't own the government, the banks the media, and the nukes. Jews do. Focus on the bigger problem first. And if something benefits a lesser problem or a bigger problem, always reduce the biggest problem and allow the lesser problem to win that argument.
I'd rather have anti Jewish supremacists whining at a university then the Jewish professors teaching them to cut their dicks off and hate America.
And who milks you for billions of dollars annually and drags you into numerous middle eastern conflicts which produce said refugees which they then ship to white countries? Ever wondered why the good guys at IDF give warnings in advance to evacuate areas instead of just genociding the mudslimes and claiming the territory? Their officials on twitter will openly tell you they want to send them to white countries.
Trannying out your kids, faggots and other pests grooming your kids in schools, white guilt tripping, tailoring school curriculums to destroy the white youth, immigration NGOs, feminism, porn, miscegenation agendas, history revisionism, 1960s immigration acts and sexual revolutions, and numerous other venues of societal corruption are all done by 1 group and it's not the mudslimes nor their terrorist organizations in the middle east thousands of miles away from you. Neither hamas nor hezbolla run the banks and entertainment or wield any global scale influence.
I have given Gizortnik so many chances. He obviously has deep knowledge on several specializations.
Yet he is almost congenitally incapable of discussion and seems unable of absorbing new facts or points of view. It is like the voice in his head shouts so much louder than anyone else, there just isn't any room.
One of the things that has benefited me enormously is to take the 4chan approach and examine each post on its own merits rather than attaching it to the preconceptions that come with the speaker. In my time here I have used that approach and completely changed my views on so many things. Shit, just yesterday I read an inciteful, relevant post and saw that Gizortnik had written it.
That said, I have no energy for watching him sperg out on talking points that might has well been handed to him by an Israeli diplomat. The Jews, when taken as a political force, have fantastic power in the USA, and they use it with purpose, often to the detriment of the USA and its people. Gizortnik will hear none of it.
His religious beliefs often place him beyond reason and dialog. That isn't any better than stormfags and their irrational hate. Which is a shame.
Islam attacks the west because of "our" involvement with Israel. Cut ties with Israel, they are no longer a problem. Im not ignoring them, I'm giving a more honest assessment of the situation than your pussy ass could ever have.
All the Muslims in the West, right now, wouldn't even be here if not for open borders, mass immigration, the Kalergi plan, the demonization of White people to accept this poison, and the complete subversion and corruption of all of our foundational societal institutions which have control over all of this.
Muslim invasions of White lands largely stopped after the crusades and the fall of the Ottoman empire. Muslims messing with American lives largely stopped after we kicked the shit out of the Barbary Pirates (propped up by the Ottomans). Many modern Islamic terrorist attacks (like 9/11) have been false flags perpetrated by our own government, or "our greatest ally", to get the American public to support the global war on terror, the Patriot Act, and an ever expanding police tyrannical state. All of the Middle Eastern "refugee" crises were created wholecloth by U.S. warmongering in the Middle East, largely on behalf of Israel and bankers, where those refugees were specifically funneled into Western nations by NGOs like HIAS, to continue to enact the Kalergi plan.
You don't solve a problem by tackling the ancillary issues. You go after the source of the problem first.
Jews opened the Gates of Toledo and helped the Moors take over Spain. They are our biggest enemy. Muslims are also our enemy, but they're a lesser one that we'd be better equipped to defeat if it wasn't for jews calling us islamophobes for noticing what happens when jews open our borders to them. And we're antisemites when we notice who's opening the borders and actively bringing the threat to our shores.
Gizortnik denies who brought Islam to Western countries. They didn't just up and move here. Jews instigated the wars in the middle east that generated a stream of refugees, and then jewish NGOs brought them to the West and jewish influence opened the borders to let them in, and passed hate speech laws to stop Europeans from complaining, and gun control to stop Christians in most countries from defending themselves. And now they're back to starting wars in the middle east, this time just to deflect attention from themselves.
