Hoofa 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love how this subforum is on constant patrol.

Hoofa 3 points ago +3 / -0

Considering how badly Starmer is bungling his quiet takeover of the UK, it does not surprise me ONE BIT that the same people behind him are the same ones behind Biden and Kamala.

Hoofa 2 points ago +2 / -0

pure gay energy radiating from the last several WoW expansions.

I'm looking for better words and I can't find them. We don't care about the same things the female and gay writers do.

Hoofa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Explain to me how, ahem: "perpetual cycle of pain and retaliation" isn't just another way of saying war guilt and reparations. Dude, the ending is SO left wing.

Hoofa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Came off well in the anime?

AoT was a nationalist story that got subverted into proping up global liberalism. There is no way you can sell the AoT ending as good.

Hoofa 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are two types of people that know Janet Yellen.

Those that know of her atrocious financial background in the housing crash.

And those that don't.

Hoofa 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you have high IQ, high impulse control, low crime rates, high personal income, strong internal culture, then you aren't reliant on Democrats. If you aren't a member of the minority-to-voting-left-wing-pipeline, you're not a minority.

Hoofa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because Blacks vote Democrat. It's not about the minority, it's about how much anti-white power your race gives to the establishment.

Hoofa 5 points ago +5 / -0

Each passing day, I become more and more convinced Dev is just paid to pretend to be moderate. Just like Destiny.

Hoofa 10 points ago +10 / -0

Spare the rod, spoil the child. This is a slap on the wrist, and the least we can do is carry out the punishment. At most, Jack Black just needs to shut up for four years. He can do that.

Hoofa 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was always the plan. The only reason to create these groups was to weaponize them on the rest of society.

Hoofa 6 points ago +6 / -0

Common knowledge that Destiny takes paychecks directly from ActBlue. The man works for the Democratic Party machine.

Hoofa 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'll say it. You're a fed. You have taken the most obvious of setups, focused on the distraction issue (the masks), and boosted the irrelevant bright glowing honeypot from the dungheap we were all willing to let it fester on. Had you been genuine you would have just ignored them. You're like that other guy that tried to pretend Fallout 4 was the best one, or the guy that tried to pretend Destiny wasn't taking paychecks directly from ActBlue affiliates. The internet is fake and gay, and each passing day it gets faker and gayer.

Hoofa 6 points ago +7 / -1

If you had any normie gay friends you'd just figure out they just get bombarded with way more propaganda than you do. Over half the shit they believe in is just psyops all the way down.

Hoofa 8 points ago +9 / -1

I don't get it. How are feminists an identity group? They made themselves feminists, and therefore they chose to be wrong about reality. It's like picking on fat acceptance people. Nothing wrong there.

Hoofa 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't age out of Diablo 2, or Left 4 Dead, or Unreal Tournament 2004, or Team Fortress (minus bots). Great games like these will always be fun at any age.

Speaking as a Left 4 Dead fan, how accessable is D2? Cos it's not on steam or anything.

Hoofa 4 points ago +4 / -0

It must be an election year.

Hoofa 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good. Replacing the character that the audience wants with their own is just an insult to their fans in the first place.

Hoofa 2 points ago +2 / -0

They want to be proven right. If you understand the leftist need for the world to be miserable just because they're miserable, then you'd know they secretly love this shit.

Hoofa 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always laugh at the Liberal fantasy of the Cowboy-Doctor, or the Hero-Lawyer, who is the Director of some multi-culti-corporate institute or firm that can stand firm against the rabble when his principles demand it. LOL. That's NOT possible. You rise up the ranks by bending over and taking it up the ass and never taking risks. You don't also get to be the individualistic maverick when you want to. The action requires a Right wing personality to perform. The Cowboy Doctor is like the Anti-Racist Frank Underwood - it's a joke.

Hoofa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh hell no. House of Cards was already ruined by Season 2. Written by pre-Trump-era Democrats, the show runners of a series about political backstabbing didn't understand a single thing about politics.

Sin #1 -They had the Bernie-Socialist recoiling from freezing the government too much?? Any self-respecting Commie-dipshit would be jerking off to how much damage their strike was doing, not clutching their pearls in horror. These writers fundamentally didn't understand how progressive activists think.

Sin #2 -The Putin-Dictator being a metoo-rapist and anti-feminist makes him a hero to the 2014-2016 viewers. The writers had the big bad Russians on one side, the super oppressed Feminists on the other, and backed the wrong horse. Anyone with a clue would have been neutral to the Russians and made the Feminsits a joke.

Sin #3 -The Main Character gets away with everything, all his enemies are retarded. Doesn't this take place in Washington DC? Shouldn't that place be infested with completely insincere backstabbing Democrats? The fact that every other character in the story other than Frank claims to be "one of the good ones" and "doing the right thing" is a clear misunderstanding of how corrupt that place is. The entire city is crawling with Frank Underwoods. He shouldn't be able to open his mouth without being interrupted by three or four knives being thrown at his back.

Hoofa 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah. This is so far out of left field I'm just gonna wait it out. Anything that piles up just in front of the election just gets filed under the "that sounds like total bullshit" section until further information comes out. Isn't it funny how so much of these scandals just pop up out of nowhere every four years, and how basically ALL of the scandals come from the right. I'm going back to work and I hope that guy is doing ok.

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