Just wait: some European court will say "No, you cannot do that!".
They recently ruled European countries cannot deny entry to illegal migrants at their borders. They are the supreme rulers in Europe and they're staffed with a bunch of unaccountable NGO subversives.
That has been the saving grace of the current German coalition. Even three parties seems to be too much for Germany standards.
They still manage to push all their far-left and eco-fascist bullshit through.
Right, so why is it bad if Wagenknecht gets some votes from Die Linke, SPD and Gruene? She definitely is less dogshit than Die Linke.
According to polls she gets more votes from the AfD than all the others.
It actually makes it EASIER for establishment parties to form coalitions. They just need more seats than the remaining opposition. By splitting the opposition into smaller parts that won't cooperate they can rule with even lower numbers.
Die Linke is dogshit but they did siphon votes off of the other left-wing parties like the SPD and Grüne. Now that the Linke is about to die some votes will be going to them. Several Die Linke politicians already defected to the SPD.
WK + AfD could get 50%+ which is meaningless if WK refuses to cooperate. The remaining establishment parties could form a 4 party coalition and still be able to rule, or they could just invite WK who I doubt would refuse to jump at the opportunity but won't be able to do anything as a junior partner (like the libertarian FDP which is in the current government but gets destroyed because they can't do anything but vote for far-left shit).
She may have some sensible positions but overall she is still just a communist in a fancy dress.
Her purpose is to destroy opposition to the ruling parties. She already succeeded with the far-left Die Linke. Now she's trying to go after the recently successful right-leaning AfD.
Is this some psyops to get votes away from right-wing groups?
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
Right-leaning party AfD has been surging in polls lately. This is an attempt to siphon off their voters.
She already said they won't cooperate with the AfD and her co-chair said they would cooperate with the far-left Die Linke. Basically it's nothing but an attempt to dilute votes for parties that are against the current government.
Meh, stupid is as stupid does.
Not like they hide that it contains caffeine: https://www.panerabread.com/en-us/menu/products/blood-orange-charged-splash---zero-sugar-.html
Shows how ignorant these fools are.
Wait till they hear about "Fasnacht" in traditionally very Christian southern Germany. We laugh at your pathetic pumpkins and plastic skeletons.
You'll learn the fear of god when a demon starts charging you swinging inflated pig bladders on a stick!
Technically there are whole industries, at least in Europe, that make bank being woke: NGOs, "green" companies, the asylum industrial complex, etc.
That said they all live off of government money, so it's not like they have to compete in a legitimate market. They're more like parasites than companies.
Yes, ugly fat bitches failed not because they were ugly and fat but because they were not ugly and fat enough.
perhaps ensure that items fit and flatter the different body shapes they’re so performatively “celebrating”
They're just a clothes brand. They don't have superpowers to bend reality.
they don’t threaten the status quo
That's the thing: they could.
If Muslims become too unhappy with the government they might realize they have the upper hand in many large cities. They could easily take over parts or even whole cities just by creating their own party, instead of voting for the left-wingers who so far placate them at every turn.
You don't even need violence. You just need to organize.
When the middle of society organizes they shit their pants. Happened during Corona around here. So many protests in even the smallest cities by regular people. They don't even dare talking about vax/mask mandates, lockdowns, etc anymore.
Unfortunately that's where things stopped.
Good god the comments are funny.
It's a roller-coaster of retarded takes. From "Transwomen are women, checkmate bigot!" to "it's ok to hate trans people if they have the wrong political views" to "trans-lesbians".
Outside of reddit I would have said they are shitposters making fun of the rainbow retards but it's even funnier to watch them in their native habitat.
That's nothing new. The people who run the site cought a major case of TDS many years ago and started redefining words that made fun of the left, including "TDS".