You forget that there is and always has been two standards.
Remember, these are the people who unironically believe that there are no bad tactics, only bad targets. They're fine with paid protestors when they're on their side. The minute someone else uses paid protestors, then it's a problem.
You are dealing with people who fight you with both hands whilst teaching you it is noble to tie one hand behind your back. And have been doing so since at least the 60s. The appeal to a non-existent "equality" of treatment was the a lie in the first place.
Here's hoping that anyone who's got the balls to do the world a favor doesn't waste their chance on Nose-feratu when there's a demon prince waiting to take his place.
A lot of AJ's more unhinged seeming rants are metaphors for actual events and groups that would be dangerous for him to speak of openly, and he does it to appear crazy enough that people can dismiss him, which makes him less of a target.
The physical appearances and mental aptitudes of of Soros, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, etc, are the reason that I don't really think there's anything to the adrenochrome hypothesis.
If it actually exists, I'm sure they'd all be on it, and it clearly hasn't done jack shit for any of them.
Since when would child sacrificing demon cultists make sensible decisions? They got where they are by being sneaky, perfidious and dishonest, not by sound judgement.
Put simply, I don't think these people drink harvested blood because it actually does anything obviously beneficial. I think they do it because they're evil. It's a trapping of their vile beliefs.
A lot of zionist Jews (as well as others) are globalists. Most of the US ruling class is both zionist and globalist. There's really no contradiction there.
We must have a different definition of globalist then. I define it as the intentional weakening of national sovereignty by delegating more and more power and decision making to stateless/international organizations. Along with that the weaking of ethnic identity particularly European and White ethnic identity, primarily through mass immigration and cultural promotion of things like race mixing. Additionally most globalists are at some level anti-Christian and promote anti-Christian practices like "religious freedom" and faggotry.
Summary is globalists think they can make Star Trek happen once they kill off all of those stinky rednecks.
Zionists are less concerned with weakening America, and Europe, than they are with strengthening Israel through expansion, "aid", and using political influence to hide behind America while sniping at their enemies, specifically Iran. They encourage evangelical Christianity which has this retarded conflation of the current nation-state of Israel and jews in general with people of Israel as described in the old testament.
There is certainly overlap. Jewish globalists aren't necessarily anti-Israel but their anti-Americanism also makes it harder for Zionists to marshal America to fight their wars for them. Zionists don't care about any nation other than Israel but don't want their puppet states so weak that they can't serve Israel's needs. Zionists tend to be more religiously observant, globalists are almost universally atheist.
As much as it pains me I would rather live in the US that Ben Shapiro wants than the global Brazil-tier faggot dystopia Soros/Schwab appear to want.
I define it as the intentional weakening of national sovereignty by delegating more and more power and decision making to stateless/international organizations. Along with that the weaking of ethnic identity particularly European and White ethnic identity, primarily through mass immigration and cultural promotion of things like race mixing. Additionally most globalists are at some level anti-Christian and promote anti-Christian practices like "religious freedom" and faggotry.
Sounds about right to me, if not entirely comprehensive.
. Zionists don't care about any nation other than Israel
Zionism just means support for the right of Israel to exist. While there may be some diehards who care about no nation other than Israel, that number will be very small.
As much as it pains me I would rather live in the US that Ben Shapiro wants than the global Brazil-tier faggot dystopia Soros/Schwab appear to want.
Same for me, but Shapiro is a globalist. He supports Ukraine aid. He supports every war there's ever been. If he's not weakening US sovereignty, he supports US imperialism that weakens sovereignty for every other country - effectively a world government. It's a different path to the same thing.
Another great example of a Zionist globalist is Mike Johnson.
Every time you see one of these camps get broken up by huge squads of police, remember that federal/state/local governments could easily have done the same thing during the Black Lives Matter race riots and didn't.
My grad school campus is dealing with this, and thankfully campus police were quick to shut down the encampments. I'm sure it would have started attracting the junkies that infest the city had the campus not moved as fast as they did.
