Subverting reality is probly the most core aspect of all the insidious leftist ideologies. The trans stuff is one of the best and most blatant examples.
Subversion represents changing the foundation of reality, which is impossible, since we are inside reality, so reality defines us.
What they're-doing is inversion (change of order on the inside) by using suggestion (beliefs) to corrupt ONEs comprehension about what ALL perceived reality means. Every consented to belief (by free will of choice) corrupts comprehended reality with consented to fiction (belief).
There is only ONE reality...ALL is ONE in energy. ALL is predefined (potentiality); each ONE is lacking comprehension (potential) of what ALL perceived (potentiality) means.
Fiction represents ONEs choice (free will) to ignore reality (energy in motion); for affixed assumptions in ignorance of motion...beliefs. If ONE believes (fiction; affixed aka truth or false aka reason), then ONE ignores motion (reality; moving aka if/then aka implication).
Fiction is not false; it's in ignorance of reality by choice. There's no false state within reality; and there's no truth state's constant change aka motion; demanding constant adaptation aka ONEs struggle to survive (uphold life over death) within ALL motion.
Okay, reasonable, buuuuut, asymptomatic spreading has turned out to not be a thing (at least to any reasonable degree), so take your temperature and don't visit grandma if you are coughing or sneezing.
Take my retarded work place for example: requires wearing mask while we perform intense manual labour. I am not going to suffocate myself on a daily basis because of overblown paranoia. As I look at the rest of the warehouse, I see the sentiment being shared. Even managers are fed up with that bullshit and only bother doing performative enforcement when some straight laced asshole goes out of his way to be maliciously compliant and make a needless stench.
Taking injections against my will also sets a dangerous precedent of paving way for disregard for bodily autonomy, and that will cripple everyone, You are on forum that regularly discusses reaches of power and disproportionate punishments for less that total compliance, You think the regular suspects wouldn't keep going and try go down under your skin? Decade ago if you told that Canadian fathers would be jailed for not wanting their sons to have their dicks cut off you'd be call insane. Look where we are now. No, it doesn't matter if the disease may or may not be lethal.
They have envy because they think they need it to be allowed to go about their lives. Whether they are afraid or they want to pretend they are a good person and do as they are told.
The envy I have is when I see an event or something that's maskless and I'm not there.
Given the plethora of articles, I'd wager they have envy because they've been told they have envy. It's the same as how they think everything else they're told to think.
I live in Florida and my younger friends with social media started really limiting the photos they put online.
Well be out on the boat, at a bbq, or some other social gathering and they’ll mention these are all personal photos. If they put them online it just causes problems with friends out of state.
These people aren’t just envious, they’re nasty and confrontational. The young women aren’t worried about bumming someone out, they don’t want to deal with the psychos that see people living normal lives and go apeshit.
And all those angry people have only themselves to blame. They drank the whole pitcher of koolaid, screamed about mask safety and screamed about social distancing. And now they’re all alone in a boring apartment up north somewhere, everything closed, their own friends and family ready to turn them in for social violations.
And we’re still living a lifelong vacation.
Fuck those losers. My hope is they get so upset they never leave their liberal hell holes. Certainly never bring their bullshit down here.
Honestly, people are better off not flaunting their social lives on the internet for clout. Even before this shit, people condemn themselves all of the time because they just had to share their scandalous party photos to their Facebook.
I can't be too bothered by not posting pics online, but that's just because I don't like that social media lifestyle. I've seen enough of it though, everything online even amongst people who actually know each other has gotten so cutthroat.
I'm sick of the mask compliance that's hung on here. I'm in Texas, we have no mandate anymore, yet it's still almost everyone. Grocery stores in my experience will harass the shit out of you. Other places not as much. I went to a hardware store in a part of town railed as being where the "conspiracy theorists" live. I'm walking around no mask and one other guy and a group of about 12yos in there also were. Everyone else all masked up in a place that doesn't even care to post a sign asking for it. What the hell, take the damn things off--no one cares! Funny enough the kids were goofing around a bit and pranked me (I didn't know them total strangers). It was something I might have been grumpy about little turds annoying people in a store, but I was so damn happy to interact with an actual stranger with a face I laughed and talked to them for a minute.
