It's time to just ignore what they think and say.
I don't care anymore. I want their speech heavily policed if not banned. No mercy.
Abe killing was absolutely backed or at least encouraged by the US
Not enough. The other parties will just coalesce to 'keep the far right out.'
Yeah. Despite not being PM, he was very much the philosophical head of the LDP. His removal as PM wasn't enough.
I'm convinced that Abe was 'removed' by external forces.
Shogun is fine and I'm enjoying it. I rarely watch TV anymore yet this has grabbed me.
The girl boss stuff with Mariko was one training scene that felt realistic enough to me. It's otherwise a decent production.
Did it actually warn, 'it contains all white people.'?
Take notes and learn. The new Globalist regime has wasted zero time and is purging the civil service of their enemies. The right never does this.
There was a time that having a Western passport (US, UK, Australia etc.) meant something. If a Western citizen was in anyway mistreated by a foreign power it meant serious shit. Not anymore.
Nothing would happen.
Expect the same or slightly worse.
Good. Seems to benefit Democrats much more, however. We should be like them and ignore wrongdoing on our side. Just focus on the enemy.
You are right. The 'centre right' parties would sooner form a coalition with commies than even start to negotiate with the farmers.
Not gonna defend her but what the quote means to say is, 'if we don't stop within the next five years' we are on a doomed trajectory. Not 'we are doomed in five years.'
Sorry to nitpick.
Ask them if they'd support abolishing the BBC. If it's right wing then they'd have no issue shutting it down. They usually become uncomfortable on this suggestion, oddly.
The mafia has investigated the mafia and declares that the mafia did nothing wrong.
You are right. Since that aide to the PM made those LGBT comments, the government has been genuflecting to globohomo organizations and is laying the groundwork for gay marriage. It's startling how quickly it all accelerated.
Exactly. It really doesn't matter if these movies 'fail'. It's about placing their permanent mark on the properties.
His lawsuits will all succeed. You know they will.
Boomer truth regime
England is cringe anyway. They should be escorted out for supporting those kneeling idiots.
It's about redefining perfectly reasonable attitudes as sensible and taking the centrist definition away from what the progressives would have it be.
Imagine caring about your own people.