If there were any other college riots going on that weren't Israel-related, I'd still be happy with deporting the participants and defunding the universities that allow it.
Israel related riots are the only ones I support. The whole world should be anti Israel, and I'll support them. You're a pussy.
Uss liberty
Stolen secrets
Murder of children
Massacred Palestinians
Stolen land
Financial fraud
Media manipulation
Political manipulation
Child mutilation
Betrayal of your host nations
Blood libel
Forced immigration
The attempted continuous destruction of white European nations
Promotion of miscegenation
Promotion of abortion
Abd dint forget the massive amounts of genetic diseases you flood the gene pool with. Disgusting.
If the goal is to remove the “deep state”, and you know who the deep state is, you already know why Trumps support for Israel and jews in America is such a huge problem. You simply can’t be pro-jew and anti deep state, they are one and the same thing.
Wasn't me who downvoted (I actually upvote most controversial threads, to let other people see them and more people decide if they want it visible or not, as getting buried by a few downvotes is super lame), but I can tell you why others would (well, two reasons):
They're Israel First too. This isn't the main reason, but we do have a few of these.
More common...people get sick of the whining and the blackpilling.
I've said it many times, but Trump is great. Not on everything, but he's doing a heck of a job so far. Look, I don't like the Israel stuff either. And it would absolutely be worth calling out...if every other president didn't also do this.
If Trump was uniquely bad on the Israel issue, yeah, call this shit out every day of the week.
But considering this is the same slop we'd get from any other candidate so far, attacking Trump - who is good to great on most other issues - is counterproductive and incredibly grating.
I will say, it's not completely useless, as it's important to draw Trump's attention to that people don't like this, since he is a populist and might moderate his stance somewhat. But I'm highly suspicious of the way people keep going about this.
Just like we saw with the Zelenskyy™ blowup, Trump doesn't like being attacked. Calling him names and stuff like "Israel First" - essentially Traitor - is not the way to get him to listen.
So, the question is, do people want to whine, blackpill, and attack Trump because it's cathartic, or do they want to actually put forward an American First message?
I don't Trust people like Fuentes. He's always doing this attention grabbing and anti-Trump stuff which, no matter how you feel about the issue, is not helpful. The only person shit like this helps is Fuentes and his attention seeking.
Trump also doesn’t like being completely unpopular. He was only able to turn against the establishment because he had a majority of the population on his side. The only way to make him reverse course on Israel is for his base to threaten him with total irrelevance.
What would I gain from Israel no longer controlling my government via an illegal unregistered Israeli NGO?
I had no idea you were so learned when it came to laws. Nor that one lobby group amounts to 'controlling [your] government'. Pro tip: what the USG does for Israel is pocket change.
Considering that you talk about being J-pilled, we both know this is really about.
You’re such a fucking disingenuous snake. No surprise given your identity.
You're a snake if you're not a nazi. Well, Heil Hitler then. Have I been transformed out of being a snek?
If Trump was uniquely bad on the Israel issue, yeah, call this shit out every day of the week.
Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, which you might call bad, though I don't.
Experts predicted that the ME would go down in flames. But the best argument I've heard for it is that it could have been a bargaining chip to use in forcing a peace.
Calling him names and stuff like "Israel First" - essentially Traitor - is not the way to get him to listen.
It's really something for people like that homosexual virgin, who agitated against Trump during election, to now claim that the guy he didn't vote for is betraying him.
He's always doing this attention grabbing and anti-Trump stuff
Now just for a moment imagine the media reaction if a Nazi, or whatever he is, was always doing anti-Biden or anti-Democrat stuff.
If a Jew said the sky was blue, does that mean we should start listening to them? Or does all the other bullshit they pull make you double check or just not care what they say regardless of its truth?
Ok, I've defended Fuentes before, but that tweet is about as charitable to his "opponent" as any other leftist would be, so fuck him for this retard take. If I wanted fake biased takes, I can just listen to Daily Wire, CNN, Democrats, or RINO war whores.
