Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is being pushed by news media, and still only gets 264 hearts. Meanwhile, Neuro-sama makes a braindead rambling tweet...

I think we know the real winner of the pageant, even if she doesn't enter it.

Shill4Hire 25 points ago +25 / -0

Iran bombed Isreal with a 70-missile volley, nothing truly has happened yet beyond that statement, but people are justifiably alarmed, and worried at what the USA might do to intervene in the possible coming conflict.

Shill4Hire 8 points ago +8 / -0

Malthus was right in his conclusion, but the way we got there was government intervention, not quadratic growth. Left alone, society would have found a way to support everyone.

Shill4Hire 5 points ago +5 / -0

To me, being human means protecting my friends and family, halting sources of future harm from being threats to them, and continuing my lineage of genes and memes.

Let's remember to be human.

Shill4Hire 8 points ago +9 / -1

There's a rule on 4chan, and while I'm lacking context, I don't think she properly provided tits before making it all about her sex. Your argument has to stand on its own merit bereft of sexual advantages, so if you're bringing in your sex to it, you must pay a toll: Tits or GTFO. It isn't a rule here, but it IS a rule there, and you should follow the law of the land you tourist travel in.

And we can clearly see the argument doesn't have merit. She's a tourist. Has she even played any video games, or only watched Sharky's scam series? When a female character gets hurt in a video game, she doesn't just dodge it like a Stand-user or have the attack phase through her, she reacts. She falls to the ground, and pulls herself back up again. It isn't elegant, or sexy, it's an approximation of realism. And for her to think that no video game features women taking any form of damage in combat, that they're unfettered, unlinked, to the "reality" of their world, proves she's not played a video game in her life. Even Mrs. Pac Man shrivels and dies in ignominy when harmed by the ghosts, and that had 8-bit graphics!

Shill4Hire 16 points ago +16 / -0

Where does all money come from? It comes from the money printers.

Everyone from Blackrock to Sweet Baby Incorporated had a pile of government grants and sponsorships.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember GG Classic. "Politics in the Philippines", I believe was the complaint of the video game journos? How they hated doing their job and going to conferences around the world for free for their job, and were wondering why no one was discussing politics of the Philippines instead of video games at a video game convention.

The lolcalizers are the same way, they want to be anything BUT translators. That's why they're so threatened by an AI that can easily do their job, because they have a really easy gig: Run some shit through Google Translate, then arrange the words in a more easy-reading order. You could do a whole anime in less than a day, and they stretch that shit out to months of income. But instead of coasting on an easy job with easy income, they want to be of the journo caste, they want to be culture warriors.

Shill4Hire 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a neat story, spoiler alert, several governments have their militaries involved with it!

Shill4Hire 9 points ago +9 / -0

Just today someone pulled out their phone in the breakroom and said "hey, check out this cool photo of the eclipse", and the moment I saw it I said "it's a cool photo, sure, but that's AI generated." She pouted, and I had to add "like, really obviously AI generated". She had the audacity to suggest maybe it was a different lens like an infrared camera when I brought up that the day was completely cloudy up there, the eclipse straight-up wasn't visible in that location.

It was just a "photo" of Niagara Falls. Landscape, water on rocks. But while apparently they were fooled, it took me less than a second to see all sorts of errors in it (sun too big, Cascade Falls too close to Horseshoe, three main waterfalls instead of just the two, sun's angle in the sky, cloudcover was "framing" highlight points, there were no tourists, there was no BUILDINGS, etc etc).

So while it's chancy to be in the era of AI generation, to quote the Old Texts, "I've seen a lot of shoops in my time". You should familiarize yourself with AI image generation, use it a reasonable amount if possible, see the things it tends to do. And always take a second glance at any images that seem suspect, because they likely are.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +3 / -1

If a heritage home is going to be destroyed anyways no matter what, might as well give it to the homeless. At least with them there's a chance of some historic significance surviving, even if in ruins, when sanity comes back later.

Shill4Hire 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude's jacked and bangs a pretty smokin' wife every night, I don't think he needs Kirsche. He puts on the vTuber avatar just to trigger people.

Shill4Hire 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Words always lead to violence, brostein. Don't you have aid workers in Gaza you need to go harass?"

Look, simple words, they do not call for violence against you and your ilk, and yet, they beget the normalization of violence in the situation. The loony left is right about one thing, words do have power. Thus one should not invoke words of harm and hate without at least some knowledge in what they do.

Or in other words, shut up and lurk moar.

Shill4Hire 6 points ago +6 / -0

It is indeed internally consistent with communism. "The government dictates that all citizens shall equally play this game, which is scientifically proven by our Equal Experts to be equal to all games, and we shall harm all who speak against this Equality even through subversive inaction."

Shill4Hire 22 points ago +22 / -0

It can't be climate change, my horoscope said mercury was in retrograde, which means earth-moving events might happen for Capricorns. Really, it's all the astrologers' faults that there was an earthquake.

Shill4Hire 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's never been about company performance. It has always been about disempowering workers, lying to workers, and lowering morale. Get a company to "more equitably" not recognize Christian holidays, and instead grant a lieu day, and that same lieu day you'd have to pay out anyways if they worked on it is covered, AND you don't need to pay time and a half for the day they're working! You JUST rob the workers, no gain AT ALL to them, and they often THANK YOU for it!

Shill4Hire 5 points ago +5 / -0

Like those multi-million-dollar "games" that are just asset flips? Well, I guess those ones actually usually buy the Unreal assets before just slapping them into the game and calling it a day, though.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sure there might be the occasion hundreds-of-children-trafficked-grooming-gangs, but... they can sell meat on a stick! No one else can sell meat on a stick, you know!

Shill4Hire 18 points ago +20 / -2

"this site" as in the dot-win network, sure. "this site" as in KiA2, much less so. KIA2 says fuck censorship in all forms, because as gamers, we know basic things like "slippery slope is a funny name they give to discredit the concept of 'establishing precedent'."

Which creates some hilarious friction when the Donald tourists come over when Japanese anime is on the conversation docket, wailing and crying about how it dares to exist.

Shill4Hire 6 points ago +6 / -0

"There's a lack of yaoi, an entire genre on par in scale with shonen, in anime. And a lack of yuri, which is in EVERY SHOW that has two female characters."

The truest sign of a tourist. Get the fuck out.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

She is a woman, that puts her above petty things like "the law" or "societal expectations". If it were brought to a tax court case, they'd likely actually just rule it as "as a woman, we can't rule against her" and close the case. The biases in courts towards women, civil and criminal, are three times greater than the next closest bias (racial).

Shill4Hire 12 points ago +12 / -0

Don't even pirate that shit. Piracy is an important audience interest metric, they DO pay attention to it. Gamers need to cut off the companies completely.

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