I think it is dangerous because it is playing into the hands of the right wing people
Shouldn't that be the other way around? Germany has an interesting history with the "right wingers" and genocide. Laughable statement from a laughable person.
If these people cared about Palestine enough, they wouldn't protest in a country which doesn't care. They'd go back over and help make their country less shit- Or join Hamas, or whichever org they align with the most.
It's almost as if it's all being made up and approved by the same organisations
A big part of my career is TikTok," because her fans love it.
Colour me shocked that this person is doing it for internet points. Social media promotes mental illness.
Hahahaha its so laughably bad.
A yearly reminder to give Labour supporters a wide berth
Online platforms and Social Media but not the MSM which are arguably the worst for it.
I wonder if this is just governments slowly catching up to enact changes now that they've lost their control over one of the largest social media platforms out there.
Its all in the title folks.
Wasn't Vice the one which used to actually do some pretty good investigative journalism once upon a time?
Even then give it a few months and they'll release it on PC anyway. They've lost the game of 3D chess against Microsoft.
"Shocking new evidence"
For all we know it was the Martians test firing a death ray on a place no-one would notice. This claim has just as much credibility as any articles which come out regarding it.
What an insufferable cunt.
The sad thing is all the people below circle jerking their own experiences. I could only tolerate a couple of minutes of her whiny voice, but it sounds like most of her arguments revolve around "Its alright when women do it" but when men do it its toxic.
I haven't trusted review platforms for years now, it's too easy to bot reviews or for the publisher to pay the platform to fudge the stats in their favour. Less so on steam as they have no loyalty to the publishers and they are actually too big to fail.
The only time I check them out on a steam game is when they're mixed or mostly negative out of curiosity. So for this reason if you're curious give them a read, otherwise just stay away and/or build a list of YouTubers who do unsponsored reviews who you can align your likes to.
Maybe it's just a bit ploy by pharma to milk as much money out of them as possible... hmmm, makes you think why this sort of thing is being normalised nowadays
You can just change twitter.com to nitter.net and it should work: https://nitter.net/elonmusk/status/1709452682438529025
As with any job it should always be based on merit, maybe there's something to look at these instead of what you identify as?
Theres more men in tech because it's better suited to men, same as many other fields women rarely share the same personality traits to do it well.
And of course there's nothing bad about that, like I'd be shit at trying to understand peoples emotions but I'm not going to actively make a conference targeted at men in healthcare. This conference shouldn't be a thing as it's discriminatory towards men, they argue that it's a women in tech conference; why not open it to everyone then? So everyone can appreciate these women in tech and to get past the stereotype that there are none. It's such a melt brain idea
But finally, employers only care about gender when they're trying to boast. Companies that want to make money don't care and will hire the best person for the job; if it happens to be a man that's the reason- it's not because he's a man.
Rant over
Because reviewers are clearly the voice of the people, when time after time there's polarizing reviews the consumer must be wrong...
Its almost as if one group are paid shills and the other are the people paying.
A ban wouldn't work, if these companies value their money over literal humanity then hit them in the area where it hurts the most.
Actively force them to close the loopholes and if they stop being proactive in hunting down predators and illegal content; then make it harder for them to survive with fines- which will then be donated to the various charities which actually help the victims (instead of going into the greedy gov'ts pocket)
Bans don't often work, they just force them to cover their tracks and people will just have to jump through additional hoops to access it- What you'll end up getting is PH and various big x rated websites will disappear and dozens of unregulated ones will popup in its place; which would just make it worse and almost impossible to control.
I do get their point, platforms should protect people from being unwillingly doxxed if they're actively choosing to be anonymous. HOWEVER; as this specimen literally uses his name as his handle, then he should be fair game and the post shouldn't be removed.
Basically "i'm fat and stinky why won't people date me?" embodied in a post.
Bonus points if they're trans
Finished it literally a few hours ago, it had so much potential but was unfortunately let down so much by its absolutely terrible writing.
If it had some competent writers I would actually recommend it, the core gameplay is pretty fun and the visuals are great.
But my god, there were so many points where the writing just made me cringe and made me immediately disconnect and actively resent it even more. Theres a flying elephant detective in in (acted by one of the few actual male VA's) who acts like a cunt all the way through; For some reason they added him in the final area of the game with this line which is now etched in my immediate memory..
I'm in the mood to crack some skulls after that fuckery in the Temple of Bhaal. The city watch will be glad to oblige me.
I'm no writer, I'm not even that good at English but fucking hell I hate this line so much
Currently watching a playthrough, the game looks like a snoozefest. There's no parts of it which are actually making me want to play it.
