My only rationalization is that most of the other Air Forces bunkered themselves when they saw the USAF completely shit the bed, and then a nuke due no real damage. Once it became clear that they could launch an effective attack, the remaining air forces would move as quickly as possible to strike.
For Africa, I'm rationalizing that it's a kind of South African led Pan-African coalition.
Weirdly enough, there's a bunch of countries in Africa with working jets. Including Ethiopia. Hypothetically, if the aliens have already had a mortal blow to their primary command and control center, a prepared air-force of minor nations could have launched an effective strike package on them. They'd be 3rd and 4th generation air craft, but if the enemy's already crippled, you're still probably fine.
That's the way that I would rationalize it.
Hamilton is propaganda for Alexander Hamilton because he was hugely in favor of central government, central banks, and the English Aristocracy. He is the reason for the "General Welfare" clause, was an expansionist war-hawk, and was the founder of the American Deep State.
This is not what Free Speech even means, and I'm sick and tired of everyone acquiescing to the Left's narrative that "Free Speech" means "Saying literally anything without any possible consequence, including defamation, conspiracy, harassment, fraud, incitement, disorderly conduct, and assault".
No. "Freedom of Speech" means "No Government Viewpoint Discrimination". "Freedom of Speech" doesn't mean that all speech can't be regulated. It means viewpoints and opinions are not regulated by the government.
Yes, you can be a "Free Speech Absolutist". Do you know what that isn't? Intentionally disseminating private information in order to incite harassment and violence against your victims.
Principles actually mean a lot, because when it comes to "you winning" the next excuse, is going to be you destroying your own side because you've decided that "you" doesn't mean "us", and "winning" is another 100 years down the line when you personally have absolute control.
If you are operating solely on a Melian Dialogue, you will become a psychopath that needs to be put down by your own side in order for anything to actually end, let alone 'win'.
Okay, let's try this again:
I defy you to name one time I have ever said Israel was our greatest ally.
In fact, because you and you're shit-head friends are constantly wrong, I made a list of greatest allies. Why don't you go find Israel on it, then get back to me.
I'm sure there was an overlord agency, but that doesn't mean he wasn't working with the others. And to be clear, I'm sure the CIA probably knew most of the times he worked with other agencies or organizations. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he did a side job they didn't know about with someone else.
I might have done the opposite because fuck these people. Fraudulent, dysgenic, communist mutants glad-handing each other by being living parasites and using minorities as a human shield.
I can only go so long IRL until I lose my shit on them.
Queer Theory is explicitly a Neo-Marxist ideology. So is basically all of the current "Applied Post Modernist Intersectionalism"
I think the issue is Applied Post-Modern Intersectionalism rejects the concept of the Marxist Historical Dialectical Materialism. Socialism typically operates off of Dialectical Materialism, but typically puts it to the side when it becomes politically necessary. We saw this with both Fabian Socialism, National Socialism, and WW2 Stalinism.
Queerness is literally nothing more than Sex Communism. You sometimes even see people like Vaush push Queer historical revisionism and claim that pair bonding never happened in early human history, and that all societies were purely hedonistic and basically pan-sexual. This is a bastardized application of Rouseau's Nobel Savage concept into the idea of sex, where cultural limitations were implanted by civilization onto the savages in order to oppress his will. In reality, we know that all societies tend to push for some kind of pair-bonding, as it is a successful mating strategy for humans. We also see pair-bonding replicated a lot in the natural world.
Queers are basically treating normal sexual relationships the same way every Applied Post Modernist Intersectionalist treats civilization, or the same way every Marxist treats Romantic History, and the same way every Socialist treats Capitalism.
It is important to understand that Queer is very clearly not an asserted gender, nor an asserted sex, nor an asserted sexual orientation. When push comes to shove, though the activists will hide it, the truth is that "Queers" are a political designation. They have nothing to do with gender, sex, or sexuality. They are a political movement demanding radical change to those topics.
Hence, yes, it is a form of Sexual Communism / Socialism. The topic that the Socialists are covering happens to be specific to sex, rather than race, religion, gender, or nationality.