SOG is a tragedy of YouTube monetization. His technical videos are solid introductions to topics, but those aren't constant revenue like 3 per day drama videos that let fence sitting Normie's feel opinionated. I'll still take this willingness to report as a positive.
I haven't listened to him for 4 years, wonder if his stance has changed even an inch.
One of those "oddity" stories newspapers run to bait in more readers.
- Freedom of Association
- Estoppel: If the enemy bends the rules, it's acceptable to use their standards against them.
These multinationals had a century to defend western values. Let the snake eat itself.
All those trials have gotten eligibility criteria all wonked. Indicative of the grandiose way any modern state will fuck up UBI.
Reddit did bungle it big time when they updated the block feature to allow random users to censor threads. Assuming that's what happened, that's on the admins not the moderators.
Yeah between torn statues and the non levayan satanists being pathetically transparent grifts, I have no problem with this incident.
Jefferson was fairly clear that government should not endorse specific religions. His views are representative of at least half the founders, many who were deists (especially the more influential individuals). I'm not implying that it was a good idea for the bill of rights to extend beyond the federal government (those later activist judges post civil-war), instead that those founders expected state governments to stay out of religion. I'm not aware of any impartial source that deduces the likely stance of the deist founders on state legislatures being allowed to monument the 10 commandments.
It is disheartening to realize how many people were copying smart opinions because they were trendy (within certain crowds), rather than convergent realization.
There's a 50 part blog series about how the planned story morphed as 2 ME 2 and 3 were produced, along with other critque.
Voters have terrible cognitive dissonance. Good luck phasing out social security, and so forth with the perception that strong borders mean all illegals will be deported (and thus continue voting for the petulant D).
To me seems the tech crowd wasn't absolutely polarized and homogenized towards one direction until the mid 00's. It's a representation problem more than a nonexistence of right-wing computing wizards.
Triple-a's have the resources for in-house engines or deep modifications to licensed middleware. Their problem is that biz-dev departments (I.e. disconnected from consuming or developing the product) have an even larger share of production effecting decisions than they did versus the mid 00s. Current industry's scope and scheduling philosphy is incongruous with making works of art, thus they're not committing the right resources to robust architecture and other foundations.
Based off the summary, there's a massive confounding variable not controlled for. Console matchmaking is indicative of perceived anonymity and mob mentality. Since you can't track players across changing lobbies and measure general shit-talk, this study tells us nothing about the various types of misogyny and potential implications. Further evidence that expanded federal funding of research and education since the 1950s is shit policy.
I'm not saying there's not gross, shady stuff going on but that it's the modus operandi for these big companies. Doesn't mean that most of the involved parties are the ones consciously coordinating a campaign against ideal Western values. I'm saying that Sweet Baby isn't creating the demand for mass-appeal garbage laced with low-key communism, nor is there much strong-arming on Sweet Baby's end. Rather that they're merely arbitrary supply satisfying checklists that company execs needed for their careers, and small-time at that. There's bigger fish in this ocean.
Obama's dismal senate voting record should have been the primary disqualifer with half the voting public, not juicy stories about his wacky protestant pastor and whatnot. There doesn't have to be some cartoon villain cabal with deep influence across the industry to pin the state of our entertainment on.
- It was a single consultant turned to a single consulting company on a few games. There's no smoking gun that they led the narrative tone on most credited games, let alone pull the strings across the Triple-A industry over the past 5 years. The truth is more mundane and banal.
- This subcom posted the story a day before you started shame moaning about us not covering the story.
These true believing youth wings are always despicable, whether it's the Swedish AUF or Russia's Nashi. Scarce societies used to marginalize these grown-up hall monitors.
I made a thread requesting text posts added to the content filter with 4 upvotes and no response. I'm not too committed to this platform anyways, Reddit format might be too repellent to long-term content. Aside from Top-AllTime, plenty of content is only discoverable from fickle search engines.
