I was grocery shopping today and came across boxes of "Cracker Jill" in the store. They were "celebrating women in sports". I googled it when I got home and it appears their mascot is a transgender man in a wheelchair: https://www.crackerjill.com

It's rather wearisome seeing every single human being that's not a straight white man being constantly honored for something or another. I'm not a ConPro-type, but that's only the demographic responsible for 99% of modern technology and society.


I just watched the Waco on Netflix. It was surprisingly even handed and didn't paint the ATF or FBI in a very good light.

I think the problem, and we still see this today, is that the government just decides to curb stomp certain people for breaking the law. Then when things go south, they blame all of their poor decisions on the criminal suspect. "I wouldn't have had to kill all these people if you hadn't broke the law and brought me out here in the first place."

The original ATF raid was meant to be a display of force when they could have just as easily scooped Koresh up the next time he came into town to buy groceries- they had an informant literally in his house who snuck off right before the raid started.

Then, it seemed like the FBI's hostage rescue team was constantly undermining the negotiation team. They interviewed the lead negotiator, and he was basically pushed off the case because he kept butting heads with the tactical guys, and after he left not a single person walked out of the compound before they burnt it down.



Cue the stronk female protagonist.

And, in the current trend, they've dragged the dessicated careers of many the old movie's cast out of the dungeon to try and milk more money out of nostalgic 40-somethings.


I was watching a show about street food and they talked to a hot dog vendor in NYC. He started with one cart in the early 1980's after serving in the Marines in Vietnam, and said that by the late 1990's he had the most street carts in the city with almost 200.

Then Giuliani passed a law that each person could only have one permit, and he lost his entire business except for one cart. He set up by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and got harassed by the cops for his location. He kept moving his cart a few feet to technically comply with their orders and eventually they arrested him.

His vignette ended with a shot of his hot dog cart right in front of the door of the Met, and he said he was going to keep working till he was 90, and that the cops still give him a hard time.

I can't imagine a more horrible, anti-human place to live than NYC. The time and money they put into harassing a productive business owner instead of solving the millions of problems that plague that place- astounding.

So how this a debt default? (markets.businessinsider.com)
posted ago by TriangleGang ago by TriangleGang