Texas is screwed though as far as I'm concerned. I'm just hoping to ride my time out for a while and see what happens. The metros are being flooded with leftists at a huge rate. Hopefully you keep a handle on Florida.
These people aren’t just envious, they’re nasty and confrontational.
Excluding crazy hobos, the only time someone started randomly screaming at me, it was because I brought up Trump's tax changes in an apolitical discussion about deductions.
I went on a very short hiking vacation last summer. I took pictures, but I didn't post them online because I didn't want to deal with anyone's bullshit.
I'm sure the world will somehow manage to get by without knowing my travel habits anyway.
Went to a concert in TX, no masks required. Some sheep had them on but most didn't. Was a nice to socialize as normal. southern UT while a mask mandate is still in order for a few more days has largely said GTFO on masks and people are going about their biz. State run liquor stores being an exception.
Choice by free will to adhere to false authority of others, while ignoring sole authority over self for it (free will).
Greed within self breeds envy within others. Greed represents the temptation of selfishness, which originates from claiming ownership over that which nature offers free for all. ONE can use ALL; ONE has no right to claim any other ONE within ALL. That's selfishness.
Choice of free will to adhere to ALL defines ONEs needs; choice of ignorance towards ALL represents ONEs wants, hence them "wanting" to selfishly shirk responsibility over self onto the false authority of others; representing the greed; the breeds the envy.
I’m in peak SJW area during peak SJW times in the Bay, and at the risk of being hyperbolic, I have to act like I’m secretly Jewish in Nazi Germany. If I were to display wrong think I’d be stabbed with a rainbow dildo and financially ruined, even by well meaning people that just rely on the ‘news’ and don’t know any better.
I’m not even against vaccines. Last time I was in the ER I requested one for something just cause. These are all new beta testy different vaccines though that are very unlike what we have data on, and it’s for something we don’t mathematically need to have everyone vaccinated for. Covid’s like a skewed flu. We know exactly who it affects more, like fat and old people, it gets shrugged off by most everyone else, and the few people I’ve known that have even had it said it felt like a flu that went away quick. I don’t get flu shots, either.
I’m going to be required at some point to be vaccinated so I’m mostly wondering whether to bite the bullet or make a fake vaccination card. I’d be found out quickly though so the fake card probably isn’t an option. We’ve hit the point where we’re forcibly injecting ourselves. Super fucking creepy and dystopian.
That sucks. To continue your analogy, there came a point where it was too late for Jews to easily escape Nazi Germany, and there were probably a lot of people as they were being loaded onto the cattle cars wishing they had when they still had the chance...
I think our only saving grace is that most places in CA aren’t actually blue, it’s just big isolated areas like the Bay and LA. A lot of the money propping this all up is leaving too.
It’s been weird seeing the Bay go from fun-loving hippie skater punk vibe to complete robot communist takeover by foreign nationals because the weather’s nice. I actually like immigrants if we’re getting their best folks, but a lot of the people here are just piling in because their racial bros get into a company and only hire them and it’s kind of weird. I do well but have been told in the past that I couldn’t work somewhere because they were striving to achieve a diverse work force, the subtext being that I’m a white guy so that’s not me. Super creepy.
Pretty much. They say CA is 3-5 years ahead of the rest of the nation, and if true, the Bay’s probably 10 years ahead. Communism didn’t work out. We’re just now starting to lift lockdowns kind of but not really because of the restrictions and requirements remaining.
He doesn't: the company's current position is "we won't require it", and he will enforce that with a smile. If that changes tomorrow he will enforce that with the same smile and wonder why I'm "making such a big deal over this" as he's telling me of the policy change. He's a company man through and through, which makes me sad because I remember a time when he wasn't.
