ajfofjakf 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know how the top comment is still up.

ajfofjakf 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are not wrong. I have family on the other side of the Causeway and the things they say about Nola is both hilarious and horrifying.

Also, I think the Katrina re-homing or what ever they called it was largely an exercise in moving shit people in to stable places. Shortly after it was mandated that everywhere had to offer multi-family housing. So you end up with places like the OP.

ajfofjakf 27 points ago +27 / -0

Colorado, a truly beautiful place, a place where Robert A. Heinlein decided to build a house (and since house numbers weren't a thing at the time numbered it 1776,) has become a bit of a mess.

I lived in the Springs for a short couple years. Many people from New Orleans were relocated there after Katrina. They were all placed in apartment complexes and things got so out of hand the police literally called them "no-go" zones. They called those places Somalia Springs or New Somalia.

Mind you, these were people from New Orleans, not migrants.

It does not surprise me in the least that "migrants" are pulling this. They got away with it in their home countries, so why wouldn't they get away with it here?

ajfofjakf 2 points ago +2 / -0

They remade League of their Own? I just found out Disney is going to make a Sandlot TV series. Is nothing safe?

I can't wait till they give Back the Future the remade for a new audience treatment. It's going to be so bad great!

ajfofjakf 14 points ago +14 / -0

how much attention the actresses were likely getting

Even just perceived attention. An actress shows up to do her job; guess what? You have to direct her. There will be a lot of interaction, back and forth, and possibly even positioning, requiring gasp physical contact.

Average manager? You go out of your way not to interact with them.

ajfofjakf 27 points ago +27 / -0

The vitiligo bit really ties it all together.

ajfofjakf 7 points ago +7 / -0

oh no

ahahahahaha How was this even made? I mean, I know why, but at some point in the chain did anyone think "this might not be popular, we might lose money"?

But again, I know why.

ajfofjakf 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am also going to add look at the ISIS vs Taliban conflict. They are completely happy slaughtering their own.

They have some interesting ideas but they are not friends of the West and we should not take that direction.

ajfofjakf 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have no idea as I don't live there. I doubt there are any real numbers at this time. There most likely won't be until they really really take a hold in the country. I guess look at the countries they come from as they are mostly homogeneous in their flavor of faith.

Also, I do not want to "revert," not convert (that's the way Muslims see it,) to a faith of child rapists.

ajfofjakf 1 point ago +1 / -0

As our friend Lethn says you have to be the right kind of Muslim. There is an old saying along the lines of "as longs are there are two Muslims alive there will never be peace"

It's hard to see in Western countries because it's never talked about but look at the Middle East, Pakistan, Indonesia. Adherents of Islam must always accept their brothers. That's kind of a big deal with them. So why, then, is Egypt explicitly rejecting Palestinians?

The Sunni and Shia have been at war for hundreds of years. They kill each other over small differences. Muslims will gather to overtake a country but if they get a majority they immediately fall to violent in-fighting.

So, white man, what flavor will you choose?

ajfofjakf 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they went to war with the North, and won, they would have to deal with a whole new population of unknown numbers that are starving and largely brainwashed and/or ignorant of things outside of their nation.

Western Europe, the UK, and the US happily take in similar people but I think South Koreans actually understand the chaos this would create. Just building basic infrastructure for an entire country like North Korea would be extremely difficult without large amounts of outside funding. Only China and Russia would be willing to do so but they both use NK for what is essentially slave labor. So they have no incentive to actually do it.

ajfofjakf 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think the Irish are going to be the ones that really kick things off. There are still IRA guys around and the IRA never turned in all their arms.

IF that does happen I would think the UK government would take notice but they are too up their own asses to care.

ajfofjakf 8 points ago +8 / -0

I had a number of relatives who were pretty much subsistence farmers from Arkansas join the Navy because they thought it was exciting and had never seen an ocean. They all served in the Pacific. Amazingly, they all made it back home. They didn't talk about it much but they did say the Japs were "pretty serious" when it came to a fight.

ajfofjakf 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't have a link for it but a while back I saw a post on reddit about a family that moved from California to a small east Texas town. They were happy that their kids made friends, played outside until it got dark, all the neighbors were friendly and would help out in any way if needed. It was a great place to live but they were upset that it "just felt too conservative for them."

I really wonder what made that small town so nice.

ajfofjakf 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's important to note that almost all of the Crown Loyalist either fled to Canada or were forcibly removed from the colonies. Canada, and the other Commonwealth nations, are largely bootlickers. They claim the woke virus is an American export (not entirely wrong) but at the same time embrace it, reinforce it, and turn it up to 11.

As bad as things in the US have gotten we are way behind CA, AU, NZ.

ajfofjakf 37 points ago +37 / -0

Amish community aside, the expectation that everyone has to have a smart phone to function in society is disgusting. In the short span of roughly 15 years we have destroyed our sense of autonomy, freedom, privacy, and so much more.

I bought a Motorola Droid A853 shortly after it was released. I thought it was a very cool, helpful little device. At the time it was still pretty niche, something you didn't need but useful. My younger self could never have imagined the horror these things would bring.

The smart phone and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

ajfofjakf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your +NIGGER License won't save you this time, bot.

ajfofjakf 11 points ago +11 / -0

I've said this before: if you ever need to call someone a retarded nigger faggot, let me know.

ajfofjakf 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you have an afternoon to spare look into the name Musk's father gave him, Wernher von Braun, and Project Mars: A Technical Tale. No kidding Bond villain in real life. You can't make this shit up.

This is either the best or absolute worst time line.

ajfofjakf 15 points ago +15 / -0

That's the thing, though. UK makes a request to the US. US sends the FBI, maybe a few MET SWAT officers for flavor, to your house at 3am, perform a no-knock raid, shoot your dog, flashbang your child, and murder you. For words on a screen that offended a foreign entity.

I'm not trying to be a doomer here but if the UK did decide to go after American citizens, and our sorry excuse of a government went along with it, I'm pretty sure that's how it would play out.

ajfofjakf 39 points ago +39 / -0

As the stadium opened up, they saw more than 100,000 people in the stands, and almost all of them were white. This was no coincidence.

What else would you expect in 1936 Europe?

ajfofjakf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is there an archive of this? I'm would like to see what kind of replies he got.

He is still posting trying to make Kamala and Walz sound like the 8th coming of Obama. What I find notable is he has not muted replies or disabled his account despite a lot of pushback on some tweets. It's pretty obvious he is a mouth piece for the party. I'm guessing they are astroturfing hard so when Kamala becomes the Most Popular President Ever™ they can point to faggots like this.

ajfofjakf 8 points ago +9 / -1

At my local range there is a group of 3-4 straight up black nationalists who come to shoot regularly. The roll up in all black, huge dreads, black and red patches, and, funnily enough, guccied out ARs with red furniture. They aren't bad shots.

Terrible OpSec (why would you show up in groups, in uniform and colors? Thanks, now we all know your faces, what your crew looks like, and the gear you'll be carrying) and retarded leftist ideology aside they aren't terrible guys. They're the black separatist variety of black nationalists not the kill whitey sort. They understand the Great Society programs destroyed their communities, they hate the government, and want to be left alone. Fairly relatable.

However, if they thought I was in the way when things go down, they would not hesitate to shoot. And again, they aren't bad shots.

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