MetallicBioMeat 14 points ago +14 / -0

I mean this is the modus operandi for this right, EU did not even allow the representatives to view the contracts and data, probably used the same type of pen for censorship aswell, haha

MetallicBioMeat 13 points ago +13 / -0

I think the difference is that before it was within his imaginary control and thus he could delude himself that it was what he himself wanted and accepted. With the entire breakoff and in the manner it was done it shook the foundations of his delusions, Time will tell on how he will solve this, if he will break free or just dig further into it, perhaps even becoming a tranny, haha

MetallicBioMeat 7 points ago +7 / -0

To my memory there were a couple of older people who got heart attacks or similar stuff, or perhaps they count the suicide afterwards.

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do like it's artstyle feels somehow like a diorama for some reason without being too jarring. How is the gameplay does it manage to keep the mini rts and hack and slash part working fine? Or are the bots too brain dead (and thus requiring constant saving, heh)?

MetallicBioMeat 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, I don't think you can inspect the web-page for variables, the api is more for setting up your own bots which require you to code them yourself.

MetallicBioMeat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Scored does not really to my knowledge keep any documentation, their help page about api states to reverse engineer using a web browser to use it, so you need to ask in meta or directly to C, sadly.

Alternative ask other forum moderator who by trial and error has solved it.

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, another series bites the dust, shame. I wonder how much epic payed them for this or if it were entirely their own stupidity.

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

How about you let me mod (only to keep the spam down), we have collaborate before so I would hope that we have some trust in each other.

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sorry there seems to be some misunderstanding?

I was not insinuating that this was some psyop of some sort, I was more wondering if the motive was truly as simple as validation (not sure this is the right term, so pardon that)

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, perhaps he can blame his environment, he is after all british, what can be expected of him, haha

But more seriously and perhaps a stupid question why do we get these people who think they are god's gift even in this little forum? Is it the lack of the old culture of lurking? Even tough I presume most of us are sort of digtal nomads especially in current times.

Is just to be the pope of something that drives it?

Pardon my rambling, but I just don't understand.

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has the XMPP servers and clients improved in such way that they are more normie friendly now? or they are still more for technical users?

MetallicBioMeat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not quite, it just require the home server to be online and then able to communicate with the other home server. You could sign up to someone else home server instead of setting up your own, Instructions for joining other home server this would work similar to how SimpleX and other works from a user perspective (ofc that means to some extent you need to trust that server).

If you go the extra mile and setup your own then atm there is only one know stable server see Instructions for setting up your own server.

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Will this be a BRIDGE too far?

Or just indication that the japs are doing catch up to the west.

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

The pr is that this is for preventing criminals (organised crime gangs) from moving their assets around. Oh and it would also help with the russian yatch confiscation that is being done.

MetallicBioMeat 3 points ago +3 / -0

And here I thought we were not supposed to go through the history of others and that was something I did?

So care to present the evidence then?

MetallicBioMeat 5 points ago +5 / -0

where certain hardware isn't supported.

Phone number, hardware, words. It's all just chars to you? Haha.

The problem is you don't read your own text, you just throw it out as rambling mess and then get pissed when it is pointed out to you.

MetallicBioMeat 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hmm, You got the matrix eco system (but to fair I have not used that for years so not kept up to date on it security) and since it is a decentralised system I'm unsure if it is what you are looking for since most central system wants to have a phone number.

MetallicBioMeat 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just to confirm I've had the exact same issues with signal and as near as I can work out it's a classic open source thing where certain hardware isn't supported.

I know that Signal is the normie tier "privacy" app, but it's a nonstarter for me because it requires a phone number.

You should stop getting high, start to think then perhaps you could use words meaningfully, haha

MetallicBioMeat 16 points ago +16 / -0

This a bit of a old plan, Started around the 2021 this mean that they have started to implement it now

Presume it is this in case someone is bored and want to go through the all the details. Was approved in April and member states has 30 months to implement it so changes will occur around 2026, so you got time to hide your bounty, haha

MetallicBioMeat 13 points ago +13 / -0

Did they say it in Japanese aswell, and spelled it correctly? Haha, still it is good to see that the backlash reached this far, but it is not good enough, hope it flops completely to ensure that the message reach the shareholders.

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good old news, The problem as always is to get people to understand that this things are real and are worked upon consider the age of the docs you can see how easy it is to dupe people. How much do we want to bet if it requires 20 years more?

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, and I sincerely doubt that you could accomplish such a feat even if asked. But if you want to ensure these is done in a more legal process we could go through your history and previous statements and thus see how much they concur or not with your new statement. Personally that seems dreadfully dull even for me, since you never use words as intended or care about context except what is in your own head. There is a reason for why you got your reputation.

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the exterminatus plan is off the table then?

Is this not a normal problem with behavior of people that you can only really direct them as mobs and as such nuance is completely lost, which would not be a problem if people could think for themself thus be available to ascertain if the issue is valid or not, not sure how we ever is going to get to that point thus is this not merely the cost of doing business?

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