In any case I expect to be fired this year for at least one of the following:
Refusing to travel on a plane for work if they require masks
Refusing to take a mandatory temperature check to go into the office
Refusing to wear a mask while in the office
Refusing to take the vaccine if a change in vaccine policy happens, which wouldn't surprise me
Refusing to attend this year's mandatory Implicit Bias training, which I only attended last year because I was promised it would be an "open and honest" discussion and was reprimanded after I tried to hold them to that.
Your company isn't requiring you to wear a mask while in office now? Why do you think they will start requiring it in the future if they aren't already?
They are, but I live far enough away from the office that another policy prevents me from traveling to the office. Otherwise they would have fired me already.
Your first three points are somewhat psychotic, the rest makes perfect sense. It's very clear that you've been swept up by contrarian hysteria, which as a massive contrarian, I get. If masks didn't do something, they wouldn't have tried to stop you from getting masks when this whole thing started. But you do you, if you think losing your job (for a valid reason in case of the first 3 points) is worth feeling superior, that's up to you.
I live in a country with a reasonable government I can at least partially trust, and that doesn't destroy businesses as a part of the strategy, so I can live perfectly fine.
You think you can will a virus out of existence? That's even more psychotic.
Clearly you do you psychopath. Wearing your cotton facerag for another billion years won't do jack shit. It's endemic now and it'll be around forever. Just another virus during flu season.
So shut the fuck up and stop being such a weeping vagina
So, I was early early masker, like looking like a ninja when liberals where telling everyone to deep mouth kiss their closest chinese person. But I came around and to paraphrase Lewis, "the most dejected and reluctant anti-masker in all America" and my area's mask mandate expired at the end of March, and they extended it, so I just stopped complying, and you feel more normal. What I'm getting at is there is a self reinforcing aspect to all this.
Same here, I was masking back when this thing was only killing in China. As soon as I heard it was a woman's experiment gone wrong, I straight away assumed it would be the bioweapon to end all bioweapons, the thing that finally cuts the male population down like they wanted. I even made a plan to lock myself down for months, bought tons of supplies.
As soon as the data started coming out I started to mask less, then when BLM and other women's shell organisations got to gather and professionals said it was okay, I realised this was completely bullshit.
I started masking when BLM violence broke out because everyone hated each other, I wasn't sure how badly violence would spiral out of control, and I didn't want to be a target. Now I refuse to wear it, I don't care if I'm a target, they can fucking gun me down in goddamned Kroger I'm not pretending anymore just to make them happy.
Amazing what a year of lies and propaganda can do to a person.
They stumbled into testing the waters of compliance with Covid and now they see we are a country of cowards and they will be able to pull off anything they want. They were headed there, they just didn't realize how ready we were for mass compliance. We have shown them the way.
All I see is a country of cowards, and a world of 'know it all's' that know jack shit.
Nah, I haven't. I still am attracted to them, even if I don't desire their company any more.
If you could teach yourself to be gay, there would be way more gay men in 2021, let's be honest. Women are consistently awful in a way that makes dealing with them in any capacity worse than North Korean torture techniques.
It's a pretty good spin. FOMO is a very real thing and this should work well on those who were still sitting on the fence. The human psyche is so fucking predictable. The irony of it is that this is designed to specifically make people envious and eager to get the shot.
Mass hysteria is back and it’s back with a vengeance it seems. How retarded do you have to be to get envious over a questionably safe shot for a virus with a 99%+ survival rate?
This whole series reminds me of the "Gamers are Dead" lockstep media coverage that started us down this road to KIA in the first place. Why the actual fuck should we be envious of someone who has turned into a sheep and jammed the barely-out-of-beta vaccine into their body? Don't get me wrong, I'm not an anti-vaxxer - I just don't trust something that was rushed through clinical trials and has only been in the wild for a couple months.
The other part of me looks at this and thinks, "This is just NPC programming going out to the masses." The NPCs don't know what to feel so they're taking their cues from the media. They (the progenitors of the articles) are projecting out into the world that the NPCs should feel envy because the NPCs are so emotionally stunted they can only handle child-like emotions - "Bobby got his shot, so he can go out and play with Susie. Don't you want, that, too?" It's utter lunacy.
