Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +2 / -0

The crux of the distinction for me is that on the one hand, functional religions are informed by all the centuries of organic wisdom and tradition built up by a people, whereas socialism is a set of abstract, pie-in-the-sky utopian ideals that conceptualizes all humans as identical in their fundamental nature and malleable in their behavior.

To be fair: the people who came up with those ideals understandably did not foresee them being applied to rationalize things like urinating on each other at pride parades to own the Christians.

Schmendrick_Lamar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Think of it in terms of how socialism and communism, though collectivist, overwhelmingly emphasize the state as the most important entity for individuals to organize their lives around, to the exclusion of family, church, or any other traditional institution.

Juxtapose the title(s) of Houllebecq's novel on this topic: The Elementary Particles (or Atomized for some translations/printings). It's 'about individuals' insofar as it breaks down all other 'bonds' between people (hence the chemistry metaphor) to create the ideal horde of atomized goyslop gobblers.

Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +2 / -0

No no no see it's impermissible to draw any kind of connection (be it causative or even merely correlative) between trooning and Pedditing because that's bigoted.

∴ Shutup, bigot QED

Schmendrick_Lamar 13 points ago +14 / -1

Indeed - but note that here the kid did put in the more polite gaikokujin (外国人) in an effort to be diplomatic about it.

It's both endearing and sad that the kid (and perhaps others) most likely thought:

Oh this person is probably decent - they'll understand if I just communicate to them that they are going to cause problems. Surely they don't just go around causing problems for the sheer pleasure of it...right?

Schmendrick_Lamar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hardly remarkable if you ask me.

Lox News was never much more than a bunch of bought-and-paid-for shabbos goyim.

It's just that they're no longer concerned about keeping up the appearances of their outmoded controlled opposition psy-op.

Schmendrick_Lamar 7 points ago +7 / -0

First thing that came to mind reading this:

At one of my old jobs, we were hounded by the government over some regulatory issues that at one juncture resulted in us being ordered to destroy about a ton of product in an industrial oven.

I'll never forget the person the agency sent to the facility that day to ensure that all the bureaucratic ceremony and pedantry was carried out to the letter: some haggard, sunken yenta that looked to be pushing 60 and dragging about 80 extra pounds around. She was completely festooned with cats on her suit jacket, jewelry, shoes, and scarf.

Going on a decade since then, not much has changed.

Schmendrick_Lamar 14 points ago +15 / -1

There's some applicable permutation of the adage "no atheists in foxholes" (which I wouldn't endorse unqualifiedly), except with 'feminists' instead.

Somebody get The Imp in here so we can get to brainstorming.

Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone who wants it can find the original (selectable) text here

It starts right under the tweet screen shot with >フランス (France)

I spent more time than I want to admit transcribing it back myself before I thought to just search a snippet...

Schmendrick_Lamar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kanji are hard but the grammar is highly regular in a lot of ways compared to English.

Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never says [they] are false...

Talmudic mindset:

The 'truth' doesn't matter, all that matters is what you can get away with using rhetorical smoke & mirrors.

More and more I see it as the direct cladistic intellectual predecessor of (((postmodernism))).

Just put scare-quotes around truth when it's time to deconstruct someone else's viewpoint, without substantively addressing any of their claims.

Then, ignore that you just did that when it's time to exhort your viewpoint.

If pressed on this obvious contradiction, retreat to the motte and cry about identity politics. Ignore the metaphysical/epistemological/ontological connections between the notions of 'identity' and 'truth' that further muddle your special pleading. Pray that no one you are trying to convince with this chicanery has ever pondered so much as a syllogism.

Schmendrick_Lamar 11 points ago +11 / -0

Anyone happen to know the OG painting?

Looks like it might be a Beksinski.

Schmendrick_Lamar 20 points ago +20 / -0

We're still helming the golem, goyim. Our hand just slipped a little. We're still in full control of it, so you better watch out.

Schmendrick_Lamar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Got another song for ya.

Somebody already mentioned One Piece - I actually prefer Fairy Tail (less filler, plot moves more quickly)

That said, the recent OP live-action is an absolute breath of fresh air in the adaptation department and tears right through the plot while still hitting all the right notes.

Pretty sure the manga author held the whole deal hostage on getting an executive producer role, and that shines through: no "updates for a new, modern audience that we'll pander into existence," just a competent execution for the loyal, core, existing fanbase that's already there, willing and waiting (gee what a concept).

Outside suggestion that's become more obscure over the decades: Outlaw Star for pirates in space. Sort of the neglected younger sibling of Cowboy Bebop (same studio, same year and everything)

Schmendrick_Lamar 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Tales from the Flat Earth series by Tanith Lee for probably the ninth or tenth time.

I would emphatically indicate it for anyone curious about how a traditional, non-woke 'feminine sensibility' would come across in fantasy fiction. A nigh-Shakespearean cadence of thought with a bevy of vocabulary building.

Here's a cucky pseudointellectual complaining about how the gender roles are "dated and binary." So, completely missing the deep intuition the author has about the way men & women (and effeminate men and so on...) actually are, 'fantasy' setting aside, because as usual reality doesn't comport with his misguided and simplistic ideals.

Schmendrick_Lamar 1 point ago +1 / -0

「Google Translateを使ってるくせに」って…もっと激しく泣いてね、Sad Faggotちゃん

Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +2 / -0

How's Arch holding up?

Was planning on getting back into that when I build a new computer around the end of the year.

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