Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can translate woke into English, one second:

This is what we feared: The pale-face is a demon! The only thing they feel at all is greed. Beneath their milky hide, there's emptiness inside. I wonder if they even bleed?

Shill4Hire 20 points ago +20 / -0

The Germans were notorious for their precision and accuracy and bureaucracy. They entered a Jewish ghetto, and said "Vait, Hans, shisza! Ve can only abduct 7 more people, ozzerwise ve go over ze 6.000.000 limit!"

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

He runs a printing company, not a writing company.

Oh, you meant the OP's title. Right. Sorry, yeah, I didn't think this it was terribly well written to be honest, lol.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's about being in a void of other topics.

Plenty of people I know dislike spiders very much. If I'm just having lunch with them, they're not going to, unprompted, say "you know what I think about all day every day? Spiders." as a random conversation starter. They don't even want to THINK about them, so they'll actively drive conversations AWAY from adjacent topics like bugs or wildlife or camping.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

My pronouns are I/My/Me. Those are the only pronouns I have power over.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, given the Palestine flag here, does this count as [unsolicited opinions about Isreal]? 'cause I remember [unsolicited opinions about Isreal] being a real big thing not all that long ago, as a reason to dismiss their entire existence.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Like, um, like, totally using, like, literally "actually" as a literal actual is, like, soooo literally last generation, womixin.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

suggested that the attack on Donald Trump could have been “staged,”

Pretty sure the based water filter salesman would have some fine words about the possibility of shootings being staged, and the punishment for such a declaration.

Shill4Hire 6 points ago +6 / -0

Anyone who calls this a false flag should be liable to pay out one trillion dollars, trillion with a t-r-i, just like Alex Jones has to do for calling a multiple-death mass shooting a false flag operation.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

At least that one has an in-universe excuse that the person he hid behind has face-tanked that exact attack before to no real harm. We live in a much more mortal world.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Fun" fact, the west determines the value of a human life at about 10mil per person.

If Alex Jones was fined for the full value of a western human life at the peak of its potential, for every kill, he could kill more than a quarter of a million people, and still not be at the level of levee he was assigned.

Were there 20 Alex Joneses, they would commit the same damage as Hitler. Even just a dozen Alex Joneses would, apparently, be enough to 100% completely redefine the entirety of the world for a century to come, at least.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Our government would never do anything against our own people for our own personal advantages!" -The people who gave hard drugs to specific communities in order to destroy them so they'll vote a specific way they weren't voting before.

Shill4Hire 13 points ago +13 / -0

If anything, I'd argue the opposite.

The religion is a vague idea with self-contradictory elements all over it that any barely-sober outsider could rip apart in minutes, just like most books written by fallible humans. It is an idea in a void penned by many collaborative fallible humans, with differing ideas as to what is "right".

Those who FOLLOW the self-contradictory idea, and CHOOSE, for themselves, which of those contradictions to follow, are far more at fault, at blame, at the point of criticism and condemnation, than an idea that can be stretched in any whichever direction.

Shill4Hire 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Abstain" would be putting in a blank ballot, or better to prevent shenanigans, one with marks on all spots. Votes are still, for now, done in secret, they can only confirm you went up to a podium, and put in a paper.

Shill4Hire 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think "send me pics of yourself via WebCam" is already in "you're fucked if you're wrong, m8" territory.

Shill4Hire 6 points ago +6 / -0

If you break the institution down by regime, the top three killers of communists are still other communists!

Shill4Hire 17 points ago +17 / -0

The only problem with New York collapsing is the giant rats in the city scattering to the neighboring regions when the food becomes scarce.

Shill4Hire 15 points ago +15 / -0

On the one hand, I want to think this is a "modest proposal"-style parody article...

On the other hand, it's written by a Leftist, University Prof, from Hawaii, which makes me think xe's entirely serious.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

He was investigated and found just as guilty as gamergate!

Which is to say: no charge, no filings, no record addendums.

If the reason behind this is a "reasonable person test" that a reasonable person would assume the person he was messaging was "of age", of course, that's grey area in the court of public opinion... but Twitch sat on this info for a half-decade, they clearly didn't think anything of it when they suspended him years ago, and he dragged them through the legal courts while they had all this info.

If Twitch had any records of his wrongdoings, which took place on Twitch messaging, they'd bring them up when he sued them for defamation, no matter how minor (heh) tangentially related they may be.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they got into the bar on a fake ID, it's probably going to pass your cursory drunken inspection. But it's a weak metaphor, I guess, since Twitch has no actual controls beyond "do you super duper promise you're allowed to buy our pornography we're peddling to you, errr, sorry, I mean hot tub ASMR streamers?"

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

"You don't have to try. The government will make sure your circuses are met." applies equally to many demotivational propaganda efforts.

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