>Any surprises here?
Yes, I am surprised this data was allowed to be published.
The problem isn't the language, it's the type of person who uses it. It should be used as a litmus test to root out the crazies.
There was a lefty post I saw a while ago that explicitly stated the need to shift the narrative to "trump regret" and to make up stories like this.
This is the highest tier autism trans core game possible.
Good to know the complete enshittification of everything isn't technically illegal. Thanks for your input.
Presumably the subject at hand is not the entire form, but line 8 which is revenue from grants and contribution at $581M for 2022, which is also shown on the site you linked. If you have a more detailed breakdown of where this money comes from I'd like to see it. A university receiving 0.1% of GDP in individual donations seems like a lot, but I don't really have a frame of reference.
lol I look forward to seeing mr.walsh's independent efforts.
Two sad truths:
The only problem with veilguard was the budget.
The next democrat president only has to be 5% better than Kamala Harris.
>One of the comments was saying this could have been a test of response time or something.
Not a chance. You'd never live fire a pen test like this. Just having a guy climb a fence like that is incredibly dangerous, he could fall off and die or paralyze himself so easily. You'd never do this with anyone you pay health insurance for. Crazies do this kind of thing pretty regularly.
>arriving late
He starts climbing at 0:05, a cop is in frame by 0:34. That's a response time of 29 seconds, max. By 0:40 there's guys running across the law towards him. There's nothing late or delayed or artificial here anywhere.
Back in the day we called them witches
Just speculation, but the mentally ill often think of themselves as the center of the universe so when they post a reddit blog, they think everyone in the world read it. The idea that no one gives a fuck about them is unfathomable.
>how fucking convenient. I don't buy it
It confessed directly to police as well. There's likely video recording of the interview. There's not some grand conspiracy to make reddit moderators looked like deranged trannies, they just are.
Sure, but wouldn't you also like to not pay for this bs?
My mom was a teacher during no child left behind. We lived in a small town that was 99% white, so there were no minority groups to classify as being left behind. So they decided that the group that wouldn't be left behind would be the special ed class. That's right, they set the goal that literal medically classified retards should perform the same as everyone else. Needless to say, they did not reach their goals.
Is it? Because then you just go home, get paid for the last day, and don't have to drive in tomorrow.
I've only been fired once and it was over the phone after I had already gone home, and it pissed me the fuck off because I had to drive all the way back to turn in my ID so I got an extra days worth of commute for nothing.
About the same time as literally every thing else on the planet.
Holy fuck watch the video and read the subtitles faggot. Libs of tiktok lied then you added an extra lie on top of that.
"Man" and "woman" are distinguished from "boy" and "girl" by sexual maturity - becoming suitable for procreation. For a girl, this is something that happens naturally as she develops physically. For a boy, he develops physically but must also live up to the role, because he cannot procreate unless he is chosen (either by women or by the male collective). The lives of men and women are not the same.
The true anti-racism discount is just shoplifting.
Source: Youtube comment from name-name-4digit-number account
So is this a bot account or what?
A pardon requires conviction for specific crimes.
How do you figure? The constitution doesn't put any qualifications on pardons except excluding impeachment offenses. And just a quick glance around, even specific pardons include some broader language about other offenses during the same time period or in the same jurisdiction - presumably to prevent an angry prosecutor from finding some other related charge to push.
Dems risk Trump giving blank check pardons everyone in the phone book
? Why would he do that? How is that even related?
Sending this guy back to Haiti is cruel - to the other Hatians. He's has 17 criminal convictions already. We should put him in the ground and save everyone on earth from his future crimes.
A bullet went through a person and into another person. All the wacky magic bullet stuff was popularized or wholly invented by the JFK movie which is a work of fiction. People don't believe Trump was hit in the ear even though there is HD video of it happening and a photo of the bullet in flight.
These files are gonna come out and it's not going to change anything because people believe what they want to believe.
Activists want to take over video games because they think interactive media is the ultimate brain washing tool. They believe every human is tabula rasa and if you can control what they do for long enough, you can reprogram them to right all the wrongs in the world. As a bonus, they think all video game players are weak submissive nerds who are easily cowed into changing their behavior. So the whole thing ends up being the ultimate test case for social constructionist ideology.
They pathologically fantasize about this kind of manipulation, all day, it's what they live for. So when they finally try it and it doesn't work, they get pissed because you're ruining their life long fantasy. If you also point out some of the inner workings of their manipulation tactics, they get double pissed because that means they can't try again.
It all stems from an incomplete theory of mind, lefties don't understand how other people think. They have this cardboard cutout idea of gamers as just bully-able nerds, so when they encounter hyper fact focused autists they're completely taken by surprise.
I encountered this phenomenon in real life when I was in college (~2001). I took philosophy and it had a small breakout group that was taught by a grad student. He kept trying to prove moral relativism by giving us one sided reading assignments. But often I had some knowledge of whatever fucked up thing the subject was because I liked to spend my time reading this new fangled thing called wikipedia. Also, more importantly, the main way I had success in school was by meta gaming the intent of test questions. So I could tell just by the way he was presenting information that he was up to something and I often called him out on it. This eventually caused him to lose his fucking mind and prepare speech that he gave to the entire class in the passive voice. He went on about how "the class does X" or "this happens" when the only people who ever said anything in class were me and one other guy. He gave his speech, stormed out and we never saw him again, the class got rolled into another group.