Subverting reality is probly the most core aspect of all the insidious leftist ideologies. The trans stuff is one of the best and most blatant examples.
Subversion represents changing the foundation of reality, which is impossible, since we are inside reality, so reality defines us.
What they're-doing is inversion (change of order on the inside) by using suggestion (beliefs) to corrupt ONEs comprehension about what ALL perceived reality means. Every consented to belief (by free will of choice) corrupts comprehended reality with consented to fiction (belief).
There is only ONE reality...ALL is ONE in energy. ALL is predefined (potentiality); each ONE is lacking comprehension (potential) of what ALL perceived (potentiality) means.
Fiction represents ONEs choice (free will) to ignore reality (energy in motion); for affixed assumptions in ignorance of motion...beliefs. If ONE believes (fiction; affixed aka truth or false aka reason), then ONE ignores motion (reality; moving aka if/then aka implication).
Fiction is not false; it's in ignorance of reality by choice. There's no false state within reality; and there's no truth state's constant change aka motion; demanding constant adaptation aka ONEs struggle to survive (uphold life over death) within ALL motion.
it's not mass insanity to want to avoid transmitting it to older family members
the flu is either not as deadly, or not as contagious. it's pretty fucking hard to fake the global death count.
you can wear a mask in public or get a vaccine.. neither of these are "crippling your life" as another poster claimed.
Okay, reasonable, buuuuut, asymptomatic spreading has turned out to not be a thing (at least to any reasonable degree), so take your temperature and don't visit grandma if you are coughing or sneezing.
Yeah but many of these vaccines aren't even guaranteed to prevent transmission.
not guaranteed, but pretty fucking good
just like birth control isn't 100%
It is when you cripple your life as a result.
I dont know how your grandparents are but mine aren't selfish enough to value what little time they have left over my youth and freedom.
how is wearing a mask or getting a vaccine "crippling your life"?
Needless problem with breathing.
Take my retarded work place for example: requires wearing mask while we perform intense manual labour. I am not going to suffocate myself on a daily basis because of overblown paranoia. As I look at the rest of the warehouse, I see the sentiment being shared. Even managers are fed up with that bullshit and only bother doing performative enforcement when some straight laced asshole goes out of his way to be maliciously compliant and make a needless stench.
Taking injections against my will also sets a dangerous precedent of paving way for disregard for bodily autonomy, and that will cripple everyone, You are on forum that regularly discusses reaches of power and disproportionate punishments for less that total compliance, You think the regular suspects wouldn't keep going and try go down under your skin? Decade ago if you told that Canadian fathers would be jailed for not wanting their sons to have their dicks cut off you'd be call insane. Look where we are now. No, it doesn't matter if the disease may or may not be lethal.
They have envy because they think they need it to be allowed to go about their lives. Whether they are afraid or they want to pretend they are a good person and do as they are told.
The envy I have is when I see an event or something that's maskless and I'm not there.
Given the plethora of articles, I'd wager they have envy because they've been told they have envy. It's the same as how they think everything else they're told to think.
And/or that they're trying to signal to the reader that they should also be envious.
Absolutely this. None of this shit is organic, it's all an attempt to manufacture a narrative.
That's basically what's happening here.
I live in Florida and my younger friends with social media started really limiting the photos they put online.
Well be out on the boat, at a bbq, or some other social gathering and they’ll mention these are all personal photos. If they put them online it just causes problems with friends out of state.
These people aren’t just envious, they’re nasty and confrontational. The young women aren’t worried about bumming someone out, they don’t want to deal with the psychos that see people living normal lives and go apeshit.
And all those angry people have only themselves to blame. They drank the whole pitcher of koolaid, screamed about mask safety and screamed about social distancing. And now they’re all alone in a boring apartment up north somewhere, everything closed, their own friends and family ready to turn them in for social violations.
And we’re still living a lifelong vacation.
