Wasn't me who downvoted (I actually upvote most controversial threads, to let other people see them and more people decide if they want it visible or not, as getting buried by a few downvotes is super lame), but I can tell you why others would (well, two reasons):
They're Israel First too. This isn't the main reason, but we do have a few of these.
More common...people get sick of the whining and the blackpilling.
I've said it many times, but Trump is great. Not on everything, but he's doing a heck of a job so far. Look, I don't like the Israel stuff either. And it would absolutely be worth calling out...if every other president didn't also do this.
If Trump was uniquely bad on the Israel issue, yeah, call this shit out every day of the week.
But considering this is the same slop we'd get from any other candidate so far, attacking Trump - who is good to great on most other issues - is counterproductive and incredibly grating.
I will say, it's not completely useless, as it's important to draw Trump's attention to that people don't like this, since he is a populist and might moderate his stance somewhat. But I'm highly suspicious of the way people keep going about this.
Just like we saw with the Zelenskyy™ blowup, Trump doesn't like being attacked. Calling him names and stuff like "Israel First" - essentially Traitor - is not the way to get him to listen.
So, the question is, do people want to whine, blackpill, and attack Trump because it's cathartic, or do they want to actually put forward an American First message?
I don't Trust people like Fuentes. He's always doing this attention grabbing and anti-Trump stuff which, no matter how you feel about the issue, is not helpful. The only person shit like this helps is Fuentes and his attention seeking.
Trump also doesn’t like being completely unpopular. He was only able to turn against the establishment because he had a majority of the population on his side. The only way to make him reverse course on Israel is for his base to threaten him with total irrelevance.
If Trump was uniquely bad on the Israel issue, yeah, call this shit out every day of the week.
Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, which you might call bad, though I don't.
Experts predicted that the ME would go down in flames. But the best argument I've heard for it is that it could have been a bargaining chip to use in forcing a peace.
Calling him names and stuff like "Israel First" - essentially Traitor - is not the way to get him to listen.
It's really something for people like that homosexual virgin, who agitated against Trump during election, to now claim that the guy he didn't vote for is betraying him.
He's always doing this attention grabbing and anti-Trump stuff
Now just for a moment imagine the media reaction if a Nazi, or whatever he is, was always doing anti-Biden or anti-Democrat stuff.
If a Jew said the sky was blue, does that mean we should start listening to them? Or does all the other bullshit they pull make you double check or just not care what they say regardless of its truth?
Why downvote the truth?
Wasn't me who downvoted (I actually upvote most controversial threads, to let other people see them and more people decide if they want it visible or not, as getting buried by a few downvotes is super lame), but I can tell you why others would (well, two reasons):
They're Israel First too. This isn't the main reason, but we do have a few of these.
More common...people get sick of the whining and the blackpilling.
I've said it many times, but Trump is great. Not on everything, but he's doing a heck of a job so far. Look, I don't like the Israel stuff either. And it would absolutely be worth calling out...if every other president didn't also do this.
If Trump was uniquely bad on the Israel issue, yeah, call this shit out every day of the week.
But considering this is the same slop we'd get from any other candidate so far, attacking Trump - who is good to great on most other issues - is counterproductive and incredibly grating.
I will say, it's not completely useless, as it's important to draw Trump's attention to that people don't like this, since he is a populist and might moderate his stance somewhat. But I'm highly suspicious of the way people keep going about this.
Just like we saw with the Zelenskyy™ blowup, Trump doesn't like being attacked. Calling him names and stuff like "Israel First" - essentially Traitor - is not the way to get him to listen.
So, the question is, do people want to whine, blackpill, and attack Trump because it's cathartic, or do they want to actually put forward an American First message?
I don't Trust people like Fuentes. He's always doing this attention grabbing and anti-Trump stuff which, no matter how you feel about the issue, is not helpful. The only person shit like this helps is Fuentes and his attention seeking.
Trump also doesn’t like being completely unpopular. He was only able to turn against the establishment because he had a majority of the population on his side. The only way to make him reverse course on Israel is for his base to threaten him with total irrelevance.
He's not going to reverse course.
And even if he did, what would you gain by it exactly?
What would I gain from Israel no longer controlling my government via an illegal unregistered Israeli NGO?
You’re such a fucking disingenuous snake. No surprise given your identity.
Miriam Adelson gave Trump a billion dollars.
Just pull your heads out of your asses.
The Adelson's gave Trump $240 million, and another 200 million to other republicans. No need to exaggerate.
We're just making up numbers now, are we?
Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, which you might call bad, though I don't.
Experts predicted that the ME would go down in flames. But the best argument I've heard for it is that it could have been a bargaining chip to use in forcing a peace.
It's really something for people like that homosexual virgin, who agitated against Trump during election, to now claim that the guy he didn't vote for is betraying him.
Now just for a moment imagine the media reaction if a Nazi, or whatever he is, was always doing anti-Biden or anti-Democrat stuff.
what truth comes out of Fuentes mouth? Michael Jackson's penis?
what part of what he said was wrong?
This sub has been infiltrated by IDF jews
Nah, they've always been here, and every right-affilated group, trying to shepherd the right into "judeo-christian" cuckery.
If a Jew said the sky was blue, does that mean we should start listening to them? Or does all the other bullshit they pull make you double check or just not care what they say regardless of its truth?
What's with Jewish obsession about poopoopeepee and degeneracy