Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

no joke, my brain started singing vince mcmahon's entrance music.

This game's got... NO CHANCE! NO CHANCE IN HELL!

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dark Legions by SSI. It's a DOS game that's like battle chess meets warhammer.

Here's a 3 min video giving a pretty decent explanation of the game.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

hmm... when you extract GUI.pkg file it should create a manifest folder and all the json that is in the package file.

I'd suggest you back up your changes, and extract GUI.pkg file again, and see what happens. And make sure it's the original GUI.pkg and not the overwritten one that is 129kb. once extracted check the manifest folder, it should have 121 files with the same names as the png in .json

I'm certain that's your problem somehow those files didn't get extracted or was deleted? Extract the og gui file and replace the art with your backed up changes and you should be good to go.

Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hi sure I'll be glad to help. So you have it unpacked, and you can view all the pretty artworks in Hades\Content\Win\Packages\GUI\textures\atlases

and you done edited what you wanted edit. Go back to the packages directory: Hades\Content\Win\Packages\ and rename the existing GUI.pkg to something like GUI.pkg.bak, then click on the address bar and type CMD, in the command prompt execute this command:

deppth pk -s GUI -t GUI.pkg

and it should pack it up.

Note idk if it's case sensitive, if you unpacked it as gui or Gui, rename that folder to GUI first and try it.

Let me know if it works out for you.

And I tried to upload my mod to basedmods but I think the file is too big and it keeps failing, and I got busy with other stuff so eh... maybe in the future.

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

I mean... one must be careful with his verbiage when his adversary has nothing in their arsenal but nitpick and pound the table.

chortles huff huff hoo hoo sips tea with pinky raised

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll let you know when it's up, but just a heads up, the game crashes for me a lot. I thought it might be the mod (which is a replacement of the GUI.pkg file) so I booted up steam using the exact same modded file and speedran the game to repeat the error and nothing, no crashes thus far when on the switch 2/3 of the time once you get past meg and advance to the next zone the game crashes. And in that area there are these bomb lobbers and I had a crash there and there wouldn't be a reason for the game to call from the GUI package asset and it still shit the bed.

So tonight, I'm going to fresh install hades no mod, on my SD and see if I get the same crashes to confirm it's not the mod that's causing it.

For what it's worth, people on the hades sub do mention crashes on the switch and how it ruins runs and that's kind of a bummer.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

the 720p version is done but looks bad on pc. I can clean that up and load it to basemods in a day or two if people want it.

1080p, is another beast, I'll have to manually reinsert the art, can probably do it in a few hours of focus time but so lazy, I mean so busy. And I been tinkering with AI more and working with different models and LoRAs and wondering if I should redo all the assets again in the style like the one on the right of this image

So I'm not sure, if you want the 1080p (standard) assets it'll be a week or two. And it's not a total conversion, just portraits swaps for the ladies.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm guessing because her daughter is the mother of a brooding teenage son so they want Persephone to look more motherly and Demeter to be the grandmother? Didn't get to that part yet. Also iirc she's one of the older siblings so if Zeus looks like a bearded Hogan, it makes sense she should look a bit haggard herself.

But you know, they're GODS! So what's the point of aging them someone like Hera when is typically described and portraited as a late-30s milf.

If you zoom in on my version you can see I put age lines back on Demeter to give her an older appearance, she kinda look like 2010s Madonna before she went crazy with surgery. Of course this Demeter still had a lot of work done to keep those mammaries nice and firm.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you have a hacked Switch? Sadly, that's the only way the mods will work on the Switch.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

how's this? I tried running it off some American comic style LoRAs and could use some feedback other than of the hands are bad. The hands are gonna stay bad.

Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay sorry for the repeated reply, how's this? I tried running it off some American comic style LoRAs and could use some feedback other than of the hands are bad. The hands are gonna stay bad.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't disagree, I went full goblin mode with the objective of making my own Hades portraits with blacks and hookers. Hence the huge knockers and replacing the main character with emo wojak.

I would very much rather have the styles of 90s DC comics like a Norm Breyfogle or a Jim Balent but that takes more time and effort that I didn't want to spend on this thing. Once I got things dialed in most of those were one to two shots, iirc Nyx and Demeter took about around 5 minutes of actual worktime.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm on a 4k monitor and I can tell ya 720p Hades look like ass!

No promises, but I'll work on it eventually. Just know it'll be quick and dirty. I can tell you right now Artemis is missing half her bow because of how the layout mapping is, instead of a box it's a trapezoid because the original art has her squatting. I'm not fixing it. What am I? A modder?