Tangent: I'm seeing the weakness of kotakuinaction being hosted on someone else's platform. Right now we're a national politics news aggregator mixed with gaming, entertainment, and misc. discussion. There's no topic category filters on this particular instance, or seperate boards as on bbs/web-forums. There's ambiguity if one just wants to talk games; to do it here where national politics drowns out other topics, or c/gaming with different users and moderators. Other scored boards are decripit, except the big three. 8chan 2.0 is cool, but I can't stand the 4chan js interface. Reddit is just shit, where even mid-size hobby subs have too much influx of the 80% Democrat demographic from the rest of the site.
KiA2 was at the sweet spot of activity, both here and r/kia2, 18-44 months ago. The dominance of national politics and culture war events on this instance is purely an interface problem, and I'm certain it's the reason kia2 hasn't been able to grow. There's enough based, knowledgable individuals here willing to talk other topics, and I hate to see yet another high-potential platform or community decline in participation.
On-topic: I haven't gotten deep enough into game development to be familiar with the nitty-gritty of 3d modeling and animation, particularly from the artist's perspective. At a glance, there seems to be too much manual labor, low-level fiddling, and unnecessary duplication of effort for historical practical reasons. Maybe something (unrelated to machine-learning) will come along with more intuitive primitives. Here are the programming equivalents to what I'm getting at: one two (too lazy to dig up articles).
"Classical liberalism" is divided between those with genuine interest in 17th-early19th century republican (the way Europeans use that word) tradition, and those with a misplaced sentimental attachment to mid-to-late 20th century center-left societal tendencies. I almost don't blame the latter for their desperate behaviors, being the largest politically homeless grouping in current era.
I utterly forgot about first kia pre-emptively banning t_d posters. That's irritating because that subreddit winds up with so many lost morons posting typical internet noise, separate form the confused leftists described in this thread. It wasn't about quality control (old t_d was basically a parody of ordinary reddit) but optics.
Consequence of enough people unwilling to distinguish inductive intuition from superstition is falling for formal-sounding folk wisdom. We ate fatty meats, nuts, and dairy just fine for thousands of years, but that doesn't satisfy our dutiful impulse to feel in control of their circumstances. My soy-minded father was also concerned with excess servings of protein (better than forced veganism), or jogging ruining fast-twitch muscles (which would have effected me if I wasn't already blessed with substandard cardiovascular organs. He was not a bodybuilder or powerlifter). Thanks, leaded gasoline.
To make an account or to join certain servers? If they started doing the former I'm full on abandoning the platform, screw all the projects housed there. Some things belong on the clearweb and for everything else, there's open-source and federated alternatives just complicated enough to scare the walled-garden phone Stans.
Long video on the general topic, go to the 0:56:00 timestamp for a brief on why our economy is so spend happy. Basically, monetary inflation psychologically conditions average working-class worker to consume goods before their dollar depreciates in value. A naturally deflationary economy would result in more savings and a less wasteful culture.,-the-jobs-are-fake,:e
Stack overflow's baked in gamification (i.e. extrinsic value) is the one thing that's rubbed me the wrong way since I read the founders' blog posts c. 2010 or 2011. Prestige should be like getting a server-first in a WoW raid.
Like micro-transactions in an MMO (cosmetic only or p2w), I don't expect this to preserve the sanctity of the core product because typical people don't attempt first principles.
In an MMO, if I were to have any mtx, it would be limited quantity to be bid on one time only, or on a seasonal basis. It should go w/o saying that a sensible amount of time and skill should remain viable against either type of mtx. Done with care, the company isn't "throwing free money away" while preserving the intrinsic value of the core offering and exclusivity of the mtx. Disclaimer, this is intended as an alternative to prevalent mtx schemes, not my preference for games.
In food and beverage (modern industry in general, too), a bean counter's motivation is demonstrable impact on revenue, w/o taking into account Hazlitt's one economic lesson. The right way instead to do surge pricing is to find a certain threshold of customers where everyone's experience is negatively impacted, but unfeasible to maintain capacity for. Only late customers will be charged extra, until the queue is under control.
One can say this is all a bad idea, but I at least prefer upfront bargaining over bait and switches to get around consumers' (and voters') emotional, shallow thinking. In grocery stores, people have a visceral response to inflation, so brands will instead keep the same sticker price and obscure a lower volume of product. Same category of thinking that has people not presently impacted banning "price gouging" during crises. Due diligence and caveat emptor are facts of life, despite wishful action to the contrary.