Nope. It comes from a 2.5 million Euro project to make a literal song and dance for European women to do to keep Muslims from raping them. No, I'm not kidding.
In which case, they spent 2.5 million Euros to take an existing shitty song and make a shitty dance for it, and have bored ugly Swedish feminists do it. That might actually be worse.
You remember it from when it first became a meme in 2009. It was originally about trying to prevent teen pregnancy and came from a cheerleading squad from Missouri or something.
Yeah I could easily see this being the salute of the new Globohomo Empire. Just waiting for the UN to incorporate rainbow iconography into their flag and demand all nations do the same. We're well on the way.
It actually makes sense if you are deeply versed in feminist bullshit.
They think toxic masculinity is the root cause of most evils in the world. One of the things it causes is men to be "emotionally stunted or broken" which leaves us unable to properly "deal" with out emotions, and thereby burden women with the "labor" of fixing us. If they can fix toxic masculinity then not only will patriarchy, their boogeyman Satan, disappear but men will also be super emotionally stable and self-sufficient like women are. So "equality", their version of heaven when Satan is gone, will happen at the same time as that labor disappearing.
I don't need to explain to you every reason why that's retarded thinking, but that's the pretzels of logic women operate under to shuffle off any responsibility.
Emotional labor is an attempt by women to reframe their own emotional incontinence as not only necessary but also burdensome. It’s hard and valid work, constantly overreacting to everything.
Very related to the latest projection of "white fragility" when every other race apparently needs to be constantly validated for no other reason than their identity cards.
In their actual ideology, which is pervasive enough that all Western Women believe it to some extent, they are in fact the emotionally healthy ones and men are the damaged ones for not being like that.
Its why their worldviews are so fucking warped on everything.
I saw an ad for Star Wars Outlaws yesterday. Thought for a sec, would I actually like it? I mean I knew it would have some character creator BS, but that alone doesn't bother me. I still came to the conclusion it's probably an easy pass. I see they've cemented that for me.
I didn’t even know that, assumed EA until I saw today. So even if it’s a miracle and extremely un-woke, it’s basically Assassin’s Cry since the are basically the same anymore. But with lasers!
Stop! Don't touch me there! This is... MY NO NO SQUARE! doop deep dooo deee
Isn't that some song they teach kids to stay away from pedos? If so, that will totally be banned soon it's gotta be transphobic or something.
Nope. It comes from a 2.5 million Euro project to make a literal song and dance for European women to do to keep Muslims from raping them. No, I'm not kidding.
The song was also proven to arouse Africans, as evidenced by the year-over-year doubling of rapes.
I remember that line being a thing as early as 2007 or so. Likely earlier than that. They clearly lifted it from something pre-existing.
In which case, they spent 2.5 million Euros to take an existing shitty song and make a shitty dance for it, and have bored ugly Swedish feminists do it. That might actually be worse.
You remember it from when it first became a meme in 2009. It was originally about trying to prevent teen pregnancy and came from a cheerleading squad from Missouri or something.
Yeah I could easily see this being the salute of the new Globohomo Empire. Just waiting for the UN to incorporate rainbow iconography into their flag and demand all nations do the same. We're well on the way.
And, as expected, it's retarded.
Upper right decided to write a novel.
And wtf is other peoples emotional labor?
Emotional labor is when you ask women to care about anything besides themselves. Including your own pain or suffering.
Actually doing anything in a relationship beyond 'being a table'.
As a watcher of hoe_math, I appreciate that sentiment.
TRANSLATION: "I shouldn't have to convince you that I am right through reasoned debate. YOU SHOULD JUST ACCEPT IT."
Something an absolutely unstable nutcase cunt says about the world around her.
Bottom right has multiple spelling/grammar mistakes, and tried to use their Word of the Day "cerebral" in a completely unworthy context. Sasuga.
Mother and CEO?
So.. you're going to raise a completely emotionally detached psychopath? As if "CEO" is a great job held by good people.
Equality means "Not having to do other people's emotional labor"
WTF does that even mean?!
"I don't have to defend my lunacy to you, you're just too ignorant to understand my enlightened position using words even I don't understand."
It actually makes sense if you are deeply versed in feminist bullshit.
They think toxic masculinity is the root cause of most evils in the world. One of the things it causes is men to be "emotionally stunted or broken" which leaves us unable to properly "deal" with out emotions, and thereby burden women with the "labor" of fixing us. If they can fix toxic masculinity then not only will patriarchy, their boogeyman Satan, disappear but men will also be super emotionally stable and self-sufficient like women are. So "equality", their version of heaven when Satan is gone, will happen at the same time as that labor disappearing.
I don't need to explain to you every reason why that's retarded thinking, but that's the pretzels of logic women operate under to shuffle off any responsibility.
Emotional labor is an attempt by women to reframe their own emotional incontinence as not only necessary but also burdensome. It’s hard and valid work, constantly overreacting to everything.
Very related to the latest projection of "white fragility" when every other race apparently needs to be constantly validated for no other reason than their identity cards.
In their actual ideology, which is pervasive enough that all Western Women believe it to some extent, they are in fact the emotionally healthy ones and men are the damaged ones for not being like that.
Its why their worldviews are so fucking warped on everything.
They have no idea how to answer the question so they use buzzwords they're heard before.
It's not even as though "equality" is ambiguous, like "woke". It just means "everyone plays by the same rules", that's it.
It's what happens when you use words like magic spells instead of communication.
They've also brought armbands back.
You can just hear her fat arm squelching around that too-tight armband...eww.
All I can think of is this scene from Dude Where's my Car
I guess it's supposed to be an equal sign.
But it looks like they're in the first stance of charging up a hadoken or a kaioken attack or something.
It's unironically a Z.
Seriously ... they're using Dude Where's My Car for ideas now? That's hilarious.
Are they seeking the continuum transfunctioner too?
Guessing it's supposed to be equals sign, but what are the chances of some weird Kaballah signalling?
Interesting... though the last time leftist made a salute really popular they used just one hand.
for what equality means to me I'll stick with 'N'
I saw an ad for Star Wars Outlaws yesterday. Thought for a sec, would I actually like it? I mean I knew it would have some character creator BS, but that alone doesn't bother me. I still came to the conclusion it's probably an easy pass. I see they've cemented that for me.
Ubisoft, that’s all I needed to hear to not buy it
Not to mention microtransactions, day 1 dlc, and some other typical bullshit Ubisoft stuff.
Oh it’s also online only, despite being a single player game.
I didn’t even know that, assumed EA until I saw today. So even if it’s a miracle and extremely un-woke, it’s basically Assassin’s Cry since the are basically the same anymore. But with lasers!
It looks like the new positions cops put speedcuffs on suspects.
Are they trying to Vogue? It's a bit vague.
That's a Masonic distress signal for the Entered Apprentice (1st degree).