Fuck those losers. My hope is they get so upset they never leave their liberal hell holes. Certainly never bring their bullshit down here.
Honestly, people are better off not flaunting their social lives on the internet for clout. Even before this shit, people condemn themselves all of the time because they just had to share their scandalous party photos to their Facebook.
I can't be too bothered by not posting pics online, but that's just because I don't like that social media lifestyle. I've seen enough of it though, everything online even amongst people who actually know each other has gotten so cutthroat.
I'm sick of the mask compliance that's hung on here. I'm in Texas, we have no mandate anymore, yet it's still almost everyone. Grocery stores in my experience will harass the shit out of you. Other places not as much. I went to a hardware store in a part of town railed as being where the "conspiracy theorists" live. I'm walking around no mask and one other guy and a group of about 12yos in there also were. Everyone else all masked up in a place that doesn't even care to post a sign asking for it. What the hell, take the damn things off--no one cares! Funny enough the kids were goofing around a bit and pranked me (I didn't know them total strangers). It was something I might have been grumpy about little turds annoying people in a store, but I was so damn happy to interact with an actual stranger with a face I laughed and talked to them for a minute.
Texas is screwed though as far as I'm concerned. I'm just hoping to ride my time out for a while and see what happens. The metros are being flooded with leftists at a huge rate. Hopefully you keep a handle on Florida.
Excluding crazy hobos, the only time someone started randomly screaming at me, it was because I brought up Trump's tax changes in an apolitical discussion about deductions.
The Leftists are fucking nuts.
I went on a very short hiking vacation last summer. I took pictures, but I didn't post them online because I didn't want to deal with anyone's bullshit.
I'm sure the world will somehow manage to get by without knowing my travel habits anyway.
Went to a concert in TX, no masks required. Some sheep had them on but most didn't. Was a nice to socialize as normal. southern UT while a mask mandate is still in order for a few more days has largely said GTFO on masks and people are going about their biz. State run liquor stores being an exception.
Choice by free will to adhere to false authority of others, while ignoring sole authority over self for it (free will).
Greed within self breeds envy within others. Greed represents the temptation of selfishness, which originates from claiming ownership over that which nature offers free for all. ONE can use ALL; ONE has no right to claim any other ONE within ALL. That's selfishness.
Choice of free will to adhere to ALL defines ONEs needs; choice of ignorance towards ALL represents ONEs wants, hence them "wanting" to selfishly shirk responsibility over self onto the false authority of others; representing the greed; the breeds the envy.
I had a fun conversation with my boss today about this:
Every WuFlu-related conversation I have with him makes me feel like we live on different planets.
He tried pulling that one after the bit I quoted: "well [other coworker] is really looking forward to getting his".
Bitch I've seen this episode, and there's no genius kid and immune robot to save us.
I’m in peak SJW area during peak SJW times in the Bay, and at the risk of being hyperbolic, I have to act like I’m secretly Jewish in Nazi Germany. If I were to display wrong think I’d be stabbed with a rainbow dildo and financially ruined, even by well meaning people that just rely on the ‘news’ and don’t know any better.
I’m not even against vaccines. Last time I was in the ER I requested one for something just cause. These are all new beta testy different vaccines though that are very unlike what we have data on, and it’s for something we don’t mathematically need to have everyone vaccinated for. Covid’s like a skewed flu. We know exactly who it affects more, like fat and old people, it gets shrugged off by most everyone else, and the few people I’ve known that have even had it said it felt like a flu that went away quick. I don’t get flu shots, either.
I’m going to be required at some point to be vaccinated so I’m mostly wondering whether to bite the bullet or make a fake vaccination card. I’d be found out quickly though so the fake card probably isn’t an option. We’ve hit the point where we’re forcibly injecting ourselves. Super fucking creepy and dystopian.
That sucks. To continue your analogy, there came a point where it was too late for Jews to easily escape Nazi Germany, and there were probably a lot of people as they were being loaded onto the cattle cars wishing they had when they still had the chance...
