What would I gain from Israel no longer controlling my government via an illegal unregistered Israeli NGO?
I had no idea you were so learned when it came to laws. Nor that one lobby group amounts to 'controlling [your] government'. Pro tip: what the USG does for Israel is pocket change.
Considering that you talk about being J-pilled, we both know this is really about.
You’re such a fucking disingenuous snake. No surprise given your identity.
You're a snake if you're not a nazi. Well, Heil Hitler then. Have I been transformed out of being a snek?
What would I gain from Israel no longer controlling my government via an illegal unregistered Israeli NGO?
You’re such a fucking disingenuous snake. No surprise given your identity.
I had no idea you were so learned when it came to laws. Nor that one lobby group amounts to 'controlling [your] government'. Pro tip: what the USG does for Israel is pocket change.
Considering that you talk about being J-pilled, we both know this is really about.
You're a snake if you're not a nazi. Well, Heil Hitler then. Have I been transformed out of being a snek?