You'd think after years of living together in space that they'd all have the same accent by now. Instead each city is perfectly diverse in every way. Lol
Sci-fi writers never understand anything but modern politics.
15 years ago they would have had everyone that muted brown color that NatGeo said all humans would look like in 50 years. But now that's offensive to say to the blacks so they can't.
Looks like your average Democrat ruled municipal council or university faculty. Ready to launch into a deadly tirade about white supremacy, white fragility and how they're now on the top of the food chain. "And you better get used to it."
It's Bethesda, so give it 2 years until we get a decent game after you install about 200mods. Give it 6m to 1y for the bugs to be fixed.. and the special edition/remaster/dragonborn edition.
I've seen streams of this game and there are characters that don't even react to getting shot. He was shooting this one obnoxious bitch of a character in the face and there was zero reaction from any of the NPCs in the room.
I wonder how long it'll be until they start going the opposite way, reducing the female characters in these games...
On paper it looks and sounds great true "equality" but because they're meltbrains they'll implement that for literally everything to the degree where players will be gunning down more and more women in a normal playthrough.
Calling it now that soon we'll start getting articles how these games normalize violence against women; with the only way to combat it will either be to remove the quota thus failing their true equality utopia; Or hard code it that you'll be killing more men instead, which is pretty much how its always been til the woke justice brigade hijacked the industry.
More likely games journalists will target modders of opportunity for easy woke brownie points. I've not really seen too many recent instances of leftists using the kind of narrative you're describing, at least with regards to games.
More-so I'd say they prefer targeting "gun culture" and game violence as a general thing.
Wtf is the point of going into space if you’re still gonna be surrounded by fat ugly brown people?
Ah you see, but space is what allows them to be fat, without reduced gravity they wouldn't be able to survive.
"I'm not fat, the faulty atmospheric regulators causing pressure fluctuations!"
Hope we see a “Grounded Starfield” and soon
You'd think after years of living together in space that they'd all have the same accent by now. Instead each city is perfectly diverse in every way. Lol
Sci-fi writers never understand anything but modern politics.
15 years ago they would have had everyone that muted brown color that NatGeo said all humans would look like in 50 years. But now that's offensive to say to the blacks so they can't.
Feral Ghoul in the bottom left must have been on that spaceship ride at REPCONN in New Vegas
Crafting components gold mine
I can only assume that this is the new AAA game that everybody's been talking about?
Should I be surprised by any of this?
The 2nd character I saw when I first entered New Atlantis, 1 hour into the game, was a black chick with vitiligo. It really is their new fetish.
I'm all for making blacks whiter. Let them cook!
We can tell by your user name that you are doing your part! Good show!
These rapid onset virtue signals really let you know who is steering these development ships.
It's literally Fallout 4 + space + even more ZOG influence.
Looks like your average Democrat ruled municipal council or university faculty. Ready to launch into a deadly tirade about white supremacy, white fragility and how they're now on the top of the food chain. "And you better get used to it."
"Why is Alpha Centauri demographically and politically identical to San Francisco?"
Also, the colony must be absolutely thriving for humans of that size to exist.
that coffee mug.. probably the work of Elianora. a lesbian mod maker that is heavily involved in the creation club thing.
To be fair, that mug could be an amazing piece of environmental storytelling in the right context
I'm just picturing the "powerful fucking woman" looking something like this.
If you buy it you're part of the problem.
To be fair it was pirated within hours of the preorder early release.
They needn't have bought it to make the mocking screenshots
Not even worth pirating imo
Who made these facial expressions?
No, seriously.
It's like we just went 15 years back in time and are watching "Painis Cupcake" and "Louis grabbin pills" again.
Can't wait for the TND mod
This, but for the melanated ones.
is it like skyrim? 10 years of waiting till the community fixed it and then it's mostly just a pornsim?
It's Bethesda, so give it 2 years until we get a decent game after you install about 200mods. Give it 6m to 1y for the bugs to be fixed.. and the special edition/remaster/dragonborn edition.
Pretty much a Fallout 76 reskin. Avoid.
I hope this game tanks butthesda.
I hope it’s like all Bethesda games where you’re allowed to kill everything in site. Because it looks like they want to be put out of their misery.
I've seen streams of this game and there are characters that don't even react to getting shot. He was shooting this one obnoxious bitch of a character in the face and there was zero reaction from any of the NPCs in the room.
Yup, a friend of mine already found or made his own mod making everything killable.
From what I've seen in pics and videos, the main NPCs that give you quests or that talk to you a lot are alright, and are mostly tolerable.
But the ones you find walking around filling up a place are just nightmare fuel, as seen above.
I will give them credit. Over half the people walking around cities these days are absolute nightmare fuel.
Everything I’ve seen points to multiple girl bosses leading you around by the nose.
This is giving me Mass Effect Andromeda flashbacks.
I wonder how long it'll be until they start going the opposite way, reducing the female characters in these games...
On paper it looks and sounds great true "equality" but because they're meltbrains they'll implement that for literally everything to the degree where players will be gunning down more and more women in a normal playthrough.
Calling it now that soon we'll start getting articles how these games normalize violence against women; with the only way to combat it will either be to remove the quota thus failing their true equality utopia; Or hard code it that you'll be killing more men instead, which is pretty much how its always been til the woke justice brigade hijacked the industry.
More likely games journalists will target modders of opportunity for easy woke brownie points. I've not really seen too many recent instances of leftists using the kind of narrative you're describing, at least with regards to games.
More-so I'd say they prefer targeting "gun culture" and game violence as a general thing.
I wonder... a mod that replaces them all with hot super model females will be allowed on nexus?
If it is. We should spam the hell out of nexus moderators just for the lols and say its getting rid of diversity. Haha
We wuz spacekangs
They've finally gone so far downhill that the faces from Oblivion look good in comparison.
That face on the left looks like they took Myron and turned him into a slightly angrier and uglier sheboon.