I think our only saving grace is that most places in CA aren’t actually blue, it’s just big isolated areas like the Bay and LA. A lot of the money propping this all up is leaving too.
It’s been weird seeing the Bay go from fun-loving hippie skater punk vibe to complete robot communist takeover by foreign nationals because the weather’s nice. I actually like immigrants if we’re getting their best folks, but a lot of the people here are just piling in because their racial bros get into a company and only hire them and it’s kind of weird. I do well but have been told in the past that I couldn’t work somewhere because they were striving to achieve a diverse work force, the subtext being that I’m a white guy so that’s not me. Super creepy.
Bay has become s wasteland, sadly.
Pretty much. They say CA is 3-5 years ahead of the rest of the nation, and if true, the Bay’s probably 10 years ahead. Communism didn’t work out. We’re just now starting to lift lockdowns kind of but not really because of the restrictions and requirements remaining.
Well, at least your boss is saying "I guess that's your choice" and not, take the vaccine or you get fired.
I mean, we're not there yet, but at least your boss has a semi-libertarian position on it.
He doesn't: the company's current position is "we won't require it", and he will enforce that with a smile. If that changes tomorrow he will enforce that with the same smile and wonder why I'm "making such a big deal over this" as he's telling me of the policy change. He's a company man through and through, which makes me sad because I remember a time when he wasn't.
In any case I expect to be fired this year for at least one of the following:
Your company isn't requiring you to wear a mask while in office now? Why do you think they will start requiring it in the future if they aren't already?
They are, but I live far enough away from the office that another policy prevents me from traveling to the office. Otherwise they would have fired me already.
Ah, okay. I just assumed that the conversation you had with your boss was an in-person conversation since it seemed so casual.
Your first three points are somewhat psychotic, the rest makes perfect sense. It's very clear that you've been swept up by contrarian hysteria, which as a massive contrarian, I get. If masks didn't do something, they wouldn't have tried to stop you from getting masks when this whole thing started. But you do you, if you think losing your job (for a valid reason in case of the first 3 points) is worth feeling superior, that's up to you.
I refuse to pretend we're in the zombie apocalypse. And it's been clear for a year that this keeps going until we decide it stops.
Keep wearing your masks and see if they ever let you breathe fresh air again. I'll continue living like a normal human being.
I live in a country with a reasonable government I can at least partially trust, and that doesn't destroy businesses as a part of the strategy, so I can live perfectly fine.
You think you can will a virus out of existence? That's even more psychotic.
I don't, but our politicians and health "experts" do.
Clearly you do you psychopath. Wearing your cotton facerag for another billion years won't do jack shit. It's endemic now and it'll be around forever. Just another virus during flu season.
So shut the fuck up and stop being such a weeping vagina
Damn, contrarianism has driven you completely insane.
there was a shortage because the chinese spies were all buying them and sending them back to the homeland.
Exactly. They weren't doing that for looks, they were doing it because masks have a minor, but real, effect.
Only n95 masks and only when they're fresh, and as soon as they're touched they are no longer effective. In short, they're effectively useless.
I don't believe that is accurate.
So, I was early early masker, like looking like a ninja when liberals where telling everyone to deep mouth kiss their closest chinese person. But I came around and to paraphrase Lewis, "the most dejected and reluctant anti-masker in all America" and my area's mask mandate expired at the end of March, and they extended it, so I just stopped complying, and you feel more normal. What I'm getting at is there is a self reinforcing aspect to all this.
Same here, I was masking back when this thing was only killing in China. As soon as I heard it was a woman's experiment gone wrong, I straight away assumed it would be the bioweapon to end all bioweapons, the thing that finally cuts the male population down like they wanted. I even made a plan to lock myself down for months, bought tons of supplies.
As soon as the data started coming out I started to mask less, then when BLM and other women's shell organisations got to gather and professionals said it was okay, I realised this was completely bullshit.