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Soon, like 3 days? I got it working but there are some errors I wish to fix before I package it, and like I said earlier it's 720p because I'm playing on Switch so it'll be pretty ugly on the pc.

I'll do a 1080p mod eventually maybe, and redo more assets and clean it up more. But this was just a project for my own amusement.

I'll submit it on basedmods and make a post here.

As for installing the mod just a heads up that you'll need to use deppth

Which requires python. Let me know if that's gonna be an issue

Jack 11 points ago +11 / -0

Soon, like 3 days? I got it working but there are some errors I wish to fix before I package it, and like I said earlier it's 720p because I'm playing on Switch so it'll be pretty ugly on the pc.

I'll do a 1080p mod eventually maybe, and redo more assets and clean it up more. But this was just a project for my own amusement.

I'll submit it on basedmods and make a post here.

Jack 13 points ago +13 / -0

That's the word I couldn't come up with when trying to explain the style to my pal, I just said like those shitty phone games with generic anime art. But yeah, gachapon, hence objectively shit lol

I'll share the mod after I clean up a thing or two but kind of busy now the holiday season is over. Or maybe go ham and do the 1080p version for PC. One way or another it'll end up on basedmods eventually.

Jack 14 points ago +16 / -2

That's the joke.

I objectifiedededed the uggos made by the woke anti-sex feminist mob, the puritanicals gonna catch some strays, I'm okay with that.

And hi, we haven't met. <--that's me :-3

Jack 22 points ago +22 / -0

Bigger image

Hadesman's portrait in game and main menu screen

Most important bit if bottom is tldr just read this: I'm not proud or pleased with myself, what I made is objectively shit. But I'm happy with how it turned out, because it got the job done and it worked. I Replaced what I found to be odious and took away from my (potential) enjoyment of the game and replaced it with anime chicks with big boobs and that's good enough for me.


I'll start off by saying I changed the assets for 720p instead of standard resolution, unfortunately they are separate and have different layouts and I wasn't about to do it twice.

I picked 720p so I can play with the “improvements” on my Switch. I own the game on Steam and Switch and have maybe 30 minutes logged collectively before I started.

Made that post asking about modding over a week ago and after I got it to work I started learning how to use AI to generate the replacement art assets. The main thing being ((giant_breast)) and ((((big_boobs)))) and using img2img with low denoising strength (how much the ai image gen changes from the original art. Then img2img the output, you can kinda of see the process with the two athena's on the top left of the picture.

It took about two and a half evenings of watching tv and waiting for pictures to generate, editing while waiting and about 2 hours of replacements. Made quite a few mistakes but it all works well enough for me that I'm not going back to fix the mistakes.

Don't want to run long so just a few more notes, I got tired of this shit about half-way thru and kinda half-assed a lot of it, I did lighten Ares and a few main offender's skins instead of doing a full-on replacement, I don't care about the style inconsistency. I would've been happy to take screencaps of porn videos and lasso out the actress than looking at the original work.

Towards the end I was rushing to finish so I can load it on the Switch and get some gaming in bed before naps. At the end that was what this was ultimately about: Just wanted to play vidya games.

Oh yeah, I sissified the twins, Hypnos and Thanatos, for reasons. Had I made the video I would explain why but let's say I did it because I was angry, tired, and thought it was funny. And it was.

Jack 10 points ago +10 / -0

"I can't breathe!" -Passengers of Alaskan Airline Flight 1282 while 41,000 feet in the air when the cabin depressurized.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

And clean your rooms.

I'm just adding bodyweight squats and horses stance to my routine for now. Already swim and bike, lapsed on biking but I'll get back to it.

Happy new year!

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Possible, I don't play enough to notice as most of those are for JRPGs and I ain't got time for that.

I would say that undubs are typically seen as an effort to correct shoddy localizations in fifth generation era on down. But even PS2, PSP, DS games gets some of love. Most are done by diehard autist and while I'm not a part of the scene I imagine pulling woke localization and calling it undub would earn you the same level of shame and notoriety as a speedrunner caught cheating.

But I'm talking out of my ass, all I know is if given the option I always go undubbed and it never failed me yet.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

Undubs are literally a thing in the romhacking community. It used to be to redo bad localization now it'll be to unfuck woke indoctrination.

Jack 17 points ago +17 / -0

While I only agree with 99.7%* of what the handsome roguish devil imp1 says I will defend to the death his right to say it.

But it's Friday and I'm kinda tired and hungry. And there is those CFB championship games coming up.

I'll see how this plays out in 2024.


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