Yeah, I forgot she mentioned that she let her friends know she arrived all right. Which is already far more connectivity then I think most people would have. How did she leave her house with the gripping fear that torments her?
I would just be like "here's my itinerary; talk to you in a few days when I have cell service."
"Gibs me dat. Don't gibs him dat."
Seriously, who would publish this waste of electrons?
This chick parked where she knew there wouldn't be cell service, nothing bad happens, but she still writes a thousand word essay on how is a huge mistake because she was unsettled by the completely predictable outgrowth of her choices.
Yes, an actual enlisted military guy was parading around his furry gay fantasies on social media as if it was a good thing.
Oh, it's much worse than that. He was a full O-6 colonel. That's the rank that commands brigades in the Army and air wings in the Air Force. It's one step below general, and is a rank high enough that they have reserved spots in front of the hospital or Base exchange.
Even if the wearer isn't in a command position there are typically only a handful of colonels on a base unless you're talking about a major headquarters like the Pentagon or some of the giant army bases.
This particular individual was a helicopter pilot stationed in Hawaii and outed himself with the picture in uniform just as he was retiring. He also had some pictures with the mask on the flight line and several with his junior ranked thralls wearing similar masks.
It caused a very brief stir on the military social media scene and then seemed to disappear in days without comment. He was positively ID'd. I believe complaints were filed about him, but as far as I know the military didn't do anything. Likely because he was already retired, although that's not an excuse because they can pull anybody out of retirement to discipline them.
Five liters of the viscous, PCB-laden liquid sells for $60. It looks like cooking oil, but lasts much longer, users say.
Well, I'm sold. What's dying from toxic chemicals already outlawed in the US compared to being able to use your cooking oil longer?
Mass chargebacks are awesome. They don't just return the money, they pay a fee to the credit card, so they can actually end up with less than they started if enough people chargeback.
Delicious PCBs!
Guinea worm. Why boiling drinking water hasn't become universal as soon as we realized it killed parasites is beyond me.
Wait, Africa being dependent on handouts is just a stereotype, but the government of Kenya was unable to provide clean drinking water to half a million of its citizens?
Imagine if they had to deal with a 24 hour clock analog clock
The Glycine Airman has entered the chat.
I love analog watches and I understand mechanically why it has to be this way, but I still sometimes catch myself reading the wrong hour in the last 5 or so minutes because the hour hand is literally pointing at the next hour at that point.
I must not be alone, because "jump hour" watches exist; where they always point directly at the correct hour until the minute hand hits 60 and then they jump to the next hour marker.
LOL. But in all honesty, nobody knows what the fuck he even did and his conviction is bunk.
All we have is decades-old allegations without any corroborating witnesses or physical evidence. That doesn't meet the standard of evidence for an indictment, let alone a conviction.
This Pound MeToo/Believe all Lying Women thing has fundamentally warped our legal system. We have standards of evidence for a reason, and it should anger everyone when they cast them aside, whether you agree with the end goal or not.
Primarily because Asians aren't receiving public benefits in large numbers and generally follow the law.
The Democrat dream is an army of illiterate non-English speaking Hispanics and savage negroes, who will never even consider voting any other way because they are dependent on the Democratic party for their very existence. They would love to fold Arabs into that army as well, but the fact that the Muslim religion basically preaches their destruction is a complication.
It's one of the things I hate most about their party. Rather than work for the betterment of this country and win our votes honestly, they're willing to destroy America and replace its population with literal serfs in order to cement their power.
LOL at anyone that thinks free speech exists in the UK. We're talking about a country that literally criminalizes offending someone.
It's actually worse than Soviet Russia in a way, because they were concerned with subversive speech against the state and unapproved political ideas. They weren't running around jailing people for hurting feelings or forcing you to pretend that a man in drag was a woman.
Wow, they really diverged when he started talking about Vietnam. The bottom sub absolutely no relation to the top one from that point forward.
It's true that Iraq asked the US if they would mind if Iraq invaded Kuwait and we initially said it was OK. The story I heard was that Margaret Thatcher when ape shit when she found out and all the sudden we had to go to war with them.
That sounds like a cool group of dudes to hang out with if you could just get them to shower.
Man, comic/boardgame stores have customers with the worst BO.
The question was about consoles in general:
What's supppsed to be the advantage of a console over a computer + a compatible controler again?
I don't own a PS5 or know anything about their games. As another poster pointed out, Nintendo has plenty of exclusives.
"what is the moral difference, if any, between a civilian and a citizen?"
Console exclusives.
Also, I haven't done PC gaming in years but it used to be that even if your machine matched or exceeded the specs for a certain game you often had to fuck around with settings to get it to work anyway. I was a PC gamer from the days of DOS through the early 2000s, and games that mysteriously wouldn't work were a problem the whole time.
Remember, cANadA iS a dEMocRAcY
Grand juries are actually meant to protect the defendant.
It's a requirement that the prosecution present its case pretty much without challenge to see if they have the evidence to prove everything they allege. The idea being that if you can't convince a jury without the defense poking holes in your case, it's not strong enough to go to trial.
That's the theory. What I have seen in practice is that because the defense has a very limited ability to object, the prosecution will present misleading or easily refuted evidence to the jury in order to secure the indictment. Such evidence can be easily rebutted at trial, but the process is the punishment, and they are effectively circumventing a check and balance to keep the prosecution active.
Other legal systems have a similar screening tool. I believe in Spain they have to present their case to a judge who decides whether or not it has enough merit to move to trial.
I remember that. And it makes no sense. I should read the decision to see how they contorted the ruling to say that an executive order can't be undone by another executive order.
I hate FDR. He originated the idea of packing the Supreme Court when it ruled against his New Deal policies.
He also had a philosophy that he would get unconstitutional legislation pushed through and then fight to defend it in court. That attitude of knowingly passing defective laws continues today in things like all the unconstitutional gun control the left passes and then drags out in court.
I've always found the allocution part of plea deals to be the most insidious. A plea deal is a tactical decision, the government is worried it may lose, so it offers reduced charges or sentencing in exchange for a guaranteed win. The defendant is also afraid they may lose, so they are willing to take a guaranteed lower sentence than risk the potential higher penalty of losing at trial. The terms are based on each side's estimation of its chance of victory. At no point is the person's actual guilt or innocence a factor in either side's decision-making, and everyone knows this.
Yet, after the deal is hammered out, you have to admit in court to doing everything that you pled guilty to. You have to unequivocally state that you committed the crime, describe your guilt in detail, and state that you are in no way admitting to crimes you didn't commit to get a lighter sentence (which is what everyone in the room knows you are actually doing).
And just to make sure you stay on script, the deal isn't official unless it's accepted by the judge after he hears you grovel in front of everyone. He doesn't feel you are sincere enough the whole thing is canceled and you have to go to trial. It almost seems like some sort of ritual out of 1984 or a Kafka novel, calculated to extract the maximum humiliation from the defendant.
If I could change just one thing about the US legal system, it would be to outlaw plea bargains. If you think you have the evidence to convict someone of a crime, then you charge them and go all the way. Otherwise you shut the fuck up and let them go.
So that's what happened. I've got my privacy settings on my browser set pretty high, so I thought it just started blocking the extension that loaded the comments.