You aren't required to support Israel, you're required to not break the laws. If there were any other college riots going on that weren't Israel-related, I'd still be happy with deporting the participants and defunding the universities that allow it.
Thomas Massie and Trump have an ideological disagreement based largely on priorities. Massie is (rightfully) concerned about the national debt. Trump is concerned about being artificially hamstrung by budgetary constraints (unlike any other president) preventing him from getting stuff like deportations done. The situation is only tangentially related to Massie's lack of AIPAC handler.
There are laws that make it illegal to boycott isreal.
You've never seen an actual riot, have you?
Universities shouldn't be funded by the federal government in the first place.
Oh yea? Who's your AIPAC handler?
On this point specifically: students shouldn't be allowed to take over buildings. Even if they are a bunch of slack-jawed faggots.
There's a reason we call them MIGA lol.
The problem is that they're ONLY deporting a select few around their pet causes. Not foreign nationals who break the law for other reasons. If Trump said, "we're revoking the visas of foreigners who disturb the peace on college campuses," that's great. Instead it's always muh antisemitism. He could have taken the EXACT same action and framed it as America-first. Or just generally as anti-terrorist. Instead, he chose to present it as Israel-first. Why did he think that was the most beneficial optics?
When the fed gov becomes big enough and is a significant enough part of an industry that then becomes a de facto law preventing the what-should-be private sector from boycotting isreal.
He's also completely ignoring that the faggot being deported is a green cardholder with a history of supporting hamas and Hezbollah. He'd rather an Islamic radical stay in america than give israel a perceived victory
Fuentes literally told his entire base and everyone who'd listen to not vote for Trump, aka helping Kamala.
So its a lot bigger than just Islamic radicals. He'd rather see America fucking dead, your children raped into being his femboy slaves, than look at a picture that isn't "Israel is the only thing that matters."
Facts and apparently he's managed to convince a bunch of useless idiots to commit mass suicide with him. Entirely subversive behavior
There's something to him being at J6 and then disappearing, and requiring info from his "followers" after
Well based on just this little shithole forum and the comments on this Topic just today, everyone just lives in the Endless Now and cannot remember yesterday or anything beyond "he just said based thing, that means he is the good guy!"
Its extra funny because Nick is a Mexican homosexual who loves literal trannies (femboys), something these people hate in every form. But because he says "JEW BAD" loudly enough, he gets to be a hero and any criticism of him is somehow us trying to defend the Jews.
"I may be a cocksucking retard but did I mention that jews are bad"
Between that and Stonetoss being outed as a chunky Puerto Rican (with Asian fever) I'm starting to think Adolf and the boys really did escape to South America. It would explain why 21st century NatSoc seems to be a bit swarthy.
Hamas and hezbollah are not my enemy. You are.
Oh yes the conservative Christian is the enemy not the Muslim terrorists organizations. One of which is communist
man, all three of you (including Fuentes the Faggot) are dumb for different reasons. mohammedans and jews are both the enemy and trump happens to be on team jew. the hell good has he done? achieved fewer deportations than biden and had a tranny-ban order blocked by democrats?
I'll take the mudslime over the jew. I can deal with the mud slime.
How about our politicians not be owned by any foreign nationals? Or ANYone. That'd be pretty neat i bet.
Except I do not support Israel and have never advocated to support Israel. At best I'm neutral and I want to leave the sand people to kill each other
The USA and Israel created and fund both hamas and hezbollah. Same goes for boko haram.
The USSR created Hezbollah. Israel created Hamas
Correct. You are my enemy.
Eh, he's an actual Nazi. Of course conservative Christians are his enemy and not potential SS Hanschar recruits.
And you're a brown female.
Uterus detected, opinion rejected.
Nah, I hate socialism. And you.
Me? Why me?
Yet you love hezbollah
Nice baiting. We know the ban triggers.
Wow. With two short sentences you convinced me to never listen to another word you say.
You may have facts. I have been steadily convinced that Jews are a corrosive force. You, however, are a religious zealot who bases arguments on articles of faith.