Funny how all of these protests erupted right after the TikTok ban bill was signed. IMO, this is textbook "create a crisis, then present a solution" from the usual suspects in order to make the US government look less dictatorial when it seizes TikTok.
I know he was organizing pro palestine protests, especially a good number of "jews for palestine" protests. does anyone know if he's organized any pro-israel protests as well?
So he is the evil jew mastermind involved in every jewy conspiracy plot and simultaneously organizing a plot against israel the world capitol of jewy conspiracies.
Against Israel? You think the Palestinian furor in the US is harming Israel? Multiple states are now up in arms protecting Jewish students from the same thing that has been happening to white male Christians for decades now.
Yeah? And how’s that going? This is no different than the decades of useful idiot college students being used to push an agenda. How many states are codifying protections for Jews against versus all the “boycotts and divestments”?
Please explain how pointing out that Soros funding soft on crime prosecutors, and being the number 1 donor to Biden and the Democrats, and funding organizations destabilizing and undermining globalist-unfriendly governments is a "Jewy conspiracy".
Soros is a comic book supervillain level of evil. He is also the globalist sockpuppet precisely because having a jew as frontrunner for their cabal is useful on two fronts. One, to decry any criticism of globalism as antisemitic. Two, to serve as distraction to further the "nazis are right wing" psyop and get actual morons to fall for the "it's joos" trap instead of seeing the true enemy, which is leftism.
Calling out Soros' evil is not criticizing jews. It is criticizing evil.
This has been repeatedly verified, basically he and his “caretaker” would go through all the homes of people shipped off and confiscate any valuables for the Nazi party then they got a cut of what was found. Was he instrumental to WW2 efforts or the overall war effort? No. Did he profit from war as a youth and continue using these underhanded tactics the rest of his life? Yes.
“I was just a spectator” was every claim post WW2 for the survivors of the losing side. He also didn’t confiscate from just Jews. The most non talked about part of WW2 was the intentional genocide of Slavs for their land and property. Operation Barbarossa’s intent was to wipe out 60% of all Slavs, far more than any genocide plans for Jews.
I don't necessarily disagree with you on the Soros matter, but you are definitely wrong about Benedict. He was forcibly recruited into the Hitler Youth, which is not the army, against the resistance of Catholics, who for years had attempted to protect Catholic education against Nazi attempts to abolish it.
Given your usual stubbornness, you'll not accept that you're wrong, but you are.
Pope Benedict did no such thing, he went to a Boy Scouts equivalent, but it's pretty interesting how you sprang up with this retarded slander while desperately trying to defend one of the gresasiest turbokikes currently alive, one who undoubtedly has the blood of thousands on his psychotic claws with his schemes plunging entire nations into poverty and anarchy.
I don't hate Jews for the sake of it, I hate them because they shit up comment threads about their tribesmen by bringing up people who have literally nothing to do with the topic in a desperate attempt to deflect, and they do it while making repeated faggy references to Soy Wars like a walking Redditor stereotype.
Suddenly it's okay for the media to talk about how they are paid protesters. Before it was just a "right-wing conspiracy theory". Imagine that.
It still is.
The pro-Israel right is complaining about Soros. The pro-Israel left isn't.
You forget that there is and always has been two standards.
Remember, these are the people who unironically believe that there are no bad tactics, only bad targets. They're fine with paid protestors when they're on their side. The minute someone else uses paid protestors, then it's a problem.
But there are no bad tactics. Only bad optics.
You are dealing with people who fight you with both hands whilst teaching you it is noble to tie one hand behind your back. And have been doing so since at least the 60s. The appeal to a non-existent "equality" of treatment was the a lie in the first place.
Many such cases!
Why hasn't death taken this old fuck yet? Everytime social infighting happens, it ALWAYS links back to him..
The worst part is that he has a son.
Here's hoping that anyone who's got the balls to do the world a favor doesn't waste their chance on Nose-feratu when there's a demon prince waiting to take his place.
