A month ago or so there was a huge uproar because a bunch of them claimed they are too disabled to cook and leftovers contain histamines that make them sick so they have to doordash chicken tenders multiple times a day. It started out as cope for being so lazy and evolved into "after the revolution we will have a public kitchen we can visit free of charge." And of course when asked how that will be paid for they were stumped.
A month ago or so there was a huge uproar because a bunch of them claimed they are too disabled to cook and leftovers contain histamines that make them sick so they have to doordash chicken tenders multiple times a day. It started out as cope for being so lazy and evolved into "after the revolution we will have a public kitchen we can visit free of charge." And of course when asked how that will be paid for they were stumped.
Hold the phone! This is real? There is really have a commie commune that runs on chicken tendies? I would like to know more.