Enjoy your purity spiral by yourself.
When I have I said anything about faith or religion? Im not muslim. Israel is doing more damage to me than any muslim terrorist org, who are mainly attacking Israel, not me. That makes them my allies.
You're being sarcastic but have you "noticed" anything with the names of Fake News journos? Or the ones calling gamers toxic, misogynistic, racist, icky incels and calling for more censorship?
If they were all named al-Muhammad, Abdullah, Omar, or Ibn Talib then you'd notice pretty quick
I've noticed that Jews, as a group, hate us.
I've also noticed that within two generations Indonesia has gone from a Hindu nation to a nation dominated by Islam; and it is never coming back.
The idea that Islam expands its territory only because of Jews is fucking insane. Hezbollah and Hamas would gladly kill every Christian in their territories. They would kill me in my sleep if they could.
So take your false dichotomy and stuff it up your ass.
It's why I wish when people saw Gizortnik's name on a comment they wouldn't just insta downvote, because these are the exact people he's talking about; people who are so single-issue about Judaism that they're openly willing to ignore Islam
The bigger issue is what's the bigger issue. Islam is shit and can suck it, but they don't own the government, the banks the media, and the nukes. Jews do. Focus on the bigger problem first. And if something benefits a lesser problem or a bigger problem, always reduce the biggest problem and allow the lesser problem to win that argument.
I'd rather have anti Jewish supremacists whining at a university then the Jewish professors teaching them to cut their dicks off and hate America.
They just murder you and rape your children anytime they're close to a majority in an area. How about neither
Neither is best, but I said if its a choice between. If one has to be benefitted I'm picking the mudslime.
And who milks you for billions of dollars annually and drags you into numerous middle eastern conflicts which produce said refugees which they then ship to white countries? Ever wondered why the good guys at IDF give warnings in advance to evacuate areas instead of just genociding the mudslimes and claiming the territory? Their officials on twitter will openly tell you they want to send them to white countries.
Trannying out your kids, faggots and other pests grooming your kids in schools, white guilt tripping, tailoring school curriculums to destroy the white youth, immigration NGOs, feminism, porn, miscegenation agendas, history revisionism, 1960s immigration acts and sexual revolutions, and numerous other venues of societal corruption are all done by 1 group and it's not the mudslimes nor their terrorist organizations in the middle east thousands of miles away from you. Neither hamas nor hezbolla run the banks and entertainment or wield any global scale influence.
I have given Gizortnik so many chances. He obviously has deep knowledge on several specializations.
Yet he is almost congenitally incapable of discussion and seems unable of absorbing new facts or points of view. It is like the voice in his head shouts so much louder than anyone else, there just isn't any room.
One of the things that has benefited me enormously is to take the 4chan approach and examine each post on its own merits rather than attaching it to the preconceptions that come with the speaker. In my time here I have used that approach and completely changed my views on so many things. Shit, just yesterday I read an inciteful, relevant post and saw that Gizortnik had written it.
That said, I have no energy for watching him sperg out on talking points that might has well been handed to him by an Israeli diplomat. The Jews, when taken as a political force, have fantastic power in the USA, and they use it with purpose, often to the detriment of the USA and its people. Gizortnik will hear none of it.
His religious beliefs often place him beyond reason and dialog. That isn't any better than stormfags and their irrational hate. Which is a shame.
Islam attacks the west because of "our" involvement with Israel. Cut ties with Israel, they are no longer a problem. Im not ignoring them, I'm giving a more honest assessment of the situation than your pussy ass could ever have.
Islam began its existence by attacking the west. Tell me why the Middle East is no longer Christian and why they invaded Europe
Ancient history.
Islam attacks the West because we don't worship their child rapist of a prophet. They have been attacking the West for over a thousand years.
A select few, created by Israel, do that. Majority get along with the west just fine, if it werent for Israel bombing their homelands.