I started masking when BLM violence broke out because everyone hated each other, I wasn't sure how badly violence would spiral out of control, and I didn't want to be a target. Now I refuse to wear it, I don't care if I'm a target, they can fucking gun me down in goddamned Kroger I'm not pretending anymore just to make them happy.
Amazing what a year of lies and propaganda can do to a person.
They stumbled into testing the waters of compliance with Covid and now they see we are a country of cowards and they will be able to pull off anything they want. They were headed there, they just didn't realize how ready we were for mass compliance. We have shown them the way.
All I see is a country of cowards, and a world of 'know it all's' that know jack shit.
Our country deserved to die after all the degeneracy coursing through it. Good riddance.
I try to be the same but I work in a left-dominated industry. I can't go a single day without hearing about Covid or vaccines.
Here's a typical icebreaker in 2021: "Hello! Covid covid covid? Covid covid! Covid vaccine covid! Vaccine vaccine vaccine!" Vaccine covid! Covid vaccine covid covid. Transgender vaccine."
Hol' up.
People using vaccines as dildos for their sick fetishes?
The push of propaganda is getting really creepy.
I will gladly give up my offer. After all, as a white male, I'm enforcing patriarchy by taking it before all women get theirs.
Targeting us directly now?
The male population must be reduced to 10% of current levels and power restored to women.
All the media that was saying we were worse than scum is enthusiastically promoting it to us - can't you see their games?
No, just the gay ones.
Wait... do hate women so much that you went voluntarily gay?
I'm half-joking about that.
Kek <- this one.
Nah, I haven't. I still am attracted to them, even if I don't desire their company any more.
If you could teach yourself to be gay, there would be way more gay men in 2021, let's be honest. Women are consistently awful in a way that makes dealing with them in any capacity worse than North Korean torture techniques.
I actually think you can do that to a degree, and that's why there are more gay men in 2021.
I feel like the optimal mate for you would be a "cunt boy", but with tits.
Idk, like a super-butch, super-straight woman.
Interesting theory actually. Would make a bit more sense than the whole "it's more acceptable so they're being more open" idea progressives push.
Nah, I honestly don't think I have an optimal mate. I don't think men are attractive and I don't think women are trustworthy.
I'm just waiting for Impossible to explain how traps are not gay and actually represent the ideal woman for him.
It's a pretty good spin. FOMO is a very real thing and this should work well on those who were still sitting on the fence. The human psyche is so fucking predictable. The irony of it is that this is designed to specifically make people envious and eager to get the shot.
Mass hysteria is back and it’s back with a vengeance it seems. How retarded do you have to be to get envious over a questionably safe shot for a virus with a 99%+ survival rate?
These are pure examples of gaslighting.
Edward Bernays taught these idiots how to build demand for crap nobody wanted.
You should look up the freedom torches story.
He managed to sell smoking to people who didn't want to.
All the pro vaccine stories you see are the same thing.
Just more social engineering.
Jesus Christ these people
This whole series reminds me of the "Gamers are Dead" lockstep media coverage that started us down this road to KIA in the first place. Why the actual fuck should we be envious of someone who has turned into a sheep and jammed the barely-out-of-beta vaccine into their body? Don't get me wrong, I'm not an anti-vaxxer - I just don't trust something that was rushed through clinical trials and has only been in the wild for a couple months.
The other part of me looks at this and thinks, "This is just NPC programming going out to the masses." The NPCs don't know what to feel so they're taking their cues from the media. They (the progenitors of the articles) are projecting out into the world that the NPCs should feel envy because the NPCs are so emotionally stunted they can only handle child-like emotions - "Bobby got his shot, so he can go out and play with Susie. Don't you want, that, too?" It's utter lunacy.
It's a simple psyop in an effort to create a lust for the vaccine in the "vaccine hesitant."
Infants, all of them.
That reality has a name.
It's called CLOWN WORLD.
Wokeness is a yearning for sterility. ?️?
It's not "vaccine envy", it's rage at the system that makes me jump through hoops to do the most basic activities
It's the same hellish reality that expects the Anglophone eye to read the letter "Q" as "ch".