Metro at 4 euros :(
Volunteers exploited like never before :(
Swimmers who will have to swim in the Seine which full of excrements and piss. a corpse was recently found there :(
Trash singer Aya Nakamura will be singing for the opening of the Olympic Games :(
Baptiste Moirot will carry the flame :(
Turns out he's a pedophile
-Change of plan. It's not Baptiste but a garbage man from Tiktok who will carry the flame :(
Athletes will be sleeping in CROUS (students) rooms :(
Maximum risk of terrorist attack :(
Top-secret Olympic documents stolen not once but 3 times :(
-Hideous Olympic Village that pays homage to Soviet architecture. :(
-Strike threats :(
-The inaugural dance :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsCFrJUAq7g
-The mascots :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJO4_5YPTMM&pp=ygUdam8gcGFyaXMgbWFzY290dGUgdXMgcmVhY3Rpb24%3D
-Migrants and homeless people moved to other cities :(
-Opening ceremony at €3k per seat :(
-Babies and children will be paying full price :(
-Hotels without guests because they've decided to charge tourists three times the usual price :( https://www.leparisien.fr/jo-paris-2024/jo-paris-2024-les-clients-ne-reservent-plus-a-lavance-les-billets-haut-de-gamme-peinent-a-seduire-22-04-2024-LS3I2CAO3BB4ZLB5ULAEACI5OQ.php
-Accommodation without air conditioning in the middle of August and cardboard beds for athletes. The sweat will the beds melts. https://youtu.be/3cppmw8Qq34?t=22
-Lack of security guard:(
-Some security guards are on the national watchlist :(
Atlanta turned the main stadium into Tuner Field and it was home to the Braves for 19 years. It wasn't a bad park, I appreciate how we manage to repurpose the stadium especially after seeing Russia and Brazil's treatment of their stadiums after the games.
And after the Braves left Atlanta to become the Cobb County Braves, Georgia State University's lousy Panthers play there.
Source: Am Panthers fan.
Bonus fact: the tennis court that was used during the Olympics in Atlanta (1996) was or will be demolished. And in its place will be a Costco. I'm okay with that.