All the Muslims in the West, right now, wouldn't even be here if not for open borders, mass immigration, the Kalergi plan, the demonization of White people to accept this poison, and the complete subversion and corruption of all of our foundational societal institutions which have control over all of this.
Muslim invasions of White lands largely stopped after the crusades and the fall of the Ottoman empire. Muslims messing with American lives largely stopped after we kicked the shit out of the Barbary Pirates (propped up by the Ottomans). Many modern Islamic terrorist attacks (like 9/11) have been false flags perpetrated by our own government, or "our greatest ally", to get the American public to support the global war on terror, the Patriot Act, and an ever expanding police tyrannical state. All of the Middle Eastern "refugee" crises were created wholecloth by U.S. warmongering in the Middle East, largely on behalf of Israel and bankers, where those refugees were specifically funneled into Western nations by NGOs like HIAS, to continue to enact the Kalergi plan.
You don't solve a problem by tackling the ancillary issues. You go after the source of the problem first.
Jews opened the Gates of Toledo and helped the Moors take over Spain. They are our biggest enemy. Muslims are also our enemy, but they're a lesser one that we'd be better equipped to defeat if it wasn't for jews calling us islamophobes for noticing what happens when jews open our borders to them. And we're antisemites when we notice who's opening the borders and actively bringing the threat to our shores.
Gizortniks coworker chimes on...
Gizortnik denies who brought Islam to Western countries. They didn't just up and move here. Jews instigated the wars in the middle east that generated a stream of refugees, and then jewish NGOs brought them to the West and jewish influence opened the borders to let them in, and passed hate speech laws to stop Europeans from complaining, and gun control to stop Christians in most countries from defending themselves. And now they're back to starting wars in the middle east, this time just to deflect attention from themselves.
Speaking out against israel is against the law.
Israel related riots are the only ones I support. The whole world should be anti Israel, and I'll support them. You're a pussy.
Because of what they have done and what they do now and what they will continue to do until the end of time.
And what is that?
Oh, you want a list of your bullshit?
Uss liberty Stolen secrets Murder of children Massacred Palestinians Stolen land Pornography Financial fraud Usury Media manipulation Political manipulation Child mutilation Betrayal of your host nations Apartheid Blood libel Pedophilia Incest Degeneracy Forced immigration The attempted continuous destruction of white European nations Promotion of miscegenation Promotion of abortion
Abd dint forget the massive amounts of genetic diseases you flood the gene pool with. Disgusting.
You need more?
Yeah, why not?
I'll just pick one.
What exactly does Israel have to do with 'pornography'? Make it good.
I mean, you're just throwing spaghetti at a wall, Adolf.
"But they never call you a liar"
You and all of your people are literally a walking meme
Crimes against humanity
I guess they're very bad when not committed by the US, or by Uncle Adolf.
Well,for one, all of our formerly "free speech" spaces are moderated by people like...you.
Formerly free speech, you say. So KiA2 was once pro-free speech. When was that?
It may be an uncharitable take, but is it a lie? Would you have to add lies to it to make it charitable? Or omit the truth?
If the goal is to remove the “deep state”, and you know who the deep state is, you already know why Trumps support for Israel and jews in America is such a huge problem. You simply can’t be pro-jew and anti deep state, they are one and the same thing.
Zognald gonna zognald.
this is a lie. hes against terrorists.
At what point does Trump's Israel advocacy make a difference for me?
Qataris? First time I'm hearing about them with regard to any of this. Got anything handy you can provide as a source for that?
he meant jews to point out how people acted nonplused when people say jews are behind it, but super alarmed if you replace it with [Muslims]
Also because every normiecon right wing influencer spun up with accusations of Qatari influence after Ian Carroll went on Joe Rogan
Oh. I see. I'm not alarmed though, I was genuinely curious to come across another potential angle to the situation I hadn't before.
Bit disappointing if I'm being honest.
I won't mince words lol. If you get tired of hearing about desert people, then reality will continue to be disappointing.
It's okay, Nick.
Not everyone gets strategy.
