ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Wish they'd gone with Option 5 or 6 instead, but better than most in the open source community.

ailurus 16 points ago +16 / -0

If they want more diverse canines, they should add a Rhodesian Ridgeback to the show, and have a specific theme song play for him. Or is that the wrong kind of diversity again?

ailurus 22 points ago +22 / -0

Accelerated because of BLM. There was a study recently (which I believe was posted on here) that up through 2019 areas which had had BLM protests had increased homicide rates afterwards. With everything escalating more and more people screaming about how all cops are evil and need to be fired if not killed, law enforcement is stepping back pretty much everywhere and it's only going to get worse.

ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0

I think he's going for "Yes, this was technically a hoax, but the poor student was driven to carry out this hoax by years of systemic racism"

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

A month ago (if not less) - We need to reform the military to accommodate more women in combat roles!

Today - No, it's not fair to draft women!

Pick a lane

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think Bender Bending Rodriguez has the best response here

Classify Christians as bigots by default with no rationale? Check.

Say that 99.9% of the Bible is not actually relevant to Christianity, only a couple pages that you like the sound of are? Check.

Create a weird dichotomy where everyone is either Karl Marx (and thus apparently virtuous) or John Galt (and thus apparently evil)? Check

Go on a random tangent about how physics makes the everything ultimately deterministic and thus free will doesn't exist? Check

Openly and repeatedly say you don't care about actual actions or motivations, just what the slogans say? Check.

Provide one single example of something virtuous the SJW types actually do? REEEEEEEE, THAT'S PEDANTIC GOTCHA BULLSHIT! BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK!

You're entertaining, I'll give you that.

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

Bzzzzt. Wrong. I asked what they DO. You gave what they SAY. Saying things is not virtuous. Doing them is. And demanding other people do things while you do the opposite is hypocrisy.

They SAY they're against income inequality. But what do they DO to fix it? They demand that others be forced to solve the problem (using policy ideas which have been proven time and time again to not work). And, no, it's not that they don't have the ability to do things for themselves. First, money is not all that relevant, because you can invest time, basic skills, training, etc. to improve the lot of people. And second, the very wealthy are squarely in the camp of the progressives. Jeff Bezos can say all he wants (which he did recently) "I'd be happy to pay more taxes if the rates get raised" but he has the ability to pay extra money now and isn't.

They SAY they're against common prejudice. But they are actively promoting prejudice based on immutable characteristics, outright calling for segregation, demanding racial quotas in hiring, punishing people based on the race of their ancestors, and more.

They SAY they're against police brutality and authoritarianism. But how does burning down small businesses and attacking people in the streets help that? How does the rank hypocrisy which has been on display for a year now of "BLM people need to be allowed to protest, but anti-lockdown protestors need to be arrested!" solve anything? How do BLM protestors attacking the US senator who proposed a bill called the "Justice for Breonna Taylor" act which would have been a nationwide ban on no-knock raids help that? How does electing a presidential ticket of a guy who boasts about authoring one of the most destructive crime bills in US history and a girl who kept hundreds if not thousands of people in jail past the expiration of their sentences in defiance of an order from the Supreme Court help anything? And how does calling for mob justice without bothering to look at what actually happened - and then rioting when you disagree with court decisions - help anything?

It does not matter to me that all of what they say may be backed by ulterior motives. I can know it to be true but still acknowledge that their prima facie arguments are just.

It bloody well should matter. Every despot and villain in history has dressed up what they did in flowery language and "right side of history" arguments. And if you actually talked to the people you are dismissing blindly, you'd find that most - if not virtually all of them - also want people lifted out of poverty, they also don't want discrimination, and they also don't want jackboots kicking in people's doors. The ideas aren't the problem, the implementation is.

You want actual virtue?

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Which of those are reflected in the ACTIONS of progressives?

I can tell you, though, a verse I feel applies perfectly to many of them

Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

after he discovers in the beginning of the movie that his white son (Shia Labeouf) was killed during a trip to Mozambique scouring for rare artifacts.

Well, it wouldn't be all bad then.

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

at least they have the Christian definition of what virtue would look like.

It's clear you've little interest in even trying to be objective, given that you started with "bigoted evangelicals", "got mine, fuck you", "galtism" etc. But even if you were right about all of that, can you even name one thing that the modern progressives do which is remotely close to any Christian virtue? They're the polar opposite of it all.

by borga
ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

How dare you. How dare you?! Don't you know history and oppression begins in 1619 and goes through the Holocaust, and anything before or after that is just a white supremacist, misogynistic patriarchal lie attempting to hide the evils perpetuated by Whitey?

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Will it? What's to stop them from just ramming through the 4 new justices in the time it takes the bill to go through the whole appeals process?

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

But we can still make jokes that look like Godzilla jokes, right?

ailurus 22 points ago +22 / -0

From the Chicago Tribune article:

During the call, she said she heard scuffling and then someone saying “Daunte, don’t run” before the call ended.

Literally a case of not listening to Chris Rock's guide:

everybody knows, if the police have to come and get you they're bringing an ass-kicking with them.

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

No, things have changed.

Did you see, say, Eric Holder or someone equivalent stepping forward to be the defense attorney for Chauvin? Because that type of thing would have been needed to be the equivalent of Adams - who was already strongly pro-American and anti-British at the time - stepping forward to defend the British soldiers. Adams says he did it specifically to ensure that they did receive a fair trial, rather than mob violence, and said that if they essentially got lynched it would have been the equivalent of the Salem Witch Hunts.

The trial transcripts were explicitly made public to ensure everyone got the full story. What we can see here is media organizations intentionally trying to make sure people don't get the full story.

And, even though you disagree with the trial results, 6 acquittals and 2 manslaughter charges is a lot less than plenty of anti-British people wanted. And yet, no riots or anything afterwards. Regardless of the outcome of Chauvin's trial, I'd put down money that there's going to be riots afterwards.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought the Russian one didn't use mRNA stuff either? Or is it just less mRNA than the other ones?

ailurus 34 points ago +34 / -0

Many of you may recall, but several months back Parkland gungrabber David Hogg decided to start his own pillow company to compete with the "pro-fascist" MyPillow company.

Well, 2 months in he's already bailing out to focus on "activism"

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Epic isn't doing that. In fact, just like China, they're trying to buy out the competition and force licenses to move over to their store. They buy exclusivity/timed exclusivity deals to rob the Steam and other stores of sales.

Really, this is the biggest issue for me. I'd love to see more competitors (and, in fact, will preferentially purchase most things on GoG over steam, simply because you can get the backup files for them). But, when Epic started doing the "buy out the devs to lock the game to just Epic for a year" - especially when nearly all of the games (if not all) they did that on had said they were doing a Steam release before Epic came along with a Scrooge McDuck bag - then it's time to nope out.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Man, even if all the contested ballots were legitimate pro-union votes they would still have lost hard at about 60% to 40%.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Or maybe they were just stupid and made it self-learning, in which case this will last all of about 10 minutes until it turns into a new version of Tay.

ailurus 29 points ago +29 / -0

The last few seconds are golden. Sounds like your petty, passive-aggressive behavior won't be affecting Grandpa anymore.

ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0

That seems to be the direction the narrative is going. "See, football is bad, this poor guy got brain damage playing it!"

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

Motherfuckers on the left, you are the establishment!

Pretty sure someone posted the Babylon Bee vid about that here a couple days ago. Welcome to the Revolution, Comrade! Sponsored by Nike, Coca-Cola and Apple!

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