I might download it when I eventually get gamepass to play everspace 2. Otherwise $5 bargain bin sounds more tempting.
I felt a bunch of it felt forced, especially around the voice acting part of it. They wanted to go down the full dialogue route (Excluding the main character) so they needed a large amount of recorded dialogue, thus alot of va's. But I couldn't help but notice that pretty much all (80% at least I'd say) of the characters which you end up interacting with are Female, in some cases with absolutely terrible voice acting. The big bad of act 2's second in command is a female orc, who talks to you in a voice which has no voice modulation on it at all, its the least threatening lieutenant i have ever encountered in a video game.
I have just met the cringeworthy drag queen (as someone mentioned in a different comment), it's in the circus in act 3. It's dialogue made my skin crawl as it tries to flirt with your character, i'm going to do its quest then probably drop a fireball on it.
The story is exceptionally mid, the first act starts off interesting. A huge world that I wanted to explore, which came with somewhat limited choices regarding how to handle the region and to progress; There are actions which follow you throughout the entire game which I thought was pretty neat, but this added to one of my biggest gripes. I finished Act 2 thinking I could do what I wanted after the big finale for it was over, I wanted to do a bunch of quests in the area and clear up a bit. But nope, you do the finale and you're basically forced into going straight into Act 3. To which it then guilts you for not doing certain things, to which I thought were resolved as part of the big finale.
The gameplay is fun, currently rocking wizard, cleric, fighter and barbarian. Even in the hardest difficulty I can steamroll most fights now. Can even 1-turn some boss fights if I get into a good enough position. Some things are annoyingly locked off unless you have a specific class or a character which can do special things.. For example (at least in act 1) theres a bunch of little mouse hole things where with the right spells or abilities you can get through. My wizard has only just unlocked the spell to at level 9-ish.. And I haven't seen one since.
I haven't finished act 3, but this just feels like a Divinity original sin game but wearing a Baldurs Gate skin suit, doesn't have good dialogue nor a well written story. The only memorable bad guy isn't even in it for very long and it feels like the two characters they've brought in from the older games are somewhat shoehorned in before you can do anything significant with them.
(Spoilers ahead) As above I mentioned that the story is mid, there's no huge plot twists, no huge revelations, the character development outside of the companions is pretty limited. I kind of wish the big bad of act 2 was the actual main bad guy; He had a purpose to his actions but going into act 3... The entire plot is basically Baldurs gate 1 but with additional steps.
(Major Spoilers ahead) BG1: Sarevok the big bad poisons an iron mine and taints all of the metal coming out of it whilst he floods the market with his own to make an absolute fortune and to destabilize the country; he then attempts to get the ruler of the city assassinated so he can step in and take control with the iron throne. All of this is to aid in his ultimate goal of becoming 'the one'
BG3: The plot so far: The big bad, to who I can't actually remember the name of because he looks like a 00's emo kid who didn't grow up; teams up with two other 'chosen' of the three gods of chaos. They then control a big ole brain to make an army of undead to assault the city- Then emo kid will jump in and save the day thus becoming a hero and taking over the city...
And that's it. I'm waiting on the whole bhaalspawn plot to show up at some point soon, but now i'm in act 3 I just want to finish the game. I can't be arsed clearing areas any more after the dirty it did to me in Act 2. And, I wouldn't load a save as the finale had some 5 epic yet very difficult fights in to which two were close calls.
I wonder how long it'll be until they start going the opposite way, reducing the female characters in these games...
On paper it looks and sounds great true "equality" but because they're meltbrains they'll implement that for literally everything to the degree where players will be gunning down more and more women in a normal playthrough.
Calling it now that soon we'll start getting articles how these games normalize violence against women; with the only way to combat it will either be to remove the quota thus failing their true equality utopia; Or hard code it that you'll be killing more men instead, which is pretty much how its always been til the woke justice brigade hijacked the industry.
That really didn't take long at all did it, they banned book burnings literally the other week. Now quoting the not-Quran is hate speech.
And this has risen due to Christian views of homosexuality of all things, I guess they don't want to know what Iran and various other countries to do them in the name of their holy scripture...
Most scientists agree with taking this mod down don't ya know?
It's Bethesda, so give it 2 years until we get a decent game after you install about 200mods. Give it 6m to 1y for the bugs to be fixed.. and the special edition/remaster/dragonborn edition.
And to absolutely nobodies surprise, both sides are implementing propaganda for their war. It's almost as if we're in an era of easily accessible information.