Nah, I haven't. I still am attracted to them, even if I don't desire their company any more.
If you could teach yourself to be gay, there would be way more gay men in 2021, let's be honest. Women are consistently awful in a way that makes dealing with them in any capacity worse than North Korean torture techniques.
I will gladly give up my offer. After all, as a white male, I'm enforcing patriarchy by taking it before all women get theirs.
Targeting us directly now?
The male population must be reduced to 10% of current levels and power restored to women.
All the media that was saying we were worse than scum is enthusiastically promoting it to us - can't you see their games?
No, just the gay ones.
Wait... do hate women so much that you went voluntarily gay?
I'm half-joking about that.
Kek <- this one.
Nah, I haven't. I still am attracted to them, even if I don't desire their company any more.
If you could teach yourself to be gay, there would be way more gay men in 2021, let's be honest. Women are consistently awful in a way that makes dealing with them in any capacity worse than North Korean torture techniques.
I actually think you can do that to a degree, and that's why there are more gay men in 2021.
I feel like the optimal mate for you would be a "cunt boy", but with tits.
Idk, like a super-butch, super-straight woman.
Interesting theory actually. Would make a bit more sense than the whole "it's more acceptable so they're being more open" idea progressives push.
Nah, I honestly don't think I have an optimal mate. I don't think men are attractive and I don't think women are trustworthy.
I'm just waiting for Impossible to explain how traps are not gay and actually represent the ideal woman for him.