I'm sure you have all noticed this from various comment boards to Reddit and 4chan. "I'm a Christian but (communist bullshit)" or "I was a Republican but (more communist bullshit)". It never turns out well, the atheists will still say youre an idiot as will progressives. Why placate them? Why does nobody stand up for their beliefs? Are we that scared of cancel culture or are we just that scared of possibly offending someone? Who will be the first to say, "This is what I think. Dont like it? Tough titties, now get out of my way".
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Bzzzzt. Wrong. I asked what they DO. You gave what they SAY. Saying things is not virtuous. Doing them is. And demanding other people do things while you do the opposite is hypocrisy.
They SAY they're against income inequality. But what do they DO to fix it? They demand that others be forced to solve the problem (using policy ideas which have been proven time and time again to not work). And, no, it's not that they don't have the ability to do things for themselves. First, money is not all that relevant, because you can invest time, basic skills, training, etc. to improve the lot of people. And second, the very wealthy are squarely in the camp of the progressives. Jeff Bezos can say all he wants (which he did recently) "I'd be happy to pay more taxes if the rates get raised" but he has the ability to pay extra money now and isn't.
They SAY they're against common prejudice. But they are actively promoting prejudice based on immutable characteristics, outright calling for segregation, demanding racial quotas in hiring, punishing people based on the race of their ancestors, and more.
They SAY they're against police brutality and authoritarianism. But how does burning down small businesses and attacking people in the streets help that? How does the rank hypocrisy which has been on display for a year now of "BLM people need to be allowed to protest, but anti-lockdown protestors need to be arrested!" solve anything? How do BLM protestors attacking the US senator who proposed a bill called the "Justice for Breonna Taylor" act which would have been a nationwide ban on no-knock raids help that? How does electing a presidential ticket of a guy who boasts about authoring one of the most destructive crime bills in US history and a girl who kept hundreds if not thousands of people in jail past the expiration of their sentences in defiance of an order from the Supreme Court help anything? And how does calling for mob justice without bothering to look at what actually happened - and then rioting when you disagree with court decisions - help anything?
It bloody well should matter. Every despot and villain in history has dressed up what they did in flowery language and "right side of history" arguments. And if you actually talked to the people you are dismissing blindly, you'd find that most - if not virtually all of them - also want people lifted out of poverty, they also don't want discrimination, and they also don't want jackboots kicking in people's doors. The ideas aren't the problem, the implementation is.
You want actual virtue?
Which of those are reflected in the ACTIONS of progressives?
I can tell you, though, a verse I feel applies perfectly to many of them
I don't put up with pedantic gotchya bullshit.
Gotcha bullshit? Are you seriously going to pretend you've literally never heard of lying before and that saying is equivalent to doing?
They blatantly are at odds, I just don't know how you can not notice that about people who say they want to end racism but what they do is try to reintroduce segregation.
I think Bender Bending Rodriguez has the best response here
Classify Christians as bigots by default with no rationale? Check.
Say that 99.9% of the Bible is not actually relevant to Christianity, only a couple pages that you like the sound of are? Check.
Create a weird dichotomy where everyone is either Karl Marx (and thus apparently virtuous) or John Galt (and thus apparently evil)? Check
Go on a random tangent about how physics makes the everything ultimately deterministic and thus free will doesn't exist? Check
Openly and repeatedly say you don't care about actual actions or motivations, just what the slogans say? Check.
Provide one single example of something virtuous the SJW types actually do? REEEEEEEE, THAT'S PEDANTIC GOTCHA BULLSHIT! BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK!
You're entertaining, I'll give you that.