Here's hoping his entire org catches AGM-114R9Xs to the face.
Oh they suck the life out of humanity, just not in the way AJ thinks.
A lot of AJ's more unhinged seeming rants are metaphors for actual events and groups that would be dangerous for him to speak of openly, and he does it to appear crazy enough that people can dismiss him, which makes him less of a target.
Apparently the secret to a long life is profiting off other humans misery
And adrenochrome.
The physical appearances and mental aptitudes of of Soros, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, etc, are the reason that I don't really think there's anything to the adrenochrome hypothesis.
If it actually exists, I'm sure they'd all be on it, and it clearly hasn't done jack shit for any of them.
Since when would child sacrificing demon cultists make sensible decisions? They got where they are by being sneaky, perfidious and dishonest, not by sound judgement.
I'm not even talking about their judgement; I'm going strictly by their ability to look and sound like a normal human being.
Corruption manifesting externally?
Put simply, I don't think these people drink harvested blood because it actually does anything obviously beneficial. I think they do it because they're evil. It's a trapping of their vile beliefs.
I find that hypothesis more plausible than adrenochrome being a fountain of youth.
Clinton has probably had some former aids killed just for fun, because she could.
Only the good die young, and his heirs are worse anyway.
Globalist jews and zionist jews are going for the same destination but taking different paths. Occasionally they will butt heads.
Where they are united is in squashing any White racial consciousness or solidarity and any discussion of or legal diminishing of jewish power.
A lot of zionist Jews (as well as others) are globalists. Most of the US ruling class is both zionist and globalist. There's really no contradiction there.
We must have a different definition of globalist then. I define it as the intentional weakening of national sovereignty by delegating more and more power and decision making to stateless/international organizations. Along with that the weaking of ethnic identity particularly European and White ethnic identity, primarily through mass immigration and cultural promotion of things like race mixing. Additionally most globalists are at some level anti-Christian and promote anti-Christian practices like "religious freedom" and faggotry.
Summary is globalists think they can make Star Trek happen once they kill off all of those stinky rednecks.
Zionists are less concerned with weakening America, and Europe, than they are with strengthening Israel through expansion, "aid", and using political influence to hide behind America while sniping at their enemies, specifically Iran. They encourage evangelical Christianity which has this retarded conflation of the current nation-state of Israel and jews in general with people of Israel as described in the old testament.
There is certainly overlap. Jewish globalists aren't necessarily anti-Israel but their anti-Americanism also makes it harder for Zionists to marshal America to fight their wars for them. Zionists don't care about any nation other than Israel but don't want their puppet states so weak that they can't serve Israel's needs. Zionists tend to be more religiously observant, globalists are almost universally atheist.
As much as it pains me I would rather live in the US that Ben Shapiro wants than the global Brazil-tier faggot dystopia Soros/Schwab appear to want.
Sounds about right to me, if not entirely comprehensive.
Zionism just means support for the right of Israel to exist. While there may be some diehards who care about no nation other than Israel, that number will be very small.
Same for me, but Shapiro is a globalist. He supports Ukraine aid. He supports every war there's ever been. If he's not weakening US sovereignty, he supports US imperialism that weakens sovereignty for every other country - effectively a world government. It's a different path to the same thing.
Another great example of a Zionist globalist is Mike Johnson.
There's no difference. Any Jew with power is a Zionist piece of shit. Always.
Then who will be our Professor X?
Uh oh.
What did you think the brain chips were for? Literally reading minds.
Him and the KGB, backing every single "protest" movement of the last eight decades.
Leftism is a hostile foreign ideology and it's adherents are inherently traitors.
Every time you see one of these camps get broken up by huge squads of police, remember that federal/state/local governments could easily have done the same thing during the Black Lives Matter race riots and didn't.
giving him citizenship was a mistake and a crime.
My grad school campus is dealing with this, and thankfully campus police were quick to shut down the encampments. I'm sure it would have started attracting the junkies that infest the city had the campus not moved as fast as they did.
