Guaranteed one million percent woman-written trash. I've been exposed to an uncomfortable amount of "where are all da good men" videos from ageing women, and a 'Top 3' thing they routinely say is "men are just intimidated by strong women." It's complete fantasy, ridiculous cope, and as hilarious as it is sad.
The thing is, its true that men are more afraid of women than ever in Current Year. Between the power of rape accusations, divorce court, family court, and all of the above women have the ability to literally destroy a man on a whim with little defense. We have good reason to be afraid.
But they can't acknowledge that, because it would undermine the women as victims narrative and acknowledge their own privilege. So instead they concoct this narrative of men being afraid of women who are "strong" (aka know how to abuse society to fight for her).
The thing is, its true that men are more afraid of women than ever in Current Year. Between the power of rape accusations, divorce court, family court, and all of the above women have the ability to literally destroy a man on a whim with little defense. We have good reason to be afraid.
But it isn't the women themselves we are afraid of. It is the men that they string along to enforce their psychotic behavior. Without men to throw you in prison for slapping a hoe, or not paying 80% of your income in child support, or standing near them while being unattractive, or whatever other retarded shit they consider a cardinal sin, women would wield ZERO power in society.
As many of you know, Jimmy Kimmel's writer, Jacob Reed, directed an ad for the Kamala Harris campaign titled 'Men for Kamala.'
On one hand, Mr. Reed could have employed female writers.
On the other hand, a writer for Jimmy Kimmel, even if a man, is going to be so terrible and effeminate, it is impossible to distinguish from a shit woman writer.
I already knew not to let any of these people around kids, but that Mike fella is making me especially uncomfortable. He's really got that "pedo" vibe, doesn't he?
this has to be a clever parody, feels like a more subtle letterkenny as a commenter said.
edit, nope, it looks like there is a set of them, and made by the writer/director of jimmy kimmel, who has also made ads for bud light post mulvaney and big in buzzfeed's video stuff earlier on. This is real. Not a real campaign ad by harris, but by supporters it looks like.
Every word of that nonsense was written by a woman.
Guaranteed one million percent woman-written trash. I've been exposed to an uncomfortable amount of "where are all da good men" videos from ageing women, and a 'Top 3' thing they routinely say is "men are just intimidated by strong women." It's complete fantasy, ridiculous cope, and as hilarious as it is sad.
The thing is, its true that men are more afraid of women than ever in Current Year. Between the power of rape accusations, divorce court, family court, and all of the above women have the ability to literally destroy a man on a whim with little defense. We have good reason to be afraid.
But they can't acknowledge that, because it would undermine the women as victims narrative and acknowledge their own privilege. So instead they concoct this narrative of men being afraid of women who are "strong" (aka know how to abuse society to fight for her).
When they complain men are ''intimidated'' they mean men don't want fat, man-ish, loud bitchy women.
But it isn't the women themselves we are afraid of. It is the men that they string along to enforce their psychotic behavior. Without men to throw you in prison for slapping a hoe, or not paying 80% of your income in child support, or standing near them while being unattractive, or whatever other retarded shit they consider a cardinal sin, women would wield ZERO power in society.
The only power women have is what we allow them.
Yeah, all the men not soy cucked are meming Trump into the White House lol
On one hand, Mr. Reed could have employed female writers.
On the other hand, a writer for Jimmy Kimmel, even if a man, is going to be so terrible and effeminate, it is impossible to distinguish from a shit woman writer.
The guy sitting side saddle on the pick-up truck, "I love women."
What do you mean? Sitting side saddle on a pickup truck has my FULL THROATED endorsement!
I think even they knew how silly this was, and started ad-libbing.
Not sexually. He loves women as friends.
Ugh that's worse
I got news for you.
slowly increasing violin music
Our gays don't even like them as friends.
I'll give the gay man some props here. He knew exactly what he was doing and hammed it up for the camera. It got a laugh out of me.
It turns out there were several of them, lol
This is fake, right, with all these soy faggots posing as real men?
If you're running around telling people that you're a man, you're probably not.
And if you're doing it while endorsing a female communist for president, you're definitely not.
There...there is no fucking way.
Who did this?
Nice of them to include Walz, too.
That will make you into a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus, just like me.
So, you're into vore, big feet, scalies, and you have very tiny arms?
Lrn2meme, fren. Sexual tyrannosaurus is a standard meme term, old man.
Or the gym. Or a run.
This is an excellent workout inspiration. Heck, someone should do a remix!
"Okay, I get all that, but what's a woman?"
Npcs: >:(
All paid leftist actors, mostly single and gay.
OOOH! Now I can check my gaydar with my previous post.
I think I counted the same guy twice. See "gay white man"
Hmmm. Up for debate.
BAM! Nailed it!
Overall, not too shaby.
I already knew not to let any of these people around kids, but that Mike fella is making me especially uncomfortable. He's really got that "pedo" vibe, doesn't he?
Not surprising at all and a great update that I immediately sent out to everyone
Well, this makes ad really makes a lot of sense.
Note they put the black guy in the gym to not be accused of emasculating black men
Gay men have to look attractive, so it's actually natural for him to be there.
I fuckin' called it!
"I'm man enough to help them win"
Oh no no no
You can't fool me those are AI generated men.
Not AI-generated men. Those are soy-generated men.
Soy and communism.
And single mothers.
They used a soy-infused algorithm.
Looks like a shitty SNL skit if they actually made fun of liberals
This was written by a Jimmy Kimmel writer. Hence, why it was absolute garbage. Just like Jimmy Kimmel.
this has to be a clever parody, feels like a more subtle letterkenny as a commenter said.
edit, nope, it looks like there is a set of them, and made by the writer/director of jimmy kimmel, who has also made ads for bud light post mulvaney and big in buzzfeed's video stuff earlier on. This is real. Not a real campaign ad by harris, but by supporters it looks like.
These guys all sound and act like Ryan Long characters.
On the real, 2 Smooth is a legit rapper. Homies totally not homo.
A very important caveat: this isn't a real campaign ad.
Okay, but it's written by a leftist writer, and there is no joke.
I'd call this, an "unofficial" campaign ad. Kinda like Trump memes, but way worse, and more expensive.
My political affiliation is Unapologetic Bigotry. My politics are the best, why would I deviate from them?
If you're okay with Childless Cat Ladies, you are the problem.
homo cuckoldus is not a man
This will be so effective that they will carry 100% of the vote at the gay bars it’s targeted at. Except they already had that vote.
Wait this was supposed to be for regular men? Fooled me.
This was made by a Jew, LOL.
Real men don't get pushed around by other people arbitrarily defining "real men".
Full throated endorsement…. 😆
Yet they do not know what a woman is
It is actually a joke thank God and not a real ad, but I was completely taken in till the end.
I always wonder why insulting men is thought to be the best way of persuading them, especially by women?