I just don't understand how you can be so completely blind and unable to parse any criticism of Israel and jews. You are true enigma to me.
What drives you? What is your moral core, your philosophy of life? What are your passions and interests? What made you join KIA2 instead of being a redditor and staying with KIA1?
And I'm saying that I'm not so sure this "takedown" is entirely keeping with the actual truth of the matter, how much of a piggybank OUR FUCKING DOLLARS have been to the forces of evil at every level.
Do you really think there is zero dollars going to Tel Aviv university from America?.
That is my response to this post.
Here, let me help explain
-minutiae/bullshit microfacts about whether Israel or communists are or are not doing this single line item. -all the other shit they do do.
I don't fucking care anymore about nuance bro faggotry anymore.
You have to understand that even the good creators(like Drinker) ultimately have to watch modern media and pretend or actually be interested to continue receiving a paycheck, whereas the most hard line of us will continue dropping that which we have no love for, and finding comfort in the books and art of the past or the actual art of the present.
Can Critical Drinker maintain a podcast, or a weekly video schedule if he just drops the hammer, “This is subversive media created by homosexuals, feminists, and communists who hate me and i’m done”? Can he do that the week after?
I am going back to college in my mid thirties at one of the biggest state schools in the nation. My white english teacher who is my age? Furious about being racist for her creative and autobiographical works from growing up in the ghetto. I bring up the awards becoming subverted and she was well aware of that fact. Destroying DEI? She's all on board with. She said she considers herself a Bush era Democrat.
I learned that on the first day meeting and connecting with her. Three weeks later? I literally brought up this executive order with an eye roll, "maybe holy wars are back on the menu".
That would only be a good return if the blank slate cogs weren't destroying hundred thousand dollar ceramics and multi-hundred thousand robots and material handling systems.
Diversity is the destruction of capital and competence. We're definitely past the point of competence breakdown over the last decade compared to the last 50 years of "affirmative action".
I remember when he was paid for a doxxing link to give out to his followers.