Yay. Meanwhile BLM burned my city down.
Same communist, different hat.
wtf I love Soros now
Funny how all of these protests erupted right after the TikTok ban bill was signed. IMO, this is textbook "create a crisis, then present a solution" from the usual suspects in order to make the US government look less dictatorial when it seizes TikTok.
Soros wants people to hunt jews like he did
Also elon is very wrong any the magneto comparison. Magneto wouldnt have consented to hunting his own kind for nazis
A lot of people won't like hearing that they're on the same side as Soros.
They shouldn't like hearing they're on the side of the UN, New York Times, communists, Muslims and all the rest, yet here we are.
I know he was organizing pro palestine protests, especially a good number of "jews for palestine" protests. does anyone know if he's organized any pro-israel protests as well?
So he is the evil jew mastermind involved in every jewy conspiracy plot and simultaneously organizing a plot against israel the world capitol of jewy conspiracies.
Those dastardly jews!
Against Israel? You think the Palestinian furor in the US is harming Israel? Multiple states are now up in arms protecting Jewish students from the same thing that has been happening to white male Christians for decades now.
The protests are certainly against israel. They are demanding boycotts and divestiture.
Yeah? And how’s that going? This is no different than the decades of useful idiot college students being used to push an agenda. How many states are codifying protections for Jews against versus all the “boycotts and divestments”?
And what are the results of those protests? Censorship for speaking of against Israel.
Please explain how pointing out that Soros funding soft on crime prosecutors, and being the number 1 donor to Biden and the Democrats, and funding organizations destabilizing and undermining globalist-unfriendly governments is a "Jewy conspiracy".
I'll await your intelligent and cogent response.
Soros is a comic book supervillain level of evil. He is also the globalist sockpuppet precisely because having a jew as frontrunner for their cabal is useful on two fronts. One, to decry any criticism of globalism as antisemitic. Two, to serve as distraction to further the "nazis are right wing" psyop and get actual morons to fall for the "it's joos" trap instead of seeing the true enemy, which is leftism.
Calling out Soros' evil is not criticizing jews. It is criticizing evil.
This has been repeatedly verified, basically he and his “caretaker” would go through all the homes of people shipped off and confiscate any valuables for the Nazi party then they got a cut of what was found. Was he instrumental to WW2 efforts or the overall war effort? No. Did he profit from war as a youth and continue using these underhanded tactics the rest of his life? Yes.
“I was just a spectator” was every claim post WW2 for the survivors of the losing side. He also didn’t confiscate from just Jews. The most non talked about part of WW2 was the intentional genocide of Slavs for their land and property. Operation Barbarossa’s intent was to wipe out 60% of all Slavs, far more than any genocide plans for Jews.
I don't necessarily disagree with you on the Soros matter, but you are definitely wrong about Benedict. He was forcibly recruited into the Hitler Youth, which is not the army, against the resistance of Catholics, who for years had attempted to protect Catholic education against Nazi attempts to abolish it.
Given your usual stubbornness, you'll not accept that you're wrong, but you are.
I've seen prepubescent child soldiers murder people whom their commanders deemed infidels.
Pope Benedict did no such thing, he went to a Boy Scouts equivalent, but it's pretty interesting how you sprang up with this retarded slander while desperately trying to defend one of the gresasiest turbokikes currently alive, one who undoubtedly has the blood of thousands on his psychotic claws with his schemes plunging entire nations into poverty and anarchy.
I don't hate Jews for the sake of it, I hate them because they shit up comment threads about their tribesmen by bringing up people who have literally nothing to do with the topic in a desperate attempt to deflect, and they do it while making repeated faggy references to Soy Wars like a walking Redditor stereotype.
Palpatine isn't real, but nazis were socialists - and their policies continued in east germany after the end of WW2. This makes them a threat.
The pope is just another Soros tool. It's a nice set of thought-terminating cliches you have, though.