KingLion7 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't think so. With all the birth control (and other hormones altering drugs) plus propaganda and deviants running things, I don't think they are interested in men that high testosterone. That would require them to be healthy in body and mind, and a huge chunk of them clearly aren't.

KingLion7 18 points ago +18 / -0

Everything the article claims the dude said was 100% true. Islam will take over at the rate things are going, white girls are crazy, being a mother is better than being a corporate cog, traditional values are better than feminism, etc.

KingLion7 5 points ago +8 / -3

Got a good idea who downvotes the Jew commentary based on the bot/ troll posters who are super anti Muslim/ Nazi/ Russians/ Chinese/ Christian and super pro Jews/ Israel. You got a down vote for your pointing out posting on the Jews gets a down vote as well.

The downvotes are not just Jew related, I get one random downvote for any post relating to demons, Christ is king, noticing differences between races (even just the differences between the various Europeans/ white people), differences between the sexes, making fun of thots, etc. Basically any post of a "noticing" sort. Not sure why anyone would think a random down vote would do anything other than make us roll our eyes though.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know you are joking, but look at my previous comment now, or the topic I posted on Bald and Broke in Britain. One random downvote. You aren't getting an explanation and neither am I.

KingLion7 4 points ago +13 / -9

Doubt you will get a reply. I frequently get one random downvote out of the blue as well.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Holy shit, this is amazing. I had no idea this site had this function. Thank you for this information.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

And Russian. Don't forget Russia banning this shit. Some of the East still has balls.

KingLion7 11 points ago +11 / -0

In this video, YouTuber Bald and Bankrupt travels across Britain showing the state of the country for the common folk. The highlight is bordered up and abandoned buildings painted by city councils to look like they are lived in. Originally saw a clip of this video on Soviet man's wordpress blog.

KingLion7 8 points ago +8 / -0

I guess this means all the guys who played sports, watch TV, fish, etc should stop what they are doing if they aren't able to make money off of it.

KingLion7 30 points ago +31 / -1

It is amazing how Christ is King unveiled so many demons for what they truly are, like the glasses from They Live.

KingLion7 1 point ago +1 / -0

The passive aggressive and controlling always hate the aggressive and assertive. Plus the commies had a lot of Jews, which keeps them from getting painted in as bad a light as the Nazis.

I have a question, for those educated in the knowledge necessary, what did the old WASP elite truly think of all this? Sure, you had the odd Henry Ford who was sympathetic to Nazism, and the odd Charles Lindberg who wanted to keep America out of another war, but... The rest seemed to be all in, or easily fooled into being all in. Were they lefties? And where are they now? Moldbug said the old Anglo families got absorbed by the 90s into the "American elite"... But what does that mean?

KingLion7 14 points ago +14 / -0

Happy Easter. He is risen.

KingLion7 3 points ago +3 / -0

Black men and white women were the second most undesirable. Lots of bitching from those studies from everyone at the bottom.

KingLion7 6 points ago +6 / -0

Everyone on this site has bitched about him. King of the normies, complete with a Burger King crown. Typical boomer. Too pussyfoot to do what needs to be done. The title holder till our true Caesar/ Napoleon/ strong man/ Taxiarch shows up. But he is our best option... Which is sad really.

Also, what is with all the trolls coming out of the woodwork and invading this site? This site has had pro Israel warmongers and fedora wearing atheists time traveling from the early 00s. Its like we stepped back into the Bush era.

KingLion7 9 points ago +9 / -0

A lot of men throw other men under the bus to look good to women. Not just soy boys, macho types do it too, especially older men towards younger men who need guidance. Hell, pretty much all western culture does this. Bro code is dead and gone, and the West hasn't been patriarchal since at least Wyoming caved in and brought about the 19th Amendment (and arguably, earlier than that as well).

KingLion7 16 points ago +16 / -0

To admit that blacks behave... Well, like niggars, is to admit there are certain people who cannot be civilized, at least not without force and a constant watchful eye. Still, they will never be one of us, or one with the civilization in which they reside. That means civil rights is false, which means the magic dirt isn't magic... Which means we are not all created equal. Everything America is based upon, turns out to be false. That is a line of thinking the normies and NPCs will not go down till the empire ends or they are forced to flee their homes from invaders... And even then, they still might cling to those death cult religious beliefs anyways.

KingLion7 6 points ago +6 / -0

You are noticing now who was pulling the strings.

KingLion7 11 points ago +11 / -0

How do Russians walk with such great big balls?

What is the Orthodox version of Deus Vult?

KingLion7 15 points ago +16 / -1

Of course. Business owners are mostly white and Asian. Criminals are mostly black. Her tribe wants to hunt your tribe down. Same as every barbarian tribe ever. It has always been that way.

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