Exactly the kind of X post I expect to see from a fed asset.
Yet you can't say he's wrong.
He's Netanyahu but Orange
Why downvote the truth?
Wasn't me who downvoted (I actually upvote most controversial threads, to let other people see them and more people decide if they want it visible or not, as getting buried by a few downvotes is super lame), but I can tell you why others would (well, two reasons):
They're Israel First too. This isn't the main reason, but we do have a few of these.
More common...people get sick of the whining and the blackpilling.
I've said it many times, but Trump is great. Not on everything, but he's doing a heck of a job so far. Look, I don't like the Israel stuff either. And it would absolutely be worth calling out...if every other president didn't also do this.
If Trump was uniquely bad on the Israel issue, yeah, call this shit out every day of the week.
But considering this is the same slop we'd get from any other candidate so far, attacking Trump - who is good to great on most other issues - is counterproductive and incredibly grating.
I will say, it's not completely useless, as it's important to draw Trump's attention to that people don't like this, since he is a populist and might moderate his stance somewhat. But I'm highly suspicious of the way people keep going about this.
Just like we saw with the Zelenskyy™ blowup, Trump doesn't like being attacked. Calling him names and stuff like "Israel First" - essentially Traitor - is not the way to get him to listen.
So, the question is, do people want to whine, blackpill, and attack Trump because it's cathartic, or do they want to actually put forward an American First message?
I don't Trust people like Fuentes. He's always doing this attention grabbing and anti-Trump stuff which, no matter how you feel about the issue, is not helpful. The only person shit like this helps is Fuentes and his attention seeking.
Trump also doesn’t like being completely unpopular. He was only able to turn against the establishment because he had a majority of the population on his side. The only way to make him reverse course on Israel is for his base to threaten him with total irrelevance.
He's not going to reverse course.
And even if he did, what would you gain by it exactly?
What would I gain from Israel no longer controlling my government via an illegal unregistered Israeli NGO?
You’re such a fucking disingenuous snake. No surprise given your identity.
I had no idea you were so learned when it came to laws. Nor that one lobby group amounts to 'controlling [your] government'. Pro tip: what the USG does for Israel is pocket change.
Considering that you talk about being J-pilled, we both know this is really about.
You're a snake if you're not a nazi. Well, Heil Hitler then. Have I been transformed out of being a snek?
Not even accomplishing that.
But I can't expect much from fans of a homosexual virgin.
Miriam Adelson gave Trump a billion dollars.
Just pull your heads out of your asses.
The Adelson's gave Trump $240 million, and another 200 million to other republicans. No need to exaggerate.
We're just making up numbers now, are we?
Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, which you might call bad, though I don't.
Experts predicted that the ME would go down in flames. But the best argument I've heard for it is that it could have been a bargaining chip to use in forcing a peace.
It's really something for people like that homosexual virgin, who agitated against Trump during election, to now claim that the guy he didn't vote for is betraying him.
Now just for a moment imagine the media reaction if a Nazi, or whatever he is, was always doing anti-Biden or anti-Democrat stuff.
what truth comes out of Fuentes mouth? Michael Jackson's penis?
what part of what he said was wrong?
This sub has been infiltrated by IDF jews
Nah, they've always been here, and every right-affilated group, trying to shepherd the right into "judeo-christian" cuckery.
No such thing as judeo-christian you muslim dick sucking faggot. You're as subversive as anyone you complain about
No shit, dummy, thats literally my point.
No your point has been pretty clear with the islam deep throating
If a Jew said the sky was blue, does that mean we should start listening to them? Or does all the other bullshit they pull make you double check or just not care what they say regardless of its truth?
What's with Jewish obsession about poopoopeepee and degeneracy
Israel is faggot but so are y'all for glazing this femboy dick suckers meat lol
Homosexual virgin who didn't vote for Trump is now making demands on him? Piss off.
Also, just yesterday everyone here was cheering it.
Everyone? Most were saying things get done when jews are offended
I mean, you talk about nothing else.